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More State Issues with Fence Requirements

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  • More State Issues with Fence Requirements

    So I complained earlier because the state is requiring I have a fence put up in my front yard. As never been an issue before but now there is a new registrar and all of a sudden there are issues. Also, my neighbor down the road from me does child care and it has never been an issue for her. She doesn't need a fence, why should I. she has a different registrar though.

    Anyways, I have to go to court to get a permit from town, buy the products and ect. It has taken a month and a half to do this. Today they come out to "inspect" the fence and There is like 2 ft between the edge of the fence and the neighbors lot line so it fails. Are you kidding me. You are not allowed to put things within 2 ft of your neighbors lot line. This is getting rediculous. Then.... my neighbors garbage blew over into my property and he tells me it needs to be cleaned up before the kids can play outside. First off, no ****. Second, it's going to have to wait until after business hours. How can I clean it up and watch the children? Duh. The neighbor is not home so I really can't call them to come get their garbage.

    It just seems they are out to get me. I provide quality care and have never had an issue, complaint or anything.

  • #2
    Originally posted by gbcc View Post
    Then.... my neighbors garbage blew over into my property and he tells me it needs to be cleaned up before the kids can play outside. First off, no ****. Second, it's going to have to wait until after business hours. How can I clean it up and watch the children? Duh. The neighbor is not home so I really can't call them to come get their garbage.
    I think I would have had a hard time keeping those thoughts in my head and not letting them come out my mouth. Sorry to hear about all the problems. What do you have to do with the fence now that it failed?


    • #3
      Oh, I had a hard time keeping the thoughts to myself but I don't want them getting an ego trip and making it even more difficult. So, I have to spend more money while they keep me from getting my lisence and making any darn money.

      I have to go purchase another 2 ft to cover the gap but according to zoning, that will probably require another court hearing and another month and a half wait.


      • #4
        You said another daycare in your neighborhood is not required fencing, perhaps because of a different licensor on her case? That's a problem, as state stautes regarding daycares dictate when fencing is required, usually having to do with proximity to high traffic roads, railroads, or water. Those statutes should be applied fairly to all. Being married to a cop, I'm a real stickler for detail, rules & regs- but they need to be applied evenly. Sorry to hear you are having issues. Does your neighbor have fencing that you didn't attach to (allowing for property line issues) resulting in the gap? Perhaps rearranging the yard, with a storage shed or something covering that gap to prevent kids from leaving would be good enough for your licensor without having to redo the fenceline?


        • #5
          I am a stickler on the rules as well and there is nothing in the regulations that state there has to be a fence. She is going by a regulation that states the children have to have safe outside play area. She is expanding that to what she wants. I tried to go over her head and speak to the supervisor but the supervisor said she thought it was a good idea. I don't care what her "thoughts" are. That is unethical. I would also need a permit for a shed. I thought about a bush, but I would never get it into the ground this time of year.


          • #6
            Originally posted by gbcc View Post
            Oh, I had a hard time keeping the thoughts to myself but I don't want them getting an ego trip and making it even more difficult. So, I have to spend more money while they keep me from getting my lisence and making any darn money.

            I have to go purchase another 2 ft to cover the gap but according to zoning, that will probably require another court hearing and another month and a half wait.
            Call your county commissioner and ask them that since trying to earn a living is impossible here, where do you need to go to get on welfare?

            We got the runaround with licensing for a while, excuses, delays, feet dragging, "emergencies", repeated canceled inspections, etc.

            Go up and above the inspector and see if there is some logic present in a supervisor.

            As far as the fence goes....I've raised livestock and seen kids in action, if there's a gap in the fence, it's the first thing they head for and BAM they're gone. Happens every time. I can understand the need for a continuous fence....a 2' gap kinda makes it pointless to have a fence.

            As far as the hearing and all that rigamarole, if you've already had your inspection, just put it up and feign ignorance. It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
            Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


            • #7
              Here a fence is at the discretion of the licensor. My neighbor did daycare and needed a fence, but I did not. We are on a circle and her house was on the corner so she needed a fence due to easier access to the street.

              That said, we eventually put up a fence anyway because it is so much easier.


              • #8
                I guess I don't understand why there's a 2 foot gap? I understand why you can't put things 2 foot from your neighbors line, but what is the fence up too? Is there a fence that is your neighbors? Why did you not make the fence run (2 foot from the line) along the line to the end of your yard?

                I guess I don't understand.

                And yes a child would just try to get right out. My son would in a heart beat!


                • #9
                  The fence goes along my front yard. It begins 2 ft from my neighbors property were there is a bush on the neighbors property and runs along the front yard to the driveway. 100ft. long. If it was regulation that was written some where fine, it's the law. But this is just some old bag that wants to challenge everything I do.

                  Yes, a child will get through a gap but.... what is from stopping him from going into my neighbors yard to walk around the fence. This is why I think she is being rediculous. Just because it goes to the end of my property line doesn't mean the child still can't go around it.

                  So, here is what it looks like
                  B - bush
                  F - Fence
                  D - Driveway



                  • #10
                    I know here in Indiana (or at least I was told) you have to have a fenced in yard to be licensed.

                    But to me fenced in yard means a fence all the way around the play area. So that the child can not just walk right out. It should go from your house, to the end of the play area, over and then back to your house, if your house is the start of their play area, otherwise pretty much making a square with the fence in your yard.

                    Also, so sickos can't just get in! And like someone else posted before some stray dog running wild.

                    I have two gates in my yard. One has a child latch, which is hard for adults to even use and the other, at the back of the yard has a carabiner clip, turn to the outside, so that the little ones can't open the gate.

                    Yeah, kids are smart...that's the problem...too smart. My DS would walk out just because you told him not too.


                    • #11
                      I would think 'fenced in' means a fence all the way around the area, like a square, with a gate for entry.
                      I see little people.


                      • #12
                        GBCC, where are you located?
                        Here in Ca. you have to have a fenced in play space outdoors. BUT, it doesn't have to be the front yard. My back yard is fenced, my front yard is not. But, defintely a completley fenced space is and should be required, for EVERY a safety rule, it's common sense.


                        • #13
                          I am in NY and here there are no specific regulations to a fence. I only know of one provider in this area that has a fence, but by her own choice. And yes, you would think she would require it to go all the way around, but no... she just said it has to be accross my front yard to the driveway. See why this is not making sence? There is a provider at the end of my road that lives on the intersection corner, no fence. Another lady 5 homes down, no fence. I'm not angry that I need a fence. I am angry because I am being targetted and there are no regulations to support it.


                          • #14
                            The county in which I live it's up to the discretion of the licensor. We live on a county highway where the speed limit is 55mph. As of now, we are not required to have a fence. We have 20 acres of land, the house is quite a distance from the road, and the play area is behind that (even further from the road). The only children who come anywhere near the road are the school aged kids getting on/off the bus. Our licensor lives out even more rural than we are and she understands the area.

                            We have a piece of yard we'd like to fence in eventually, but we haven't gotten that far yet. It's not been quite a year since I got my license.
                            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by gbcc View Post
                              I am in NY and here there are no specific regulations to a fence. I only know of one provider in this area that has a fence, but by her own choice. And yes, you would think she would require it to go all the way around, but no... she just said it has to be accross my front yard to the driveway. See why this is not making sence? There is a provider at the end of my road that lives on the intersection corner, no fence. Another lady 5 homes down, no fence. I'm not angry that I need a fence. I am angry because I am being targetted and there are no regulations to support it.
                              Then I think I would be asking these questions to the lady who told you, you needed the fence. Ask her why others don't need it.

