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$825 In The Pocket Is Better Than Nothing...Right?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
    If you decide to do it... then you must not look at it as a discount. It's just now your rate.
    Very true!! Otherwise it can start to build into resentment...
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #17
      I would take it and then later if you can find a family of full timers willing to pay your regular (current) rate give this family notice or tell them they will have to pay the regular rate (and they will probably leave). If you have to do it you have to do it. I raised my rates recently but still give cheaper rates to one client who was with me prior to the raise. All my new clients get quoted the higher rate. In fact none of my clients get charged the same rate b/c of schedules, hours, ages of kids etc.

      I know what your feeling about not being able to fill spots and some money is better than nothing. You have to pay the bills and that mom might just be feeling the same about her financial situation and need to get a better rate in order to survive.


      • #18
        Originally posted by nannyde View Post
        I've seen a lot of these types of second child discounts. What happens in most cases is the parent takes the hefty deal until the day comes when the deal isn't hefty. Don't be surprised if they make other arrangements as soon as the oldest goes to school.
        oh , i know. you are right. but it gives me some time to find replacements. hopefully the economy and need for child care will return by then. fingers crossed.


        • #19
          My area is awful too. I have a family of three that pays 900/mo for 7:30-5 FT care. I'm also the most expensive in my town.


          • #20
            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
            So you are dropping your rates 21 percent for two children.

            If you decide to do it... then you must not look at it as a discount. It's just now your rate.
            Oh absolutely, I realize that completely. I've been thinking for two or three weeks now that I am going to have to drop my rate (again) in order to get anymore clients right now. Dropping it to $100/week is about what I was thinking I was going to have to do anyway.
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


            • #21
              Going rate here for home daycare is $85/$90 for 1, $135/$140 for 2 fulltime. Our unemployment rate still very high here. Grateful I am full.


              • #22
                It makes me really sad to read that so many providers are struggling right now. Personally, I wouldn't drop my rates, and I wouldn't take the family for such a huge discount... I would spend every waking hour advertising and pounding the pavement to get clients - going to schools, handing out business cards to parents I see at the gym/restaraunts/grocery stores, putting up bright colored flyers ALL around the city and selling myself like crazy. I know that the economy is still in the dumps, but there are still people out there with money... who are willing to spend it on knowing their children are getting great care - you have to find them! Never sell yourself short!


                • #23
                  If that was the only family I had pursuing me, I'd take it! $825/month is a potential mortgage payment, or a car payment, or something. Pays a lot more than $0. Good luck! It does stink.. I have a family with a big sib discount that I caved in and gave because I didn't want to lose them. Had them both since six weeks old, and I get paid faithfully every other Friday. Hard to let that walk when there isn't anyone beating down my door. Wouldn't you know, I've had three calls today tho.


                  • #24
                    I hear ya Silver! It's tough out here for us right now. Until the economy picks up there isn't much we can do.

                    I have tons of experience, have a well written curriculum etc. but it's almost like no one cares about that right now. They just want a place to drop their kids where they are safe and that's it. I find I can't charge for my program like I used to.

                    And I usually don't take infants but one of my families is having a baby and wants to bring her here. I have gone back and forth about taking an infant and first decided not to but just emailed those parents that I can if they still want me to. I'd rather take a baby from a family I know is good than a stranger. And I know I'll give a sibling discount. But my other slots will stay the same rate.


                    • #25

                      Looking for Full Time long-term nanny (west desmoines)


                      We are looking for a Full Time and long term nanny for our kid (16 months) starting ASAP. We are looking for a long-term commitment, four days a week with the same schedule each week (M-T-W-Th, 7:30-5:00). Would want someone to come to our home preferably, would possibly allow someone to bring their child along. If we bring our child to your home, we would prefer only 1-2 other children be there. Would want someone close to West Des Moines Area. We are wanting to pay what we would pay an in-home daycare provider ($25-$35 per day). Willing to do any additional house hold work will be paid. Would need a clean background, reliable transportation would be beneficial and willingness to clean up after yourself. References would be checked. We want to start interviewing ASAP.


                      2.63 an hour if they pay 25 dollars a day
                      3.68 an hour if they pay 35 dollars a day

                      For FOUR days a week.

                      They want a long term nanny OR someone with only one or two children.

                      Yeah it's bad out there.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                        So you are dropping your rates 21 percent for two children.

                        If you decide to do it... then you must not look at it as a discount. It's just now your rate.
                        It's called a recession. Like she said, $825 is better than zero. House prices are down, car prices are down, heck - even Pizza Hut dropped their prices. People who are at or near capacity are very fortunate, but for most of us, this is not the case. I've struggled to get kids in for a couple of years now. I have ONE full-time, two b/a school, and one occasional (who is becoming less and less occasional). We're struggling, and it's not fun.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post

                          Looking for Full Time long-term nanny (west desmoines)


                          We are looking for a Full Time and long term nanny for our kid (16 months) starting ASAP. We are looking for a long-term commitment, four days a week with the same schedule each week (M-T-W-Th, 7:30-5:00). Would want someone to come to our home preferably, would possibly allow someone to bring their child along. If we bring our child to your home, we would prefer only 1-2 other children be there. Would want someone close to West Des Moines Area. We are wanting to pay what we would pay an in-home daycare provider ($25-$35 per day). Willing to do any additional house hold work will be paid. Would need a clean background, reliable transportation would be beneficial and willingness to clean up after yourself. References would be checked. We want to start interviewing ASAP.


                          2.63 an hour if they pay 25 dollars a day
                          3.68 an hour if they pay 35 dollars a day

                          For FOUR days a week.

                          They want a long term nanny OR someone with only one or two children.

                          Yeah it's bad out there.
                          Oh yeah, you should seem some people here trying to get away with this for a nanny. Some are offering $500 to $700 monthly for full time private care! Most of them here though end with the sentece "spanish speaking preferred" which I take to mean "we want to take advantage of someone who isn't from this country and will work for pennies." sad.


                          • #28
                            Good luck Silver.

                            I know that you are just trying to do the best that you can to provide for your family.

                            I hope that the economy picks up in your area soon.

