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Well, The Timing Of The Poop Isn't MY Fault...

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  • Well, The Timing Of The Poop Isn't MY Fault...

    DCG pooped about two minutes before DCM showed up. I got up to go change her and of course, being 7 months pregnant, had to pee first. I finished up just as DCM walked through the door, I told her that DCG had just pooped and I was going to change her.

    DCM ignored me and went about her usual routine of gootchie-gootchie-gooing at dcg while I waited to get dcg so I could change her. DCM finally said something to dcg about "Did you poop again stinky!?" and then looked at me and said, "You said you just changed her."

    "No, I was about to change her when you got here. You're holding her though, so I haven't had a chance yet."

    DCM hands the kid off to me faster than someone getting rid of a grenade. "Well, change her before we leave please." Of course, that wasn't a polite was an obligatory please, if you can appreciate the difference.

    I did...perturbed by DCM's attitude...but I did (I wouldn't have let DCM do it herself; she would have taken 20 minutes...) and when I got back, DCM made a really snarky comment about how she needs changed as soon as she poops, and she should be changed around 5 anyway. I smiled and explained that she was just changed at 4:30 with everyone else and that the poop happened literally just before DCM came through the door and she hadn't really given me a chance to change the child yet.

    Argh. Some people. Wish the kid would have waited five minutes before pooping...that was a stinky one. DCM totally deserved it.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    that is annoying! Sheeshh, some parents expect you to magically control their child's every breath. I would have just sent her home and not said anything. Sometimes that happens especially with younger ones. I don't take an infant out of their car seat for a change after they are all packed up and ready to go because none of my parents live more than 5 minutes away.


    • #3
      I used to have a dcb that used to poop almost EVERYDAY right before his mom would come! She'd go as far as getting him in the car and knock back on my door and ask me to change him! WTF! After 2 weeks and 4 times of doing this, I would change him an hour before she came and again 5 minutes before she would get to the house! Then she wondered why I was going through so many diapers! Some parents will never be happy!::


      • #4
        Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
        I used to have a dcb that used to poop almost EVERYDAY right before his mom would come! She'd go as far as getting him in the car and knock back on my door and ask me to change him! WTF! After 2 weeks and 4 times of doing this, I would change him an hour before she came and again 5 minutes before she would get to the house! Then she wondered why I was going through so many diapers! Some parents will never be happy!::
        OMG - she would bring him back in to you, on her time, for YOU to change him when he pooped??? I would be laughing so hard at her that she would get the hint and just take him home and change him. Sorry, my shift ended when you walked out the door!!


        • #5
          I know! Who comes back for a diaper change? I had one parent complain that I was using too many diapers but the kids needed this many changes. I told her I wouldn't let him sit in a soiled diaper and she said she wouldn't either. I then asked her how exactly am I supposed to use less diapers if she also wants him changed often? blank stares.....yeah, thats what I thought.


          • #6
            I've had many parents do this. I just considered it part of the perks. They supply the diapers, so what does it matter. I'd rather change it than have them smell it in the car.

            I won't let puke come in though. I had a child puke on the way here and mom cleaned him up in my bathroom. There was food particles everywhere. Won't let that happen again. Just turn around and go back home if puke happens on the way here.


            • #7
              omg, I can't believe this!

              DCM called today (first time all week; she's gotten better in that respect) and asked me to make sure that dcg has had a diaper change before dcm picks up today!

              I can't believe the gall this lady has!

              I just explained--again--what had happened yesterday, and she just asked me to not let it happen again!

              I'm still in shock...I can't believe that she doesn't get it. Or doesn't believe me. Or whatever. It's still ridiculous.
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                omg, I can't believe this!

                DCM called today (first time all week; she's gotten better in that respect) and asked me to make sure that dcg has had a diaper change before dcm picks up today!

                I can't believe the gall this lady has!

                I just explained--again--what had happened yesterday, and she just asked me to not let it happen again!

                I'm still in shock...I can't believe that she doesn't get it. Or doesn't believe me. Or whatever. It's still ridiculous.
                OH. MY. GOD!

                I hope and pray that child poops on the way to daycare....and if God answers my prayers, please treat this woman with the same understanding and respect that she has shown you.


                • #9
                  WOW. I agree, I'd check that child right at drop off just incase so Mom can change her.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                    omg, I can't believe this!

                    DCM called today (first time all week; she's gotten better in that respect) and asked me to make sure that dcg has had a diaper change before dcm picks up today!

                    I can't believe the gall this lady has!

                    I just explained--again--what had happened yesterday, and she just asked me to not let it happen again!

                    I'm still in shock...I can't believe that she doesn't get it. Or doesn't believe me. Or whatever. It's still ridiculous.
                    You have got to be kidding me! Is this the same mom who was snotty to you last week about "lets make sure the bottles are ready to go" or something along those lines? I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this! Seriously, who does she think she is to speak down to you like that? I really hope your interview goes amazing. I would hand her a term letter the second I had a signed contract from someone else.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Symphony View Post
                      You have got to be kidding me! Is this the same mom who was snotty to you last week about "lets make sure the bottles are ready to go" or something along those lines? I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this! Seriously, who does she think she is to speak down to you like that? I really hope your interview goes amazing. I would hand her a term letter the second I had a signed contract from someone else.
                      Yep, same mom. I've had problem after problem after problem with this family. They're the ones that send entirely inappropriate food for their infant (pudding, toddler meat sticks, etc), the ones with terrible car seat usage, call incessantly, and more. They have talked down to me a lot ever since the first week they were here. I've been working for 8 long weeks to get a replacement...I can't go without the income they bring or I would have termed in the first two weeks.
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #12
                        she just asked me to not let it happen again!
                        I'd have had a HARD time not saying, "sure I'll be sure to keep control over your daughter's bodily functions for next time".


                        • #13
                          I hope dck has a very noisy poop as soon as parent straps dck into car. That ways parent will know dck had poop on her own time.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Live and Learn View Post
                            I hope dck has a very noisy poop as soon as parent straps dck into car. That ways parent will know dck had poop on her own time.

                            How about a super stinky one when they are 5 min into their drive home? That way there is no chance of the parent bringing the child back in to daycare.

                            Some parents are just amazing...


                            • #15
                              I don't know if it's the same way for you guys, but I've noticed when a child poops just RIGHT before the parent walks in, it's the moms and Grandmas who want you to change them (and then stand over your shoulder the whole time watching), but the dads usually just say, "don't worry about it. We'll get it when we get home" ( probably because they think their wife will get it). I personally feel that once the parent walks in the building, their child is THEIR responsibility. No longer the provider's. So if the parent takes forever getting themselves out the door at pick-up, and child poops while the parent is there, it should be the parent who changes the child. Now if the poop happens before they walk in, well, okay. BUT DON'T STAND OVER MY SHOULDER THE WHOLE TIME! If you're afraid of missing something, change them yourself. I seriously had a Grandma follow me to the bathroom one time, where I was going to change her 3 yr old grandson (she told him to lay down on the carpet!!! so I just directed him to the bathroom where the changing pad is, but then Grandma followed us). The whole time I was trying to change him, she was watching over my shoulder and making little comments to her grandson, although it was basically "you missed a spot" comments directed at me, but I wasn't even finished yet. It was down his leg and everything (don't ask how he managed that, my theory is that he's too big for his diapers so they don't hold anything now). I felt like reminding her that I DO know how to change a diaper without her "help". What does she think I do all day when she isn't there to tell me where to wipe next? It's not the children but the Parents (and grandparents in this case) who give provider's the most headaches.

