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Outside Play Do You Do This?

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  • Outside Play Do You Do This?

    I had one parent tell their kids to tell me that they didn’t want them outside anymore we have a schedule and go out twice a day once after breakfast and then after nap it totals to possibly 2 hours and 30 min maybe 3 hours at most they are here for 10 hours. She said she didn’t like it because of mosquito bites and itching from grass so question is do you provide bug spray or make them? I told them their mom one could talk to me not them. Two they are going outside regardless Every other parent LOVES that they go outside. When my kids were in daycare if they needed anything other then the regular necessities I had to provide it like sunscreen etc... what is your stance on staying inside and going outside? I feel children need to play get their energy out and have fun. My thoughts are the older girl just doesn’t like going outside and I will probably never hear anything from the mom, but I am more interested in hearing about the bug spray providing or not.

  • #2
    I make it clear at the interview that we spend a LOT of time outside. They bring their own sunblock and bug spray, labeled with their names, and I can apply it without written consent.

    You were right to tell the girl the mom should talk to you, and not her. It still wouldn’t change our routine here, though!


    • #3
      I change the kids into playground clothing/shoes, spray them down with Off Deep Woods and sunscreen before going out, then run them through the shower and put their street clothes back on before going back to the playroom. I provide.

      It is how we have to do summer, here. If I sent them home with mosquito/chigger bites or sunburn, I'd have a lot of complaints, too. :hug:
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I would never let the parent dictate your program.We went out at least as much as your schedule.I would address their concerns about bug spray .We had a release giving permission to apply bug spray and sunscreen.Each parent provided the spray and signed off on the application.I would also suggest light weight pants (for the grass problem)..I always sighted the benefit of outdoor play and if parent found that to be a problem I offered 2 week notice.Never was I taken up on that.


        • #5
          I'm in MN ~ the mosquito capital of the US.
          I require parents to supply sun screen and bug spray if they want their kids to wear it. (Sun screen is a MUST).

          We are outside most of the day in the summer. We go outside alot in the winter as well but we spend 90% of our day outside in the summer months. We often eat lunch and nap outside too.

          The way I see it is if the mom doesn't want her kids outside she needs to find a child care that stays inside all day or she needs to come pick them up when you are taking the other kids outside.

          You do what YOU need/want to do. It's YOUR business to run not hers. If she isn't happy, she needs to find a program meets her needs/wants.

          I wouldn't worry about it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by rosieteddy View Post
            if parent found that to be a problem I offered 2 week notice.Never was I taken up on that.
            :::::: I find that is how I end 99% of parental conflict these days. Very effective. ::
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #7
              It really just irks me. For one have the balls excuse me for saying that to come to me I will not hear anything anyone says unless it comes from an adult so until then sorry I heard nothing. I will not be changing for one family sorry. I have parents that would be pissed if we didn’t go outside. Also I am pregnant if I can withstand being outside these kids certainly can give me a break. Also the only other daycare I would know that would keep kids inside all day would be like where an older lady runs it possibly and or just one that’s not that great sorry my opinion. I don’t think they have to every single day we do except for rain, but I just don’t know I have two older children and I would hate if my kid was cooped up inside all day. It would drive me insane. They sleep so much better when they have played out all day and don’t bug me either like begging to go play. I know there are some parents that sit kids in front of the tv all day or in front of phones but sorry not sorry I’m not one of those. I live in NC I was raised on a farm and have that outside bug . Also sorry for writing so much I am venting and have no other daycare people to talk to about it. ��


              • #8
                Parents don't tell me how to run my day. I am non-negotiable on outside time, nap times, and foods I serve (except for confirmed allergies). Like the poster above, I would offer a 2 week notice or let the parent know they can pick up during any times that my program schedule doesn't work for them. It won't matter quite so much, I'll bet.


                • #9
                  I supply bug spray and have signed permission slips allowing me to apply it as needed.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dreamer0311 View Post
                    I had one parent tell their kids to tell me that they didn’t want them outside anymore we have a schedule and go out twice a day once after breakfast and then after nap it totals to possibly 2 hours and 30 min maybe 3 hours at most they are here for 10 hours. She said she didn’t like it because of mosquito bites and itching from grass so question is do you provide bug spray or make them? I told them their mom one could talk to me not them. Two they are going outside regardless Every other parent LOVES that they go outside. When my kids were in daycare if they needed anything other then the regular necessities I had to provide it like sunscreen etc... what is your stance on staying inside and going outside? I feel children need to play get their energy out and have fun. My thoughts are the older girl just doesn’t like going outside and I will probably never hear anything from the mom, but I am more interested in hearing about the bug spray providing or not.
                    I have some questions. How old are the kids and which one told you this? Have you talked to the parent about it? I would ask the parent. You never know. The parent may never have even said that.

                    Secondly, I don't provide bug spray or sunscreen. The parents do. They provide it with name on it and sign a release. Licensing here said you have to be careful providing it and/or not having them sign for it in case of an allergic reaction. I have my parents put first dose on before drop off and I reapply after naps.


                    • #11
                      They are sisters 8 and 5 that’s the same here you have to have permission from them first of all the oldest 8 year old told me this and she is a MAJOR drama queen. I make the parents have a set of backup clothes here. So I can change them and wash the others. So dirtiness is never a complaint just the bug bites. I have sunscreen and use that on them but the bug spray is more controversial here.


                      • #12
                        I wouldn’t even address this with the parents. I’d just keep going about your day as you normally would. The child may have just said that, thinking it would get results.

                        In Texas, we’re required to have outside time daily, so staying inside all day wouldn’t even be an option if I wanted to do that. And I don’t.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rockgirl View Post
                          I wouldn’t even address this with the parents. I’d just keep going about your day as you normally would. The child may have just said that, thinking it would get results.

                          In Texas, we’re required to have outside time daily, so staying inside all day wouldn’t even be an option if I wanted to do that. And I don’t.
                          I agree unless the parent addresses it to me it is not a real concern.


                          • #14
                            I have had kids say things like this and I always answer back something like “well while you are here you follow my rules”. Seems to work!

                            I go outside for MY mental health and the kids can’t be left alone inside ::


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ariana View Post

                              I go outside for MY mental health and the kids can’t be left alone inside ::
                              So true!! I’ve heard providers say the kids missed outside time because of bad behavior. I’m like....You’re making it a thousand times worse!!

