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Saying Grace

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  • #16
    So Cute!

    I love all these little songs you guys have posted! I especially love the one to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star, and I think I'll start using it today.

    I don't have issues with grace, since all of the kids I keep have parents who are aware I am a Christian and that I say Grace and read bible stories to the kids. They actually seem to prefer it, even if they don't do it at home.


    • #17
      Unless you run a Christian Daycare, I don't think religous songs, rhymes, verses, prayers or stories belong as part of your Daycare day. Now, if you VERY SPECIFICALLY tell parents during your interview that this will be part of your routine and they are all for it, then fine. Otherwise, it puts you in a sticky spot. I have 2 Christian dc sisters and every now and then they will mention something from church or sunday school. I just say "oh, cool", and leave it at that. If your daughter prays before meals, great, but if dc parent has a problem with her own kids picking up on it and repeating it at home, maybe your daughter can do it silently. Doesn't sound like there's a problem at this point, however, according to your post.


      • #18
        At the Home Daycare/Preschool I work at we let the parents know from the very beginning that we are a Christian Day Care & Preschool. We have daily worship each morning before Preschool begins, then we have a Bible Story and Devotions before we do anything else in class. We also have a weekly memory verse (or bi-weekly if I feel the children need more time to memorize it, as we only meet for preschool 2 times a week for the 2 1/2 & 3 yr olds and 3 times a week for the 4 & 5 yr olds). Plus we say grace before meals or snacks, and talk about Jesus throughout the day (i.e "It makes Jesus sad when we use words like that", or "when we hit someone", etc).
        Our goal is to plant seeds in these little ones, and hopefully lead them into their own relationship with Christ. You need to stand up and be proud of being a Christian! God's word even tells us not to be ashamed of being Christians:
        2 Timothy 1:8 "So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God"

        Luke 9:26 "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels".

        I think it's great that your daughter talks openly about God. What a testimony and witness she can be to the other children! Don't be afraid of what the other parents might say. Who knows what seeds your daughter could be planting as the other children repeat at home what your daughter says. If the parents don't like it, let them pull their children out - God will bless your efforts as a Christian. You need to spread the good news of Christ as much as you can! You may be the nearest thing these little ones see of Jesus. Keep up the good work!


        • #19
          I agree with you 100%! Keep up the good work!



          • #20
            at a center i used to work at they did this one:

            open shut them
            open shut them
            give a little clap
            open shut them
            open shut them
            lay them in your lap
            (after they did) now you may eat.

            my sons preschool did:

            please and thank you
            please and thank you
            youre welcome too
            youre welcome too
            we always use our manners
            we always use our manners
            at home and at school
            at home and at school
            thank you

