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What's For Dinner????

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  • What's For Dinner????

    I hate having to find something to make for dinner every night after planning the kids breakfast and lunch I am always at a loss. Now I should be pulling something out for dinner and can't think of anything to make. Anyone have any good dinner ideas??

  • #2
    I am doing plain 'ole pot roast and potato's with baby Lima's and sweet cornbread tonight....

    Already in the crock pot..

    I am not feeling inspired....
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      usually, whatever i make for the DC lunch is dinner that night, or whatever i make for dinner, is the next days lunch.

      the kids are getting leftover stew for lunch today. dinner tonight is BLT's, cause i have a class to get to by 6.


      • #4
        This week is:

        Cheesy Lasagna
        Fiesta Beef Enchiladas
        Indian Apricot Chicken (crock-pot!)
        Ovenbaked pork chops
        Falafel Nuggets
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          tonight i'm making sloppy lasagna (basically a skillet).

          Last night it was rice with peas in it, and fish.

          For lunch yesterday I had NOOOOO idea what to make, and ended up with extra kids cause school was cancelled so it was cheesy rice with pork n beans mixed in. . I know!


          • #6
            Originally posted by lil angels View Post
            I hate having to find something to make for dinner every night after planning the kids breakfast and lunch I am always at a loss. Now I should be pulling something out for dinner and can't think of anything to make. Anyone have any good dinner ideas??

            I'm with you my friend. Does anyone have any preplanned weekly or monthly dinner menus they would like to share?


            • #7
              today i'm faced with the task of going through my pantry, fridge, freezer, and deep freezer, and making menu plans based solely off of what we have in the house, minus bread, milk, cheese, and eggs.

              we call this famine week, you eat whats here or you don't eat at all!


              • #8
                Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                today i'm faced with the task of going through my pantry, fridge, freezer, and deep freezer, and making menu plans based solely off of what we have in the house, minus bread, milk, cheese, and eggs.

                we call this famine week, you eat whats here or you don't eat at all!
                I'm sure that you will end up with a feast!


                • #9
                  Last night I made Italian Dunkers for supper.

                  Today for dinner we are doing mac and cheese and whatever else I can find in the house, we've got a birthday to celebrate and the birthday girl loves mac and cheese.

                  For supper tonight we're doing home made pizza! I'm going to let my two boys make it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lil angels View Post
                    I hate having to find something to make for dinner every night after planning the kids breakfast and lunch I am always at a loss. Now I should be pulling something out for dinner and can't think of anything to make. Anyone have any good dinner ideas??
                    I try and explain this to dh, I make 2 breakfasts (one for my kids at 730 and another at 830 for dcks, 2 sets of lunches-4 packed lunches for my kids and then for the dcks.)I get so tired of trying to find something for dinner. And when i ask him what I should make, he always says "well go look in the freezer" or he wants me to make hotdogs or mac and cheese, my kids hate both.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                      I try and explain this to dh, I make 2 breakfasts (one for my kids at 730 and another at 830 for dcks, 2 sets of lunches-4 packed lunches for my kids and then for the dcks.)I get so tired of trying to find something for dinner. And when i ask him what I should make, he always says "well go look in the freezer" or he wants me to make hotdogs or mac and cheese, my kids hate both.
                      my dh is the same.
                      whatever I suggest he says no that's gross, or i had that for lunch.
                      so basically, he decides whats for supper everyday, and i have to wait for him to tell me what to make. Whenever i make something new he complains.



                      • #12
                        Menu planning for daycare and my own family is something I struggle with, too! It's like I just get burned out on menu planning and cooking for the daycare, I almost just don't have it in me everyday to do it for my own family too!

                        I'm gonna do it this week though... take it day by day. Today we are having taco night.


                        • #13
                          i hate menu planning, because either my hubby, ds, or BOTH end up whining about what i made...and eat cereal, it's like...why bother if you're not even going to eat what i cook?!


                          • #14
                            Lately i have been so lazy about dinner. My DD is almost two, so right now she could care less on what's the menu. Every night this week i've been so lazy that i would just rather have sandwiches or just cereal. My hubby is pretty good about making dinner! After a long day with kids who wants to stand and make dinner! LOL I really need to start some crockpot meals. Heard they make things a lot easier!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                              i hate menu planning, because either my hubby, ds, or BOTH end up whining about what i made...and eat cereal, it's like...why bother if you're not even going to eat what i cook?!
                              I told my family long ago that there would be NO complaining about whatever I choose to make for dinner each night, that they are fortunate to have someone who is actually willing to cook for them. If they don't care for my choices then I will gladly turn over this responsibility to them permanently (and I'd never complain about what they made, either ). They chose to eat without complaint.

