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S/O The Things Kids Tell

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  • #16
    oh my gosh...when my dh and I were engaged, we were at Wa*mart with his kids...s age 4 and d age 2. The lady behind the checkout counter said to me, your kids are so good, you must be a really proud mom. s looked at her and said just as calmly as could be, "That's not my mom, that is just the lady that sleeps with my dad."

    We had been together a year, and were engaged to be married...I certainly wasn't someone who was just sleeping with his dad! Can't begin to imagine where he heard that from....


    • #17
      At our daycare center all the kids have spots where we lay out their cots to nap around the room. We have to be able to see the child fully from where we sit. Well one little boy happened to be talking so I moved his cot next to the big play Kitchen set. Which happened to be next to where I was sitting.

      So the next day mom comes in and said ***x said you moved him to the kitchen to sleep. I said what? she said it again *** said you moved him to the kitchen to sleep and I pointed and said yeah right here. We both laughed. She said I didn't think you would put him in the "Kitchen".


      • #18
        Just after washing dcb3's hands after him using the potty, he tells me, "Daddy never washes my hands when I go potty. He says I don't have to." ::


        • #19
          3yo: "She throwed me in the toilet for flushing." = DCG was wiggling and climbing around on the potty and her tushie landed squarely in the water. I helped her out, dried her off and yes, I flushed.

          4yo: "She locked me in a cage and made brother cry all day." = DCB was on the toddler playground while little brother was on infant playground during morning recess. Both playgrounds (500 sq ft+) have fences to allow safe, age appropriate, outdoor play with peers. Little brother fussed a bit early on when I put away a toy that was causing some drama between the infants that morning.

          3yo: "Mrs. T snitches on b*t***s (female dogs)" = Dr. Suess party, movie of the day "Sneetches" on the beaches.

          There are many more, but those stick with me.....
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #20
            Yesterday was the first day back from spring break for all my kids. When the 3 year old dcg's mom got here, dcg bursts into tears and says to her mom...She said I was naughty on vacation. That was the first time she had said anything about her vacation all day.

            One that always has stuck with me was a dcg who told me that her mom hit her dad on his sunburn and her daddy said You f***** B**** if you ever do that again I'll knock you on you a**. She started to tell me what mom said but I stopped her.


            • #21
              Originally posted by ninosqueridos View Post
              Just after washing dcb3's hands after him using the potty, he tells me, "Daddy never washes my hands when I go potty. He says I don't have to." ::
              I have had kids say this before too! GROSS!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                I have had kids say this before too! GROSS!
                My DS4 says this all the time, but it's not true! He'll tell me that daddy doesn't make him flush and tell DH that mommy doesn't make him wash his hands, etc. I'm sure that he's told others, too. So gross, but I PROMISE, we do make him flush AND wash his hands...every time!

