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Dogs In Your Daycare?

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  • Dogs In Your Daycare?

    Home daycare people --
    what do you do with your dogs? Do you allow them near the kids?

  • #2
    Originally posted by dreamer View Post
    Home daycare people --
    what do you do with your dogs? Do you allow them near the kids?
    I keep them separate for the their safety and the kids '


    • #3
      That's probably the easiest way, I know for sure I would have to tell the kids to leave my dog alone. She is small and could get injured easily! I just feel bad because my dog likes to be close by me.


      • #4
        People will probably gasp and tsk tsk me and I know it's an added liability BUT I have 2 dogs. The kids love them and they love the kids. I cannot imagine separating them all day because that would mean making them stay in 1 room. My dogs are both mixed breed, part lab. They're lovers, not fighters. I'm pretty sure if I had to keep them apart, I'd look for a job elsewhere.
        I do, however, keep them in the bedroom at pick-up and drop-off times plus of course, during meals.
        It also depends on your insurance company. We're not allowed 'dangerous' dogs. Well duh. Some providers I know do have to keep their dog separated, which I find sad. Dogs are pets and for the most part, great companions and playmates for kids. Yes, they can be unpredictable. You do your best to teach the dcks and keep your eyes peeled for any situations that could become precarious.


        • #5
          Our Pekinese tolerates the loud little humans around his house but really doesn't interact with them. He stays on the other side of the gates most of the time. When gates are down he pretty much goes to a different room or someplace away from them.


          • #6
            I have two small dogs and they play with the kiddos sometimes for short times but spend most of the day in their crates where they are happier when there are a lot of little hands and feet around.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jenboo View Post
              I keep them separate for the their safety and the kids '
              and my liability. I have two labs, fantastic dogs, well socialized and well behaved but it would take just an accusation to ruin my life.

              My dogs either go to the shop with dh all day or to doggy daycare if dh is out on jobs. I wouldn't leave them alone all day.

              My daycare families have dogs and all are crated ALL DAY LONG, that's a 8-10 hour day in a crate!


              • #8
                Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                and my liability. I have two labs, fantastic dogs, well socialized and well behaved but it would take just an accusation to ruin my life.

                My dogs either go to the shop with dh all day or to doggy daycare if dh is out on jobs. I wouldn't leave them alone all day.

                My daycare families have dogs and all are crated ALL DAY LONG, that's a 8-10 hour day in a crate!
                My dogs stay in the kitchen, garage and a dog run in the yard. My dogs hate crates...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                  and my liability. I have two labs, fantastic dogs, well socialized and well behaved but it would take just an accusation to ruin my life.

                  My dogs either go to the shop with dh all day or to doggy daycare if dh is out on jobs. I wouldn't leave them alone all day.

                  My daycare families have dogs and all are crated ALL DAY LONG, that's a 8-10 hour day in a crate!
                  This ^^

                  I totally agree that dogs are and can be a positive in many ways but sadly in this day and age, liability trumps all of that. Every time.

                  My pup stays home and doesn't not get to be in daycare.

                  It's safer for him.
                  Safer for the kids
                  and safer for me (liability wise).


                  • #10
                    I turned my mudroom next to the laundry room into my animals room! I have 2 cats and 2 dogs (1 small 1 big). They love their own space! I have a cat tower, some beds, toys, etc. The cats stay in and get free range overnight and weekends. The dogs I let out once before the kiddos get here, then they are outside all nap time (weather permitting), and then I let them out when the last kiddos leave and they get free range until bed time when I crate them. Seems to be a good system!

                    All my daycare families have animals and wouldn't mind supervised interactions but I don't allow it. I just don't feel it's fair of me to allow 5+ kids to ambush them ! They love kids all my animals have grown up with my son and are used to some tough love but it's not a situation I feel comfortable putting them or the kids in!


                    • #11
                      I have 2 dogs currently and have have had dogs the whole time I have run a daycare . I even had 3 different litters of puppies while running a daycare . My licensing rep even did her inspection while I had a litter once , she had no problems with they way I had everything set up.

                      My dogs are in the house and are not really separated they can do what they please ( which is normally sleeping ) . The dck do not play with the dogs and the dogs stay out of the playroom . I do put them downstairs during pick up and drop off because it is easier for me to not worry about the dogs running out the door .


                      • #12
                        I keep my dog separated. I have a raised ranch and daycare is in the lower level, so he has the upstairs all to himself.

                        Every now and then he will come to the gate and the kids say hi, but I think he prefers to be away from the kids. He's only 18 pounds, so I'm sure he feels safer upstairs.

                        I agree with everyone else, its mostly a liability issue for me. My dog is great, but he is also an animal. I trust him to be well behaved, but I don't trust all the kids to not be too rough, or irritating, when they interact with him. It would only take one bite for him to get in trouble, unfortunately!


                        • #13
                          My regs say the dogs can only be around the kids when written into the daily curriculum and only for the duration of that particular lesson.

                          Also, there is a list of specific breeds I cannot have on the property. Added to the ban list are many reptiles and small fuzzy mammals that some people find "icky".

                          I can't even have a little green garden snake. My favorite as a kid.
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #14
                            I've always had dogs with the kids. There is a baby gate in my bedroom doorway with a doggy door in it so that when they've had enough of the kids they can go in my room. BUT, that rarely happens because they've just always been here. It's usually a new kid that makes them want to hide. Once the newness has worn off the kids don't bother them, and the dogs will even come lay next to a kid that is sitting still to get loves and pats.


                            • #15
                              My dog isn't allowed in my playroom as it's gated off. (As much for dog hair reasons. She avoids the kids if we are in a different room, and they don't interact. My dog is great with my kids, but we have a no petting the dog rule during daycare.

