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My Records.....What Else Am I Missing?

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  • My Records.....What Else Am I Missing?

    This is what is in my handbook so far on "My Records for Your Child"

    My Records for Your Child
    I will keep the following records for each child and you must notify me as soon as possible if any of this information needs to be updated.
    • Contract
    • Policy Handbook
    • Immunization Records
    • Authorized Persons Form (to drop off and pick up the child)
    • Medication Administration Form (as they occur)
    • Emergency Contact Information Form (parents, relatives, doctor, dentist)
    • Emergency Release Form (medical and dental)
    • General Permissions Form (photograph, sunscreen, diapering products, insect repellent)
    • Field Trip Permission Slips (as they occur)
    • Incident Reports (as they occur)
    • Special Instructions (from the child’s parent/guardian)
    Last edited by Abigail; 03-20-2011, 03:31 PM.

  • #2
    Sounds good! Here in NY we also have to keep daily health checks. We have to record if they have any scratches, bruises, strange behavior etc.

