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Shorted Pay

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  • Shorted Pay

    I have a SA family that has only been coming for about two months now. Their child misbehaved on the school bus and was suspended from riding for one day. The day the child wasn't supposed to ride the bus (Monday), DCM emailed to tell me that they'd be picking the child up from school and they wouldn't be attending that day. Fast forward to Friday...

    DCD hands me the check and he's taken out the amount for the day the child wasn't here. He says "yeah, well, we didn't come Monday, so..."

    SO? So read your contract, which states that you pay regardless of attendance!! How is it MY fault that your child couldn't behave and you had to pick them up from school?

    I got kind of flustered and didn't really say much, because the last time this happened with another family, DCD got really beligerant (sp) with me and it turned into a really bad situation. This DCD is super nice and I'm sure that wouldn't happen again, but I'm "gun shy" at this point. How can I, nicely but firmly, let them know that they still need to pay me for Monday? This came during a week when I REALLY need every cent to pay bills. It seems like my families never stop to consider that this is my job, and they can't just short my pay at a whim.

  • #2
    Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
    I have a SA family that has only been coming for about two months now. Their child misbehaved on the school bus and was suspended from riding for one day. The day the child wasn't supposed to ride the bus (Monday), DCM emailed to tell me that they'd be picking the child up from school and they wouldn't be attending that day. Fast forward to Friday...

    DCD hands me the check and he's taken out the amount for the day the child wasn't here. He says "yeah, well, we didn't come Monday, so..."

    SO? So read your contract, which states that you pay regardless of attendance!! How is it MY fault that your child couldn't behave and you had to pick them up from school?

    I got kind of flustered and didn't really say much, because the last time this happened with another family, DCD got really beligerant (sp) with me and it turned into a really bad situation. This DCD is super nice and I'm sure that wouldn't happen again, but I'm "gun shy" at this point. How can I, nicely but firmly, let them know that they still need to pay me for Monday? This came during a week when I REALLY need every cent to pay bills. It seems like my families never stop to consider that this is my job, and they can't just short my pay at a whim.

    I would give them a note letting them know that per their contract payment is required for each day regardless of attendance. Not your fault the child got suspended from the bus. Ughhhh! I feel your frustration!


    • #3
      Since the mom emailed you, I would email her your contract or portion thereof and highlight/underline/bold however you want the parts that require payment regardless of attendance AND requirement to inform you when a child is not attending care.

      Then tell the parents you require X amount for this week's weekly fee to be caught up in payment and for the misunderstanding this time you will waive the late fee for not receiving payment in full.


      • #4
        I would start by saying, "Just to let you know, I'm still going to need payment for Monday of last week. Unfortunately, I can't take it off the bill." (with a smile)

        If you feel any friction, just simply state that you have it specified in the contract, and offer to show it. If it goes further, end the conversation then and there. "I will just add it to your bill, and you can decide what you are going to do." Then carry on about your day.

        The next time you see them, or by mail if necessary, give an invoice with that day shown as past due, and any other payments. Include a late fee, but add a message below that says "late fee waived if balance paid in full by ___".
        Include a highlighted copy of your policy.

        That usually does the trick, provided you NEVER APOLOGIZE.


        • #5
          This is why I made up an "oops" form. My families just deposit their checks into a basket by my sign-in book, which I don't pull/register until Saturday mornings, so I don't catch their mistakes until weekends.

          In LARGE font on the top of the form says,

          "Oops! There was a mistake in your last check!"

          (My logo inserted here)

          Fee for daycare (dates) $___
          Amount of last check $___ Check #___

          Overpayment: Please take $___credit on your next payment
          Underpayment: Please bring $___ cash/check by (date)
          include late fee of $___ for a total of $___if paid after (date)

          If you have questions/concerns, please let me know!


          • #6
            I would just tell them that their agreement is full fees regardless of attendance. If they would like to switch to a daily as needed rate the daily rate when they do use care is 1.5 X the amount they pay daily now and you will have to let them know daily whether or not you can do it. It's not a guaranteed slot... just whenever you have an opening and want to take the child. If that will work better for them then let's switch the contract.

