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What Potty Style Is Best? What Do You Do To Support Potty Learning?

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  • What Potty Style Is Best? What Do You Do To Support Potty Learning?

    Which style of toilet trainer seat works best?

    Style #1 (kind that is built into the toilet seat)

    Style #2 (Baby Bjorn style that goes over the toilet seat)

    Also what is your approach to potty training especially in group care? I have seen many policies about it being the parents' responsibility but what do providers who want to support it do? What is the pro/con to helping?

    Lastly anyone have a potty training policy that is not a page or paragraph long? I am trying to keep my handbook as succinct as possible 1) because parents don't read when there is too much and 2) because my handbook is already so long and I have only been open 4 months :: I find with my parents getting straight to the point in writing is the easiest for them to respect and for me to enforce.

  • #2
    My handbook says that potty training starts when child is ready around 2.5-3years old and that the parents start at home and I continue at daycare. I require them to be in a pullup each day and I support the potty training process by taking them to the bathroom when they ask to go. Kids who are not ready just use their pullups as diapers. Kids who are ready keep their pullups dry all day.

    The only potty I use is the small toilet seat that goes on a regular toilet. I have a stool in front so the kids can get themselves onto the toilet.


    • #3
      I use a toilet seat that has a flip down smaller seat for the kids. I use that only when the child is newly trained.

      After that, it's just the regular toilet.

      Too many parents train using "special seats" or "potty chairs" and then wonder why their kid can't go to the bathroom when out and about.

      Target, Wal-mart etc.. only have regular toilets so the quicker a child becomes accustomed to using a regular toilet the better.

      I have a girlfriend that lugged around a toddler snap on seat for years!! :: ::


      • #4
        I use the toilet. I'll hold them up if they need me to, but nothing extra to sanitize. I had a double toilet seat, but it broke and I need to order another. I really liked that. Everyone sits except the one kid that it just wont' work with. For the other boys I tell them that they can stand up to pee when I install a urinal (never, ), but until then the toilet has a seat, so sit ur booty down.

        The one kid it doesn't work with...doesn't have much of a tinky and just pees straight out. There isn't really anything there for him to point down.


        • #5
          I use the toilet. If the child has trouble sitting on the seat. I will turn them around to face the back of the toilet.

          Here in CA we are not aloud to have a potty chair or use any type of plastic seats. They say it's not sanitary because plastic doesn't clean good enough to become sanitary.

          I'm actually fine with that! As BC stated, kids need to learn how to use a real potty at home and when out and about.

          I laugh when I see parents running to their car to get the child's potty. Then set it up either in the car or the parking lot! :: ::


          • #6
            Originally posted by Laurie View Post
            I use the toilet. If the child has trouble sitting on the seat. I will turn them around to face the back of the toilet.

            Here in CA we are not aloud to have a potty chair or use any type of plastic seats. They say it's not sanitary because plastic doesn't clean good enough to become sanitary.

            I'm actually fine with that! As BC stated, kids need to learn how to use a real potty at home and when out and about.

            I laugh when I see parents running to their car to get the child's potty. Then set it up either in the car or the parking lot! :: ::
            I'm in CA and haven't heard that. My regular toilet seat is plastic, . I was told that we couldn't use padded seats though, because you can't sanitize them. That goes for the grown up toilet seat as well.


            • #7
              I was told that many years ago from licensing. Maybe they've changed their minds, yet again. ::

              I've never questioned it since I don't agree with using anything other than the toilet.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Laurie View Post
                I was told that many years ago from licensing. Maybe they've changed their minds, yet again. ::

                I've never questioned it since I don't agree with using anything other than the toilet.
                Right now everyone has a big enough tushy for it to work. But I had one little one that would have entirely fallen through the hole, . That's when I bought this....

                She's 4 years old now and perches on the edge, but still a teensy little thing that could easily fall in if she's not careful.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Laurie View Post
                  I use the toilet. If the child has trouble sitting on the seat. I will turn them around to face the back of the toilet.

                  Here in CA we are not aloud to have a potty chair or use any type of plastic seats. They say it's not sanitary because plastic doesn't clean good enough to become sanitary.
                  I'm actually fine with that! As BC stated, kids need to learn how to use a real potty at home and when out and about.

                  I laugh when I see parents running to their car to get the child's potty. Then set it up either in the car or the parking lot! :: ::
                  I don't believe I've heard this before. Where is it stated in the regs?


                  • #10
                    We only use the regular toilet.

                    We are allowed to use potty chairs and seats etc. but each child must have their own and it must washed, sanitized, dried and stored separately after use. As it's not unusual to have 4+ kids training at the same time, it would become a huge storage issue.
                    So until the child is ready for the toilet....we don't train.


                    • #11
                      I use the built in one. It's nice since the kids can use it while they are small and learning but it's part of the toilet so there is nothing to remove or empty. Just one extra part of the lid to wash off when I clean the bathroom. I also have one upstairs for my own kids. I refuse to use any type of potty chair I think they are gross.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                        My handbook says that potty training starts when child is ready around 2.5-3years old and that the parents start at home and I continue at daycare. I require them to be in a pullup each day and I support the potty training process by taking them to the bathroom when they ask to go. Kids who are not ready just use their pullups as diapers. Kids who are ready keep their pullups dry all day.

                        The only potty I use is the small toilet seat that goes on a regular toilet. I have a stool in front so the kids can get themselves onto the toilet.

                        This is me, too.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
                          Right now everyone has a big enough tushy for it to work. But I had one little one that would have entirely fallen through the hole, . That's when I bought this...

                          She's 4 years old now and perches on the edge, but still a teensy little thing that could easily fall in if she's not careful.
                          This is why I use a seat too! Once they get the hang of it they stop using it. It is just to support learning in the first few weeks. I sanitize with a Lysol wipe, easy peasy!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by hwichlaz View Post
                            Right now everyone has a big enough tushy for it to work. But I had one little one that would have entirely fallen through the hole, . That's when I bought this....

                            She's 4 years old now and perches on the edge, but still a teensy little thing that could easily fall in if she's not careful.
                            I have that one too... it's rare that a child potty trains here, but every now and again I get one that can train before the age out (21 months)... my youngest dd trained by 18 months so it's not unheard of.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                              I don't believe I've heard this before. Where is it stated in the regs?
                              I've never seen it in the Reg's. I was told this by my licensing manager many years ago. I also was told this through a workshop I took through "Childrens Home Society" a while back.

                              They both said potty seats and plastic seats were unsanitary and don't clean like a toilet seat. like I said before, they may not be saying this anymore. I've been doing this for 24yrs. stuff like this changes all the time. If you're concerned, check with your Rep and see what they're saying about it.

