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  • #16
    here are the regs for cribs/pnp for Wisconsin. It looks like 'safe' pnps are allowed but there are no indicators of 'safe' for pnps, just cribs... for now.

    (e) Infants shall sleep alone in cribs or playpens. Two related children may share a double bed.
    No more than one child may occupy a single size bed, cot, mat or sleeping bag.
    Note: See also s. DCF 250.06(8)(b)3. and 4. which require that the cot, bed, mat, sleeping bag, crib or
    playpen be safe and washable.

    4. A safe, washable crib or playpen for each child under one year of age who naps or sleeps.
    Note: See Appendix D for information related to safe cribs.

    Your Used Crib Could Be DEADLY
    CPSC Document # 5020
    An unsafe used crib could be very dangerous for a baby. Each year, about 50 babies suffocate
    or strangle when they become trapped between broken crib parts or in cribs with older, unsafe
    A safe crib is the best place to put a baby to sleep. Look for a crib with a certification seal
    showing that it meets national safety standards.
    If a crib does not meet these guidelines, it may not be used by children enrolled in your child
    care center. To protect all children, destroy it and replace it with a safe crib.
    A safe crib has:
    • No missing, loose, broken, or improperly-installed screws, brackets, or other hardware on the crib
    or the mattress support.
    • No more than 2 3/8 inches between crib slats so a baby’s body cannot fit through the slats.
    • A firm, snug-fitting mattress so a baby cannot get trapped between the mattress and the side of
    the crib.
    • No corner posts over 1/16 of an inch above the end panels (unless they are over 16 inches high
    for a canopy) so a baby cannot catch clothing and strangle.
    • No cutout areas on the headboard or foot board so a baby’s head cannot get trapped.
    • A mattress support that does not easily pull apart from the corner posts so a baby cannot get
    trapped between mattress and crib.
    • No cracked or peeling paint to prevent lead poisoning.
    • No splinters or rough edges.
    Last edited by DCMomOf3; 02-16-2011, 01:55 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Ok, I am in MN too and I just called my licensor and she said she has heard nothing about any new regs in regards to PNP's or cribs. She said it is a given that no one should use any product that has been recalled and PNP's are okay but NOT for infants (under 12 months) if the PNP has mesh siding which most do. So infants cannot and have not been allowed to sleep mesh sided PNP's

      Subp. 9.Infant and newborn sleeping space.There must be a safe, comfortable sleeping space for each infant and newborn. A crib, portable crib, or playpen with waterproof mattress or pad must be provided for each infant or newborn in care. The equipment must be of safe and sturdy construction that conforms to volume 16, parts 1508 to 1508.7 and parts 1509 to 1509.9 of the Code of Federal Regulations, its successor, or have a bar or rail pattern such that a 2-3/8 inch diameter sphere cannot pass through. Playpens with mesh sidings must not be used for the care or sleeping of infants or newborns.
      These are the kind of variations/interpretation differences between the counties that drive me crazy!

      I am also in Minnesota and I have always used pack-n-plays for my under 2's to sleep in. I use the bassinet inserts until they are old enough to sit up. I just got re-licensed in October; my licensing worker physically inspected all of my pnp's and gave me the same variance she always gives me to use the 'approved rigid mesh-sided portacribs'. I do the same monthly checks with CPSC and Graco (all four of my pnp's are Graco) to make sure there are no recalls.

      I have never been told that I cannot use pnp's. I wish everyone would get on the same page


      • #18
        Originally posted by DCMom View Post
        These are the kind of variations/interpretation differences between the counties that drive me crazy!

        I am also in Minnesota and I have always used pack-n-plays for my under 2's to sleep in. I use the bassinet inserts until they are old enough to sit up. I just got re-licensed in October; my licensing worker physically inspected all of my pnp's and gave me the same variance she always gives me to use the 'approved rigid mesh-sided portacribs'. I do the same monthly checks with CPSC and Graco (all four of my pnp's are Graco) to make sure there are no recalls.

        I have never been told that I cannot use pnp's. I wish everyone would get on the same page
        I feel for you...we had that problem with food coordinators..always telling each provider different versions of the rules. The info I posted though about the PNP's for infant sleeping came right off the MN licensing rule website so I would think it is the correct version. My licensor said each county can have special add-on requirments but NO county can over-ride the state's law.

        My guess is, maybe your licensor isn't intrepreting it correctly. (?) (mine told a parent the other day that I am legally required to give parents end of the year statements by Jan 31.?!?) I told her it was not true and what Tom Copeland said and even sent her the link. She was surprised that she was so mis-informed. I am listening to Tom on that one.

        As far as the PNP sleep rules, I am going to call the MN dept of Human Services licensing department and see what they say. iw ill keep you posted on what I find out. (can you tell I went to school for 2 years to be a para-legal??! Research is my fav! LOL!! )


        • #19
          what is JMason's?


