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What Do You Think Of The New Baby Doll?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
    Mine. My own. My precious... ::
    My precious



    • #17
      Originally posted by Symphony View Post
      Yay!!!!! I get SO SO SO irritated that dolls always come with bottles! This makes me so happy
      Yes ---- THIS!!! Typically after the first day or whatever the bottle (or pacifier) finds its way to the trash after bedtime.

      Why is it OK for girls to pretend to feed infants using fake bottles, but not OK for girls to pretend to breastfeed?

      I could also do without any noise making. I take batteries out of toys here. Seriously, there are nine children here, 8 of them are boys. They make enough noise, we DON'T need toys making more noise on top of that.


      • #18
        Originally posted by VanessaEO View Post
        Yes ---- THIS!!! Typically after the first day or whatever the bottle (or pacifier) finds its way to the trash after bedtime.

        Why is it OK for girls to pretend to feed infants using fake bottles, but not OK for girls to pretend to breastfeed?

        I could also do without any noise making. I take batteries out of toys here. Seriously, there are nine children here, 8 of them are boys. They make enough noise, we DON'T need toys making more noise on top of that.
        When my DD is looking for a baby doll bottle and failing to find one, I will suggest that she nurse her baby instead. If I forget to throw the word "pretend" into the suggestion, she gives me a withering look and says, "Mommy, I can't! I don't make milk! YOU do!" ::
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #19
          I breastfed my boys till preschool years so I'm sometimes referred to as a lactivist. I don't have any objections to the doll but I don't understand why it's needed. My sons bf'd their own toys. Even plastic dinosaurs! So I don't think it's necessary. But it does get people talking about breastfeeding so I like it for that reason.


          • #20
            I personally don't allow electronics in my daycare. I think kids need to cultivate more imagination. There is a doll that pees and poops, others that eat from bottles, others that cry and sing, but the best is the one that does everything based on the child's imagination. I've had baby dolls walking the high wire at the circus, using the potty, washing hands, taking a bath, playing in the sandbox, watching a parade, and much more all in the comfort of my toy room.

            I agree that it is good because it's stirring up society and possibly desexualizing breastfeeding.
            Last edited by kidkair; 03-30-2011, 11:50 AM. Reason: forgot a word
            Celebrate! ::


            • #21
              Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
              I'm afraid to walk through the doll isle in Target anymore because of all those obnoxious dolls. As soon as you get too close to the isle, 25 dolls turn and start crying and waving their arms. [/I]
              LMAO! I use to work at Target and hated putting dolls on the shelves.....the noise NEVER ended! ha ha ::

              I see nothing wrong with this doll, as adults we see things totally different than the kids and we focus on our concerns where the child just wants to hold the doll and be the mom or dad. Soon enough the batteries will die, the vest will get lost, and a the baby doll will "grow up" and be potty training and eating instead of drinking, LOL.


              • #22
                Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                To each their own, but I would not allow it in my daycare, nor would I buy it for my own child. While it is a natural thing, I don't feel it needs to be pushed onto a young child. Just weird and not natural for a young child to be doing it. Kids are pushed into grown up things way too early already in their life, I don't feel we need to push this on them.
                I don't think that a toy designed to show the nursing side of motherhood is forcing them to grow up any faster.

                Its a fact that children need to play this way.

                I agree with I think it was silver who said why does the toy have to be designed with all this fancy schmancy stuff that needs batteries to play with it?

                I haven't seen this doll yet, and can't even picture it but I will look into it right away.

                I wish that toys weren't designed for only one specific use. They should be able to be creative with a toy, and not only play with it for a specific reason.


                • #23
                  I wouldn't care if a child was "breastfeeding" a doll. But, I do not think we need a breastfeeding doll. Thats just me...I don't think kids need to be led down the path to imagination. I would much prefer to see them make up their own play, than to give them the pre-boxed version of imagination.


                  • #24
                    So what happen when a little boy wants to breastfeed with the doll? Lol. How do we explain that One? All of the boys here play with dolls, but none that are used for the sole purpose of breatfeeding. oopppss darn iphone..


                    • #25
                      I think it's kind of cool and I bet a lot of nursing mothers will buy it for their children. I love the fact that you have to burp it afterwards - too cute!

                      Children will mimic what they see so I don't think it's a big deal.

                      It's a big deal to those opposed to breast feeding.


                      • #26
                        I know I am going to get A LOT of backlash for my opinion but here it goes.

                        I don’t think a breastfeeding doll is appropriate. Then again, I don’t think breastfeeding is appropriate either. Now don’t get me wrong. I believe wholeheartedly in breast milk. However, just recently I have changed my mind.

                        I have a friend who had a baby. She said she will NOT ever give her child a bottle. This baby was going to be strictly breastfed. Everyone told my friend, that it was not right nor fair that even the own baby's father couldn't feed his child. No, said my friend, only breast. My friend couldn't do nothing without this baby hanging on her because she CONSTANTLY wanted the breast. Of course my friend would also pump. When my friend had to go out of town on an emergency, this baby would not take a bottle. All day. This baby was SO hungry. Poor thing just couldn't drink out of a bottle. Again, I believe in breast milk. However in a BOTTLE.