            You can't allow parents from the past stop you from doing the right thing today. The parents who will go ballistic when you tell them they can't have free days based on non attendance are going to go ballistic over some other no that comes their way too.


            • #7
              If you let this go, you are saying that it's just fine with you. So when they keep the child home for 3 days out of five, they won't think twice about docking your pay.

              You have to demand the pay NOW! It can be hard to stick up for yourself....I was a complete wimp when I first started day care. It's been 25 years now and I have had parents try and pull all sorts of stunts! I have a backbone now!! You;ll get yours too!! LOL!!! Go get 'em girl...we're all rooting for ya!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pammie View Post
                This is why I made up an "oops" form. My families just deposit their checks into a basket by my sign-in book, which I don't pull/register until Saturday mornings, so I don't catch their mistakes until weekends.

                In LARGE font on the top of the form says,

                "Oops! There was a mistake in your last check!"

                (My logo inserted here)

                Fee for daycare (dates) $___
                Amount of last check $___ Check #___

                Overpayment: Please take $___credit on your next payment
                Underpayment: Please bring $___ cash/check by (date)
                include late fee of $___ for a total of $___if paid after (date)

                If you have questions/concerns, please let me know!
                Pammie: What a great idea!


                • #9
                  Pammie, I like your idea of the box for checks. I may need to do this.

                  I would just either email them or print out the part in your contract and highlight it and attach it to the opps form and give it to the parents Monday.


                  • #10
                    Curious as to what happened. Any updates??

                    I was thinking that if this would to happen to me and I didn't say anything at the time that it happened the parent might be inclined to ask me why it was a problem now if I didn't say anything at the time that it happened KWIM?

                    I would write up a letter like was suggested and written above (which I think is worded very well) but I would speak to the parent directly first the next time that I saw them then hand them the letter. I would say something like

                    "Hello Mr. Tightwad Try-to-get-one-over-on-me (or whatever the parents name is). I wanted to talk to you about the payment for last week. As you know you didn't pay me for {date} and took it out of last week's payment and I was so surprised that you would do that, that I didn't know what to say. I was shocked speechless but I'd like to clarify and correct the issue now. As your signed contract says, our agreement is not to pay daily it's weekly or in other words by enrollement not attendance. If little Susie Q. doesn't come for whatever reason the spot is still yours and the weekly payment still needs to be paid in full. Since there was some confusion and all I won't add a late payment fee or anything like that this time as long as I get the rest of last week's payment by {whenever you want to get paid by}. Well I'm glad that was explained better so that it doesn't happen again and so you won't incur any fees. Here you go, this is your reminder for the balance that is owed" and then hand him his letter. That's how I would have handled it anyway.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                      Curious as to what happened. Any updates??

                      I was thinking that if this would to happen to me and I didn't say anything at the time that it happened the parent might be inclined to ask me why it was a problem now if I didn't say anything at the time that it happened KWIM?

                      I would write up a letter also as suggested (which I think is worded very well) and speak to the parent directly at first the next time that I saw them. I would say something like

                      "Hello Mr. Tightwad Try-to-get-one-over-on-me (or whatever the parents name is). I wanted to talk to you about the payment for last week. As you know you didn't pay me for {date} and took it out of last week's payment and I was so surprised that you would do that, that I didn't know what to say. I was shocked speechless but I'd like to clarify and correct the issue now. As your signed contract says, our agreement is not to pay daily it's weekly or in other words by enrollement not attendance. If little Susie Q. doesn't come for whatever reason the spot is still yours and the weekly payment still needs to be paid in full. Since there was some confusion and all I won't add a late payment fee or anything like that this time as long as I get the rest of last week's payment by {whenever you want to get paid by}. Well I'm glad that was explained better so that it doesn't happen again and so you won't incur any fees. Here you go, this is your reminder for the balance that is owed" and then hand him his letter. That's how I would have handled it anyway.

                      I like this! And I think it would be a good way to deal w/it. Curious as to what happened.

