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Nannyde I Have A Question For You....Others I Want Your Thoughts Too..

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  • #31

    Parents who like to drop in and visit don't seem to understand that their child thinks it's time to go home and then the parents leaves again! The parent may enjoy spending time with their child...but in reality they are just making their little one go through TWO separations a day instead of one!

    I have explained to parents that because of our experience with the sex offender dad, we simply cannot allow adults to be around children that are not theirs. Such is the sad world we live in nowadays. When I explain, most are actually happy to hear that some stranger isn't going to be sitting next to their child for the morning.


    • #32
      I don't allow visits during the day and I do not care if someone shows up to pick up early. I keep my door locked until my husband gets home from work, anyone that shows up can knock or come around to the door that goes into my playroom, that door is locked also and the parents drop them off right at the door, they don't get to come in. They can see the kids, but can't interact with them. I tell everyone it's for our saftey. If that bothers a parent then we are not a good fit for each other.


      • #33
        In Canada, some provinces/areas require a criminal record check be completed and submitted before ANY person can be in the same room as dayhome children other than their own. Parents pick up and drop off from the entry way... they do not interact with the other children. The provider's spouse must have a completed records check on file as well. If you need to have a plumber or someone come in, it has to be done outside of daycare hours or the children need to be removed from the house while the plumber etc. is there.

        So.. there is no checking things out during daycare hours. Prospective clients will be given a tour of daycare areas during their interview, they need not be shown areas of the house their children will not be in. There is a two week trial period, if parents feel things aren't going well they can take their child out without penalty. They are strongly encouraged to check references for their provider, and follow their instincts.

        When observations could be done they were limited to one hour, could only be done during circle or free play time, and the parent had to take their child with them when they left. They were not to interrupt the flow of things, if they had questions they were asked to write them down and contact the provider later or leave them behind and the provider would get back to them. The provider wasn't there to answer a bunch of questions at that time.


        • #34
          Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
          When I first started, I only had two kiddos. I allowed the brother of a friend to come with his child, during daycare hours. BIG mistake! I thought, well he can see the other kids, the daycare etc.

          Well, I thought he was "rudely" texting while there. Later that week, I found him on facebook. We were friends on there b/c of his sister. He had been taking pics the entire time and was posting them on facebook! I was outraged!

          I calmly ask him to remove them, as I knew the parents would not appreciate someone they didn't know with their child's pics. It took me a couple of weeks of the requests, (sister even ask him to remove them).

          I finally posted under each picture "Photo taken and posted WITHOUT permision, PLEASE remove ASAP".

          He finally took the pics down.

          BTW, He was to bring the child the next day to begin care. He never showed up or contacted me. That is what prompted me to check out his face book page to see what happened.

          So Lesson learned. NO interview with anyone during daycare hours!
          Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
          That's really creepy and disgusting.
          Why was he taking these pics? And why was he posting them on facebook? :confused:
          He was taking photos of his child playing with the other child and posting them with his kids photos on his FB page.

