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$825 In The Pocket Is Better Than Nothing...Right?

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  • $825 In The Pocket Is Better Than Nothing...Right?

    About a month ago I was speaking with someone who sounded like a perfect client, but wanted a pretty big discount for her two kids. I stuck up for myself, my program, and my rates, and declined.

    Well, a month later and those two spots are still open, and I've gotten practically zero responses to my ads, so I emailed the lady and let her know that if she still needs care I can accommodate her price.

    $825/month is a lot better than $0.

    I am just hoping that she responds and still needs care and everything. After losing that one client at the beginning of this month, and today is the last day for another, on top of DH being forced to take a $350/month pay cut at work, we are seriously hurting here.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    I know what you mean. I've been licensed since February and have gotten only 3 calls! All were from out of town and misread my ad (honestly don't even know how they did that, my town name was IN THE AD!)

    Last week, one of the mothers at my daughter's dance studio who also does daycare offered to send clients my way since she is to capacity. Right now she referred an infant who only needs 1-2 days a week. I don't want to do that, but I'm only taking care of 1 family now, so I'm trying to be more flexible.

    I hope that family calls you back!


    • #3
      That's $95.93 per week per kid.

      How many hours is this for?


      • #4
        Originally posted by nannyde View Post
        That's $95.93 per week per kid.

        How many hours is this for?

        full-time, about ten hours a day, five days a week.

        But it seems to be the going rate around here lately. My area's Craigslist is over-saturated with providers offering care for $75/week, even $65/week. (Here you can see I'm not kidding).
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          $1.97 per hour.

          Can you do it for that?


          • #6
            going rate around her is only 100/wk anyway, so that discount wouldnt be too big a deal for me.

            what is your going rate?


            • #7
              Nanny, I've got to. I don't have much choice at this point!

              Melskids, my going rate is $120/week for full-time.
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                normally i would say no way, but in this economy, we're all pulling teeth. i'd take it, if it will help you get through.

                i have a dc mom, who just had another baby. i gave her a hefty discount, just to keep her. but the deal is, when the older one goes to school in another year, the price will be in full, for one full timer, and a school ager. so basically, what she's paying now....her payment wont change.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by melskids View Post
                  normally i would say no way, but in this economy, we're all pulling teeth. i'd take it, if it will help you get through.

                  i have a dc mom, who just had another baby. i gave her a hefty discount, just to keep her. but the deal is, when the older one goes to school in another year, the price will be in full, for one full timer, and a school ager. so basically, what she's paying now....her payment wont change.
                  I've seen a lot of these types of second child discounts. What happens in most cases is the parent takes the hefty deal until the day comes when the deal isn't hefty. Don't be surprised if they make other arrangements as soon as the oldest goes to school.


                  • #10
                    It is $105 a week for 50 hours here....

                    That is the going rate.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      I know what you're going through Silver - and we're located close enough that I'm affected by the same over-saturated/new provider/undercut rate market as you

                      I've NEVER had trouble staying/keeping a full roster in 25 years of daycare - until the past year or so. The only calls I get are for infants - and the state limits my infant spaces

                      I've had to extend my operating hours and occasionally cut my rates in order to fill roster spots. I've even added Friday Night Parent's Nights Out (for an extra fee) weekly to attract/retain clients...and to try and make up what I've lost in cutting rates. So I now work 63 hours/week just to keep my roster full with the income that I used to make working 50 hrs/wk.

                      I was faced with sticking with my former hours and having empty roster spaces for months before having to work more - just to make ends meet. I even worked a retail job nights/weekends for several months to make up the difference what I was losing from having empty roster space. I'm hoping that if the economy around here picks up soon, and all of the new providers that are offering fulltime care for under $100/wk decide to quit, I can cut my hours back (and perhaps increase my rates) then.

                      I feel for you Silver - it stinks to be a daycare provider around here - now.


                      • #12
                        At least I can feel a bit better knowing that $100 is the going rate in other parts of the country. It's frustrating, and I doubt I'll even get her back since it's been a month. But a girl can hope, eh? Right now, I just need the income more than anything else.
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pammie View Post
                          I know what you're going through Silver - and we're located close enough that I'm affected by the same over-saturated/new provider/undercut rate market as you

                          I've NEVER had trouble staying/keeping a full roster in 25 years of daycare - until the past year or so. The only calls I get are for infants - and the state limits my infant spaces

                          I've had to extend my operating hours and occasionally cut my rates in order to fill roster spots. I've even added Friday Night Parent's Nights Out (for an extra fee) weekly to attract/retain clients...and to try and make up what I've lost in cutting rates. So I now work 63 hours/week just to keep my roster full with the income that I used to make working 50 hrs/wk.

                          I was faced with sticking with my former hours and having empty roster spaces for months before having to work more - just to make ends meet. I even worked a retail job nights/weekends for several months to make up the difference what I was losing from having empty roster space. I'm hoping that if the economy around here picks up soon, and all of the new providers that are offering fulltime care for under $100/wk decide to quit, I can cut my hours back (and perhaps increase my rates) then.

                          I feel for you Silver - it stinks to be a daycare provider around here - now.
                          I hear ya on the infants...really, really hear ya. I'm really thinking that by the time my new baby is turning two and my current crop of kids have aged out and headed to kindy (which will be around the same time) I'm going to go to being an infant-only provider. But that's 2 years away...*sigh*
                          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                            Nanny, I've got to. I don't have much choice at this point!

                            Melskids, my going rate is $120/week for full-time.
                            So you are dropping your rates 21 percent for two children.

                            If you decide to do it... then you must not look at it as a discount. It's just now your rate.


                            • #15
                              I would take them. Your area sounds like mine calls have not been coming for at least year. The rate here is $90.00 for 45 hours and everyone wants a second child discount. It has come down to either take what is offered or go without. Until the job market picks up and people are getting a higher wage that is just the way it is here.

