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S/O The Things Kids Tell

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  • S/O The Things Kids Tell

    The tylenol before coming to daycare thread and how we can't always 100% trust what kids tell us got me thinking. Have you ever had children tell you things from home or tell their parents things from care that probably aren't totally accurate? I know I've had some good ones!

    I had a girl tell her mom that the babies fall down the stairs here all the time. My upstairs is 100% family and no child has ever been up there!

    I had a child tell mom that if they don't like their food at lunch, I make them eat cat food :confused: ::

    I had a girl tell me that her daddy is gone so mommy's uncle is sleeping in mom's bed ::

    Anyone else?

  • #2
    I have school agers, so it is not funny when they do it. It's usually a dramatic rendition of a conversation that leaves out important stuff and makes them sound like victims of my wrath.


    • #3
      Just last week, 2yo dcb told his parents at pick-up time that I had taken him to my bed and slept with him there . And there were other parents present too ! Thing is, the kids aren't allowed in my bedroom at all. There are no pnp's or cribs or anything in there. Luckily his parents laughed it off ...


      • #4
        Just last week I had a girl tell her mom: "We didn't have lunch today, we just had a bowl of croutons!!" I busted out laughing so hard b/c I have no idea where that came from! I don't even have croutons in the house! And of course we had a normal hot lunch that (and every) day.

        If you ask one of my two year olds what we had for lunch she invariably says chicken nuggets even if we didn't. Makes me wonder if her parents ever really think all I feed them everyday is chicken nuggets ::

        Seriously though over the years I have heard kids say some untrue things that could get their caregivers into trouble.


        • #5
          When I was a pre-k teacher I had a three year old tell his parents I made him sit in the corner and hit him with wooden spoon I had an assistant in my room at the time and she stood by me and so did the school director. Well the kid was not in school the next few days and I was freaking out. Turns out the mom brought him in on the third day blushing and appologizing telling us that her son finally admitted he made it up! So scary!
          I you think my hands are full you should see my heart!


          • #6
            Just today at lunch one of the daycare kids asked me
            "where do you lock up M*** and N*** (my kids names) when they are bad?"
            I asked what he meant and he said again "You said when they are bad you lock
            them in a cave". WHAT?

            I've NEVER had a conversation about locking up my kids, or any other kids
            when they are bad!

            Its a wonder I have any business if they tell their parents things like that!


            • #7
              Just last week I had an almost 5 year old tell his mom that the other kids were playing and excluding him, and when he told me about it, I said "too bad, stop being a tattletale"

              Mom asked me for my side of the story. I told her I didn't nor would ever say that to him. Then thinking for a second, I asked him "are you talking about when the kids were playing tag when you were in time out?" Yes, he says! Yup... a little different from the original story. Instead of apologizing to me, Mom asks him if he was fibbing or telling the truth. Ummm, didn't we already establish that? After avoiding her question for a couple minutes, he tells her he was fibbing. Her response is that there are consequences for fibbing. Yeah... I'm pretty sure there weren't any consequences.


              • #8
                I had a 4 year old dcb tell his dad at pickup that he never has any fun at my house. No fun ever and he wants to stay home where he has fun. After both of us showing concern about the fun things he does he told us that fun is what he calls pop now.


                • #9
                  Ooooooooh let's's the latest....

                  One of my daycare kids fell at home and got some stitches on his forehead. A few ladies came the next week for my INPECTION and they asked him how he got the stitches. He looks at MY stairs and said he fell down the stairs. I quickly told them that he didn't fall HERE, plus he didn't fall down ANY stairs....he fell down BEFORE he got to his stairs at home!!!

                  Gotta love that kid perspective!!!::


                  • #10
                    Funniest: "Daddy sits on the tailgate of Dennis's truck (neighbor) and they get really, really drunk... then Mommy has to put him to bed"::

                    Saddest: "Daddy got a new guitar, and mommy kept hitting him with it, til it broke.... the police came and drove Daddy to a hotel".


                    • #11
                      One child once told me they KNEW (insert excitement) what the tooth fairy looked like "just like my mom, ONLY NAKED!" HA, this was years ago but will never forget it. Mom was present at the time and red faced and all. We never spoke about it again but MAN THAT WAS FUNNY! ::


                      • #12
                        I have heard stories that I know leave out a lot of detail. The one who would do it the most was my niece. Since she was family, I felt comfortable telling her mom the version I heard, and then she would fill in the REST of the story, and we'd have a laugh over it. With other kids, I never tell the parents what the kids told me - if it sounds like a story that would embarrass them. I can't remember specifics, but I've heard stuff that I can pretty much fill in the blanks and figure out what they're saying. I don't react to the kid, but I know inside that I've just heard juicy family gossip!! I do get told often that "mommy was soooo grossed out when daddy farted at dinner, and us kids were cracking up so much we couldn't eat." Things like that. I'm sure it goes the other way too, and the kids tell their parents twisted versions of things that happen here. Oh well.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
                          One child once told me they KNEW (insert excitement) what the tooth fairy looked like "just like my mom, ONLY NAKED!" HA, this was years ago but will never forget it. Mom was present at the time and red faced and all. We never spoke about it again but MAN THAT WAS FUNNY! ::


                          • #14
                            Really enjoying this thread - the Tooth Fairy one tops it! ::


                            • #15
                              Telling stories

                              I have had points where I have told kids that was telling embaracing stories that "mom" or "dad" might not want everyone to know that story. I guess it is because my daughter would tell a very embaracing story on my husband from when he was a boy. She would tell it to complete strangers! I don't know if it is a good idea though, as I would hate for a kid to not tell about abuse because they are worried about thier parents feelings. Kids can be soooo funny though. Very honest!