          • #20
            Originally posted by MommyMuffin View Post
            what is JMason's?
            i tired to google it cuz I dont know that those are either....


            • #21
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
              i tired to google it cuz I dont know that those are either....


              • #22
                Sorry I just saw the replies!

                1. The CPSC released new guidelines on cribs. Manufacturers must meet the guidelines by 6/28/11. Daycare providers must have compliant cribs by 12/28/12. Including in-home providers.

                2. June seems to be when I get new reg change notices. I assumed that they voted in new regs in June.


                • #23
                  Where I fist heard of it:

                  Browse a selection of classroom furniture, educational toys & other school supplies at prices you’ll love. Shop with Discount School Supply today.


                  Our apologies. The page you are looking for may have been removed, had its URL changed, or is temporarily unavailable.  To keep looking, you may want to:  Use the Search box at the top of the page Try our site map below contact us directly to see if we can help [email protected] (800) 638-2772 -- Mon to Fri. 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM or leave a message at any time.  @USCPSC on Twitter

                  the only variance is DSS says 12-28-12 and CPSC says 24mos AFTER 6-2011 cribs must be compliant.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jessrlee View Post
                    Sorry I just saw the replies!

                    1. The CPSC released new guidelines on cribs. Manufacturers must meet the guidelines by 6/28/11. Daycare providers must have compliant cribs by 12/28/12. Including in-home providers.

                    2. June seems to be when I get new reg change notices. I assumed that they voted in new regs in June.
                    Hmmmmm I haven't seen June be a month of changes. It's usually YEARS in between reg changes. The last reg change came in October of 2009 IIRC.

                    I don't have any cribs so I hope it doesn't affect me. I don't know if they will ban all pack n plays or not. I haven't heard that.

                    The pack n play I use now is the safest piece of equipment I have ever purchased in my career. They are an AMAZING design. They are about a half inch to an inch off of the floor at the bottom. Full horizontal bars for the top railing. 26 inches deep, 40 inches long, with excellent materials for the mesh and vinyl. They have a THICK base that is like a cot bottom so there is no need for a mattress pad.

                    I wish they were still being made. They are an excellent option for older babies, toddlers, and preschoolers who do well with confined sleeping. I haven't ever had a kid be able to get out of them.

                    Like every piece of kid equipment they have to be maintained. It's important to visually check the seams and mesh regularly to catch any wear and repair. I am vigilant about checking them weekly.


                    • #25
                      Here's a link for the MN info

                      Sorry I didn't get to it yesterday, I ended up with a bunch of sick kiddos. I will try to get more info my county and post here.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
                        Here's a link for the MN info

                        Sorry I didn't get to it yesterday, I ended up with a bunch of sick kiddos. I will try to get more info my county and post here.
                        • No heights of the rail and end panel are less than 26 inches when measured from the top of the rail or panel in the highest position to the top of the mattress support in its lowest position (#5 on checklist)

                        Does this suggest the cribs need to be 26 inches deep on the inside from the mattress to the crib rail? Wow.... I didn't think they were MAKING cribs that deep.

                        For those of you that HAVE cribs what is the inside depth measurement from the top of the mattress in it's lowest position to the lowest point on the top rail? How deep is your crib?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nannyde

                          Originally Posted by MARSTELAC
                          Here's a link for the MN info

                          Sorry I didn't get to it yesterday, I ended up with a bunch of sick kiddos. I will try to get more info my county and post here.
                          • No heights of the rail and end panel are less than 26 inches when measured from the top of the rail or panel in the highest position to the top of the mattress support in its lowest position (#5 on checklist)

                          Does this suggest the cribs need to be 26 inches deep on the inside from the mattress to the crib rail? Wow.... I didn't think they were MAKING cribs that deep.

                          For those of you that HAVE cribs what is the inside depth measurement from the top of the mattress in it's lowest position to the lowest point on the top rail? How deep is your crib?
                          I have one crib and it's 22 inches at the lowest point.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by MARSTELAC View Post
                            Here's a link for the MN info

                            Sorry I didn't get to it yesterday, I ended up with a bunch of sick kiddos. I will try to get more info my county and post here.
                            Looks like Minnesota can still us PNP's....


                            • #29
                              Yes, MN can still use PNP's but I did get a hold of someone in licensing department from the State and the woman said infants (under 12 months) may NOT sleep in mesh sided PNP's. They must be in a basinet/crib/cradle. I asked about the inserts for PNP's that are for infants and she said it hasn't been addressed yet so she says there is no rule saying no to that and no rule saying yes either. :confused: But she was very clear about the fact that they cannot sleep in a mesh sided PNP (without that infant insert thing.) Do they even make PNP's with out mesh on atleast two sides?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by DCMomOf3 View Post
                                I have one crib and it's 22 inches at the lowest point.
                                Four inches is the difference of a year plus in an average child's height ... meaning it could be used for an older baby if it were deeper.

