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Beginner Daycare- How to Fill My Spots!!

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  • Beginner Daycare- How to Fill My Spots!!

    I just recently opened a daycare Sept. 1. I have not had much luck filling my spots, I get calls for prices but that is about as far as it goes. I am in a central location in our town, and the daycares near me are full, so what is my problem? I based my prices fairly according to the other centers around me. I quit my good paying job to stay home with my kids, but I am really starting to worry if we can make it like this. I know it has only been a month, but how long does it usually take to get people? I have 1 before/after right now, that is it. I need help!!!

  • #2
    When I started my daycare, I had my spots full before I quit my job. Unfortunately, you may have made the wrong decision in quitting your job right now with the economy so low.

    The only thing that works where I live is newspaper ads and word of mouth. That is our only options here. No where to post flyers, etc.

    Good luck, as the dc business is struggling too with so many layoffs.


    • #3
      I need help with this too. What are some sure fire ways to advertise and get clients? I have been on Craig's List, put up flyers . . . I need HELP! Is there no one looking for child care???


      • #4
        Word of mouth is key. I've had the same problem in filling my spots right now. My problem is I'm new in town and all the people I know have infants or toddlers. I'm only allowed 4 under 2 and those spaces filled up immediately. It'll happen as your name gets out there as a quality provider.

        Also, in my area, I advertised in the paper for 4 months and only a couple of my calls in that in entire time came from people who saw me in the paper. Referral agencies are gold, so be sure to register with one


        • #5
          I did the same thing as you. I quit my good paying job to start my home daycare. It's been something I have wanted to do for a long while and I wanted all my attention focused on the daycare start up.

          It took about a month of inquiries to finally start filling spots. Things were tight until then. Now I have full enrollment and have to turn people away. I started by posting an ad on Craigslist. If you post a professional ad with a picture of your set up you will most likely start receiving calls. 2/3 of my parents came from Craigslist. I also advertised with our local online newspaper.

          Word of mouth is great. My parents often ask if they can refer me to a friend. I have to tell them that I am full right now but that when a position opens up I will have them spread the word.

          Be patient. I know its hard but if your rates are competitive and you keep at it all will be ok.


          • #6
            The majority of my children came from ads. I ran an ad in the paper, and I posted a flyer in several different locations. The one that did the most good was at the laundromat. Two of my children are now here by word of mouth.

            Be patient and good luck!!
            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


            • #7
              possibly take 5-10 dollars off your rate for the first two families? Then you will have a base clientelle and you can charge more for other families. You would be amazed that a parent will go for a 5 dollar cheaper rate if they get the chance. Not everyone rates have to match. and..... None of my families know the others rates. Not many of them pay the same. Because one family Ive had over 12 years,.. they just kept having kids! they still pay 78 bucks a week. But the newborn I just signed is paying 120.


              • #8
                List Your Facility on

                Suggest you also list your facility on


                • #9
                  Talk to the local schools, realtors, etc. Most of them keep a list of "service providers" on hand for people who are new to the area to make life a bit less hectic.

                  My mother used to get more daycare business just from having her name on the list at the local elementary school than any ads, flyers, etc.
                  Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                  • #10
                    I think the biggest problem in the states is that everyone seems to want to quit their job and run a day care. It takes a special person with proper professional education to do the job right. I for one have never worked in a -for-profit centre; the thought of trying to make a buck off children doesn't make sense. Come to Ontario, visit non profit centres run by educated teachers and look at our 100+ name waiting lists. Just because you are a parent or "like kids" does not make you an effective early childhood educator. geez...


                    • #11
                      hhmmmm I think the poster in Ontario sounds rather ignorant so I won't even respond to such a false statement..As for needing to fill your spots..Sell your business, tell parents when they call what you have available, as in meals included, arts and crafts and pre-school if thats included in your program and when they ask what your fees are tell them that the rest of your policies including your rates are discussed during the face to face interview based upon their needs, if they ask why you won't give them the prices just tell them that you are protecting your business and you have no idea if the caller is a real parent looking for care or another daycare provider checking you out..If you have a good set up and the parents are impressed they will sign up for that extra $5 to $10, easier to sell it when they can see it ya know? I wouldnt lower my fees if you think that you are worth the pay you originally came up with charge them that..You're worth it..
                      Last edited by Michael; 10-22-2009, 10:22 PM.


                      • #12

                        I may be able to find some advertisement solutions for you if you could tell me what area you are in and what state. I have lots of online resources for daycare ads...FREE!! My childcare is now by word of mouth but at first I had to advertise like crazy. You just need a few reffering families but let me know where you are and I will try to help you out!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I think the biggest problem in the states is that everyone seems to want to quit their job and run a day care. It takes a special person with proper professional education to do the job right. I for one have never worked in a -for-profit centre; the thought of trying to make a buck off children doesn't make sense. Come to Ontario, visit non profit centres run by educated teachers and look at our 100+ name waiting lists. Just because you are a parent or "like kids" does not make you an effective early childhood educator. geez...

                          Sorry to inform you, but this is false.


                          • #14
                            Cuddlebuggz - I'm in Montana; can you help me out?

                            I just spent $50 in advertising in my local paper for FOUR days. I have so far received no calls. I have a great setup and a college degree in early childhood education, but still, absolutely no calls. I tried calling realtors but none of them have any type of referral sheet for new families. We have no Welcome Wagon (maybe that went out in the 1980s), and hardly any bulletin boards in this city of 150,000 people. I am making a whopping $10 a day at my job as a medical editor (absolutely no work coming over), and I am in a bad situation. I am going to place flyers in a couple kids consignment shops, but beyond that, I just don't know what to do...and I can't keep dropping $50 for advertising every week. I would love some advice, and Cuddlebuggz, if you have any advertising info, I'd be grateful!


                            • #15
                              Here are some ideas.

                              Have you tried...
                              1. Having an open house?
                              Make people in town aware of the date and time (evening hours work best) invite them and their kids in to look around, play with toys, color meet the teachers and so on. Advertise with a big sign in front of pre-k or in newspaper. Have all the visitors sign in and leave an email address.

                              2. Offer buy 1 get 1. Offer 2 weeks for the price of one. It's tough on finances but if it gets people in the door it's worth it.

                              3. Send some pics. of the new daycare into local newspapers and see if they will put them in. Sometimes they just need space to fill...

                              Hope these help

