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Saying Grace

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  • Saying Grace

    At my daughter's preschool, at snack time they say grace. It goes like this:
    Here are grandma's glasses, here is grandma's cap. See the way she folds her hands and puts them on her lap. God is good, God is great and we thank Him for our food. Amen.

    We do this at supper. However in the last 2 weeks are so, daughter has been doing this at lunch w/dck. Well, this morning at breakfast (before my kids were up) the 2 dcks did it. They said they do it at home. Now, this family does not go to church and mom has 2 kids out of wedlock with 2 different dads. I'm not judging. Just stating the facts. They know we go to Church. Does anyone see this as a problem? My daughter is 5 and talks openly about God and Jesus. Grandpa or mom (his daughter) hasn't said anything to me. But in case they do, how should I handle it? I don't think it would be right for my daughter not to pray before eating. But at the same time, I don't want to make the family uncomfortable either.

  • #2
    Personally, I would state that I understand his concerns but I am very proud of my child for telling others about the love and word of God. They will hear much worse at school but you will not tell your child he/she can't speak of their love for God or Jesus. It is up to the Grandpa to follow up on the children's questions though and assure him you and your child are not preaching.


    • #3
      What a wonderful example your child is setting for the others. They may not have this experience anywhere else so if they can feel the love of God through your child's honest and sincere prayers/speech then what a perfect way for them to be introduced to it.

      On a practical side...We are a Christian family but I do not claim to run a religious or Christian daycare. However, as a product of the home environment the children in my care are sure to hear songs and discussions/prayers while they are here. I have this statement in the parent handbook to kind of cover my bases...

      Religious Beliefs and Teaching

      I believe it is primarily each family’s responsibility to teach their religious beliefs to their children. However, I do share Christian values and God’s love through everyday experiences such as Bible stories, songs, and simple prayers.

      If the parents ask you about it, just simply say something like "Oh yes, that is the prayer my daughter says before meals."


      • #4
        Our Prayer befor meals is...

        It is to the tune of Twinkle Twinke Little Star.
        Thank-you, Thank-you my heart sings.
        Thank-you Lord for Everything.


        • #5
          Mealtime Song?

          During daycare, we don't say anything before meals and snacks, and it really bothers me, especially at lunch time. Right now, the kids just dig in, even before everyone is at the table. I'd like to have a song or rhyme to say before everyone starts, to teach the kids to wait til everyone's ready. We do give thanks as a family, but I don't feel it's right to expect the daycare kids to give thanks to God (who they may or may not be raised to believe in). I wouldn't want my own kids to be praying to Buddha or any other god if they went to daycare, and I would think my parents probably have the same opinion.

          So my question is, does anyone have a ******* thankfulness or mealtime song or rhyme? I've googled it a few times, but everything I've found refers to God ...


          • #6
            One word was bleeped -- what I was asking for was a general, non-religious song.


            • #7
              I have a disclaimer right in my handbook that states 'while this is not a religious daycare program the subject of God will come up occasionally while your child is in care. For instance if a child takes notice of gender difference I will tell him/her that "God made him that way", or if someone or a pet dies "he/she is in heaven with God". If you are uncomfortable with this policy then this is not the ideal place for your child.
              I see little people.


              • #8
                I address the subject in my policies, and discuss it at interviews. Basically it says that while I am not specifically a Christian Daycare, this is a Christian home, and I raise my own children in this environment, so we say a blessing before meals, I have a nativity up at Christmas and read both secular and non- secular stories for holidays like Easter and Christmas. I do not discriminate and all faiths are welcome, so please feel free to talk to me about your traditions and needs. The vast majority of my families do not go to church at all, but have no problem with me teaching and saying grace at meals, or telling the nativity story etc. Over the years I have had families of other faiths- One was Jewish and they were OK with blessings at meals- we of course had to make some adaptations to the menu (to be kosher) and we included a book about Hannukkah & Passover to share with everyone what some of that families traditions were. We changed grace from "come Lord Jesus be our guest" to "God is Great God is good let us thank him for our food" If we can't all be respectful while still maintaining our faith in a daycare, how can they do it in the big world later? I have had buddhist families that completely allow their childfen to participate, and seem to find no conflict in following buddhist teachings and traditions, finding Buddhism and Christianity not mutually exclusive from their perspective.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DBug View Post
                  During daycare, we don't say anything before meals and snacks, and it really bothers me, especially at lunch time. Right now, the kids just dig in, even before everyone is at the table. I'd like to have a song or rhyme to say before everyone starts, to teach the kids to wait til everyone's ready. We do give thanks as a family, but I don't feel it's right to expect the daycare kids to give thanks to God (who they may or may not be raised to believe in). I wouldn't want my own kids to be praying to Buddha or any other god if they went to daycare, and I would think my parents probably have the same opinion.

