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The Oval Office

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  • The Oval Office

    So i have a dcb who is 4.5 going to kindy in the fall..

    When he goes #2 he sits on the toilet for about 30-45 min. Hes not constipated, just takes forever to do his business...

    Its becoming an issue because i only have one bathroom for 4 kids to use. If he is the first one down from the table he will be the first one in the bathroom to unload, which means everyone else has to wait. He also goes #2 several times a day. Seriously he spends almost an hour to 1.5 hours in the bathroom daily.

    I told the mom that it was an issue and she just thinks its funny. I also told her that there is NO way that the school will allow him to sit on the toliet for that long during school time.

    SO how do you get a child to go in and do their business in a timley manner??
    I feel bad that I am always having to rush him to get off the toilet...

  • #2
    Try putting a book in there for the bathroom only--hard cover, board book so it's easy to wash and sanitize. Have him sit while he reads it and then tell him when it's done (and let him know you know how long it takes to read it) that it's time to get off the toilet so others can use it. If he still needs to go, then let him know he can go back when others are done using the bathroom. Maybe have him read it two or three times. Whatever amount of time to use the bathroom.


    • #3
      this child would sit there forever still... I tired a small kids magazine a few months back, but he would just sit there and make up songs or words to the book and take even longer.. I seriously need to light a fire under his butt....


      • #4 of my girls (my own) is 6 yrs old and we are forever yelling at her to get her butt OUT of the bathroom. Once she announces she has to go #2 we know she will be there awhile. LOL
        It is and has been an every day battle with her. She has taken things in there with her (book, toys, video game) which I do not allow anymore as originally I thought that is what was taking so long. However..still to this day she is in there for ever with no toys or anything!!
        I have not had any complaints at school in regards to this..just us at home when either one of my DCK or one of us have to use the bathroom. In which case - her reply..ready for this "I will get up, "whoever" can go and then I will finish after" LMBO


        • #5
          oh my gosh that is soooo funny... i wish that this kid could do that

          He got upset with me today because I told him finished or not you need to be done right now. (one of the other kids really had to go) He got so mad that he said I cant just cut it off, I have not even dropped yet...............I was so grossed out at the thought...


          • #6
            LMBO!!! Oh goodness!!!
            Have him use a potty chair in another room (private) until he can go faster LOL...that is not mean is it?? It sounds mean to me :confused:. I am sure he will NOT like it, but it may help get the ball rolling next time. ::
            Maybe ask Mom for some suggestions as I am 100% positive he does it at home as well. When my girls were in pre school no one ever commented on it so I do not think she went except at home. The only home daycare she had was maybe he is comfy there but will not do it at school either.


            • #7
              his moms BF joking around just said that I need to install spikes on my toilet like they do for the pigeons so that pigegons wont sit on stuff and poo.... hes funny...

              Maybe I can get one of those medical toilets that people in wheel chairs use.... or not that would be gross to have to clean that


              • #8
                Yah cleaning it out..hmmm on second thought ::


                • #9
                  I have a lot of experience with this and this is the BEST trick I know:

                  I use a little kids potty and have them sit with thier knees high cradled in their arms leaning forward. This gives them the BEST position to move the poo down and out. If they are having any straining... I do a little back massage with light fingertips on their bare skin. Like a light back scratch... very light and puts them in major RELAX zone.

                  This position, light relax back scratch, plus one jar of stage three baby pears (the four ouncer) per day seems to do the trick. I also make sure I get pureed greens into their soups and stews. Spinach and asparagus seem to have the best "outcome" for a soft poop the next day.

                  Mondays are the hardest day because they haven't relaxed and pooped on the little potty for three days and haven't had their pear sauce. Once we take care of the weekend reserve they are good to go for the rest of the week. If they haven't gone on the weekend at all then I do a Cathearder and give them a nice cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows before they do sit down to try to go.

                  Dumping the potty sucks but it's worth it to have the least amount of pain and straining. Having a good position, good food, and relaxation works so well. It eliminates the medical route of stool softeners and Miralax (whcih I hate so much).

                  With older kids (near four to five year olds) who have a history of problems in this area .. they ASK specifically for the little potty when they have to poop because it is SO much easier for them to do it in that position. They don't feel like babies using it because they know they won't have to sit as long and they won't have to strain to get it out.


                  • #10
                    My own kids are like this too, and I totally agree with what Nan said. For my kids, I had to get them in the habit of doing their business after dinner time the summer before they each started kindy (up til then I was a SAHM, so they could take as long as they wanted, whenever they wanted), since I was worried they'd be spending forever in the bathroom at school too. That meant we had to really cut back on evening activities, since they needed an hour of "downtime" after supper every day.

                    Anyway, you may want to suggest that this dcb's parents give him some toilet time (as we call it in our house : everyday in the evening. Hopefully without the stress of other kids needing the bathroom, his system may be able to relax and do it's thing quicker, kwim?


                    • #11
                      I would just have him wait until the others went. Then let him go last.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                        I would just have him wait until the others went. Then let him go last.
                        but he does this several times a day at 25-40 min each time. That is the probelm...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daycare View Post
                          but he does this several times a day at 25-40 min each time. That is the probelm...
                          I would still have him wait, when he says, Miss DayMom, may I use the bathroom? I would say,.. just a moment,.. Hello friends, does anyone need to use the bathroom? and send whoever did in first, Same as I do when my DH has to be in there. Here we have a rule,.. Pooper gets last pot time. We have 6 people, 11 day friends using one bathroom here. Poopers yield to potty-ers.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                            I would still have him wait, when he says, Miss DayMom, may I use the bathroom? I would say,.. just a moment,.. Hello friends, does anyone need to use the bathroom? and send whoever did in first, Same as I do when my DH has to be in there. Here we have a rule,.. Pooper gets last pot time. We have 6 people, 11 day friends using one bathroom here. Poopers yield to potty-ers.
                            lmao..... well i guess i am not doing something right, as this has been the rule, but sometimes I have no choice but to allow him to go when needed. One time i told him he had to wait he almost pooped in his pants..... He was to tears and i felt horrible for making him wait.

                            I really do have to find a way to resolve this, he goes to kindy in the fall and I have made the announcment thing of who has to go before *** goes in there...I get nope don't have to, but then 5-10min later one of the other kids will start crying i hve to pee right now.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                              I would still have him wait, when he says, Miss DayMom, may I use the bathroom? I would say,.. just a moment,.. Hello friends, does anyone need to use the bathroom? and send whoever did in first, Same as I do when my DH has to be in there. Here we have a rule,.. Pooper gets last pot time. We have 6 people, 11 day friends using one bathroom here. Poopers yield to potty-ers.
                              that is so funny. I'm lucky, I have 4 bathrooms in my house. maybe have a timer, after 15min. time is up. I'm wondering if he is just gassy and doesn't really realize that he doesn't have to poop. Imagine going to a restaurant with this kid, omg that would be so embarressing, I know people need to go but for 40 min. So either use a timer or get a potty, to me I think he's never been told to hurry up and loves to have ring around the bum.