                        I also disagree with the posters that still feed their preschoolers breast milk. To me, that is just disgusting. But as Mac said about the doll, to each their own.

                        I could have logged out and posted but I chose to stay logged in. I will NOT go back and forth with my beloved colleagues. This is my opinion. If you don’t agree, then we can choose to agree to disagree


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
                          I know I am going to get A LOT of backlash for my opinion but here it goes.

                          I don’t think a breastfeeding doll is appropriate. Then again, I don’t think breastfeeding is appropriate either. Now don’t get me wrong. I believe wholeheartedly in breast milk. However, just recently I have changed my mind.

                          I have a friend who had a baby. She said she will NOT ever give her child a bottle. This baby was going to be strictly breastfed. Everyone told my friend, that it was not right nor fair that even the own baby's father couldn't feed his child. No, said my friend, only breast. My friend couldn't do nothing without this baby hanging on her because she CONSTANTLY wanted the breast. Of course my friend would also pump. When my friend had to go out of town on an emergency, this baby would not take a bottle. All day. This baby was SO hungry. Poor thing just couldn't drink out of a bottle. Again, I believe in breast milk. However in a BOTTLE.

                          I also disagree with the posters that still feed their preschoolers breast milk. To me, that is just disgusting. But as Mac said about the doll, to each their own.

                          I could have logged out and posted but I chose to stay logged in. I will NOT go back and forth with my beloved colleagues. This is my opinion. If you don’t agree, then we can choose to agree to disagree
                          I respect your opinion. I disagree, but I totally respect it.

                          I also think it's a little bit regional. I think it depends on the level of "Crunchiness" in your area.

                          I feel pumping, then putting it in a bottle, then feeding it to the child is a waste of extra time. The child is only an infant for such a short time. If a Mom is adamant about never giving the child a bottle, fine, she also gives up her free time for six or eight months. After that, the baby can have a sippy cup. If he or she won't take a sippy cup, they need to work on that.


                          • #28
                            My 2nd child refused a bottle as well. If you are solely breastfeeding then you have to take the child with you. It's part of the commitment you make when you choose to solely breastfeed. It's also extremely exhausting to be the only one able to feed the baby, day and night but again, part of the commitment.

                            As far as breast milk in a bottle - not everyone has great success pumping and it will not increase milk production so the child must nurse to keep the milk flowing.

                            I'm also not pro nursing preschoolers. It would be mainly a comfort at that stage and does not provide the nutrients necessary to sustain a toddler. But - to each his/her own and we all do our best to be the best mothers we can be.

                            Back to the doll - while I think it's cute in a private home situation, I don't think it would be great in a Daycare situation because just as you see in this thread, not everyone is Pro-Breastfeeding. And I would suspect especially Daycare parents would be against it for the most part since they are leaving their infants and children in other people's care.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                              (I am 25).
                              You're 25?? Im 23! I thought I was the only "kid" here!

                              But as far as the breastfeeding doll...I like it. My sis and I were both breastfed, and we always pretended to breastfeed our dolls...I like the fact that the sucking actions dont work unless the child wears the vest there's really no "sexual" element...because breastfeeding is not sexual.

                              I wouldnt have it my classroom though...besides the fact that I do very few electronic toys, I would'nt open that Pandora's box of parent complaints.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
                                I know I am going to get A LOT of backlash for my opinion but here it goes.

                                I don’t think a breastfeeding doll is appropriate. Then again, I don’t think breastfeeding is appropriate either. Now don’t get me wrong. I believe wholeheartedly in breast milk. However, just recently I have changed my mind.

                                I have a friend who had a baby. She said she will NOT ever give her child a bottle. This baby was going to be strictly breastfed. Everyone told my friend, that it was not right nor fair that even the own baby's father couldn't feed his child. No, said my friend, only breast. My friend couldn't do nothing without this baby hanging on her because she CONSTANTLY wanted the breast. Of course my friend would also pump. When my friend had to go out of town on an emergency, this baby would not take a bottle. All day. This baby was SO hungry. Poor thing just couldn't drink out of a bottle. Again, I believe in breast milk. However in a BOTTLE.

                                I also disagree with the posters that still feed their preschoolers breast milk. To me, that is just disgusting. But as Mac said about the doll, to each their own.

                                I could have logged out and posted but I chose to stay logged in. I will NOT go back and forth with my beloved colleagues. This is my opinion. If you don’t agree, then we can choose to agree to disagree
                                I don't think you can judge the whole breast feeding community by this one example. All three of my kids were breast-fed and ate equally well from a bottle. I have had almost exclusively breast fed babies in daycare and every single one takes a bottle just fine.

                                It isn't breastfeeding or the bottle that is the issue...the problem comes when people take things to extremes.