                  So my question is, does anyone have a ******* thankfulness or mealtime song or rhyme? I've googled it a few times, but everything I've found refers to God ...
                  I make all of my children sit quietly at the table until everyone has food in front of them. I put the plates down oldest to youngest to help ensure everyone has food before a child starts digging in.

                  As far as words of thankfulness you could try:

                  Thank you for the food we eat, Thank you for the friends we meet, Thank you for the birds that sing, We give thanks for everything!


                  "To the plants and animals who make up our food, to the cook who bought it and cooked it we say:" and have everyone say "thank you" together.
                  Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GretasLittleFriends View Post
                    As far as words of thankfulness you could try:
                    Thank you for the food we eat, Thank you for the friends we meet, Thank you for the birds that sing, We give thanks for everything!
                    My son's prayer is similar to the Thank you above: Dear God, thank you for my food, my family, and my friends. Amen. You can drop the Dear God and Amen and you are good to go.

                    You could also just have the kids say what they are thankful for. Make sure you say what you are thankful for also, even if you are thankful for the upcoming naptime .


                    • #11
                      I agree with Carol...

                      My Handbook addresses this as well. Most families I have had do not go to church, but they actually appreciate them being exposed to it at daycare. If someone does come who has different religious beliefs, we can easily adapt so everyone is included.


                      • #12
                        Thank you everyone. I was bit surprised by all the comments. I was hesitiant of posting my concern because of someone blasting me for it. I feel much better now. I didn't even know my daughter said grace at preschool until the one day I stayed and helped make applesauce after they had a field trip to an apple orchard.


                        • #13
                          At my former center we use to say the "God is great..." prayer before lunch. We said that for years but then my former director came along and she said because in today'society with all the different religions etc we couldn't say it anymore. While I respected that statement and discontinued it, I thought it odd since no one complained. I also could not talk about God, Heaven, and things like that.

                          Then along came A who was 3. Her mother was a single parent who also happened to be a Jehovah Witness. She liked the fact that we didn't talk about God and Jesus etc. However she did not like the fact that I taught about Christmas (Santa believing etc)...or Valentine's Day or any holiday celebration. I flat out told my former director that I will NOT change my curriculum to suit one parent. I don't care if A didn't do the projects etc but I am not going to change everything around for one person. Mom also made the comment that her religion doesn't celebrate birthdays. Yet on his birthday she whispered to me, don't forget that today is A's birthday but we aren't celebrating anything. Umm hello? Then why bring it up?

                          This mother also didn't want me to say the Pledge of Allegiance in front of A because of the reference to God. Umm ok. Where do I put him? By this time he is 4 years old. First my former director said behind the wall. Ok so now everyone is looking at A thinking he is in trouble. Then we would put A in the younger group. Well because he was older and he knew it, he would get out of control.

                          Finally I had a nice long talk with the mother and told her while I completely respect her religion, I am not going to be signalling A out anymore. He can sit in front of the cubbies in full view as to not draw anymore attention. She actually asked me if he did the Pledge. I told her no however he does know it since he hears it all the time.

                          A eventually became one of the "bad" kids that in mommy's eyes could do no wrong. Funny enough, she put a 1 month notice because the other dc she was planning on taking him to wasnt opened yet. The week before A's last day she said that she got a notice saying that the dc wouldn't be open for another 2 weeks so she needed him to stay. Well that made my former director mad and I had to tell her that we already filled his spot. It was so nice to see the nasty Grandmother's face when I told her! It made my day!


                          • #14
                            I have it in my contract that I am a Christian based daycare, that way there is no confusion. It is the first sentence in my contract.

                            I made this one up and the kids really like it:

                            If you are thankful and you know it fold your hands,
                            If you are thankful and you know it bow your head,
                            If you are thankful and you know it then your heart will surely show it
                            If you are thankful and you know it praise the Lord. AMEN!

                            We act it out and and the AMEN, we throw our hands up for fun.

                            Sometimes we do Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen. I usually do that one when I have had a frustrating morning and don't feel like singing.


                            • #15
                              We sing to the tune of "Are You Sleeping?"
                              "Thank you Father
                              Thank you Father
                              for this food
                              for this food
                              and our many blessings
                              and our many blessings
                              Amen, amen"
                              to the tune of the Superman theme song
                              "Thank you God
                              for giving us food (repeat)
                              for the friends we meet
                              for the food we eat
                              Thank you God
                              for giving us food (repeat)"
                              The boys really like this one b/c it's the Superman prayer!

