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Found Out I'm Unexpectedly Pregnant...

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  • Found Out I'm Unexpectedly Pregnant...


    I am a licensed provider of a group home, and I just found out that I'm pregnant. This wasn't AT ALL expected. While I won't ever regret my children, I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed with concern and emotion.

    I've put more than you can imagine into my daycare on all levels, including curriculum, activities, reporting, etc. It is going to be insanely hard for me if I have to close; as this really has turned into a huge passion. I have three assistants on-staff, so I don't foresee care, or even quality care, being a necessary issue, but I guess I'm wondering what other people think.?. Do parents usually run in fear from a daycare if the owner/provider is pregnant? How would you recommend the approach? With this being my third, I doubt I will be able to "hide it" for a large amount of time, nor would I want to as I feel that would be a form of lying.

    I don't want to close off everything I've worked beyond hard for, and I feel like I'm a huge disappointment to others with this unexpected predicament, but it is what it is, and I can't just move on from it. Any thoughts out there would be greatly appreciative.

  • #2
    I'm not very experienced, but I want to share my view:

    Its comparable to you being a public school teacher, and most people have had or at least seen a pregnant teacher at some point. It won't take away from your ability to teach or nurture, so I don't believe it's something you should worry about! If anything pregnancy makes you seem motherly, and makes you look like someone who enjoys babies / children. I think your students will be excited about it as well!


    • #3
      Thank you...

      Thank you for your encouragement. I definitely feel emotionally overwhelmed by this surprise, but I also know life is never how it's planned.

      I just hope I don't disappoint anyone, particularly the parents, with this unexpected news.


      • #4
        As hard as it may be. I wouldn't really worry about how your parents feel. We can't control them or their emotions, especially with a situation you have no ability to change.

        I would announce this news with big celebratory! We have exciting news. ms.x will be adding to our wonderful group.

        Leave it at that. It truly is a blessing, enjoy this time to celebrate. If you lead this way, I'm sure many will follow. And congrats.


        • #5
          Parents simply need to know what the plan is and that the plan will not affect their care arrangements. I would come up with a workable plan and then let the parents know as soon as you can. Let the chips fall where they may because this baby IS coming! Just focus on what you want to happen and it will, don't get mired down in what ifs and negatives. In my experience people are much more understanding especially when it comes to pregnancy.

          Congratulations happyface


          • #6
            This happened to me just as I re-opened after a two year hiatus. Tried for 5 years, no baby. Make plans to move on and surprise!
            This is happy news, and as long as parents know you are doing your best to accommodate them then you will be fine. Any that are not, they are not worth receiving the care you provide. You are a person first and foremost, not the business.



            • #7
              First of all- Congratulations!

              I would just tell your DCFs. I doubt there will be an issue, especially considering you have assistants. Frankly any DCPs that have a problem with you being pregnant are probably the families you don't want anyway.


              • #8
                The parents with kids in my care did not seam to mind out of 5 families only one left but not till I was due to have baby. (Which was just as well since I had ratio changes due to a law being passed n time for babys birth would have had to kick one kid out any ways).

                I did not tell any one till I ws 13 weeks (was showing a bit then) but due to a previous loss I was not about to share before that. I even had to tell one family when they started about the pregnancy cause they started when I was 3 months but they had no issue.

                I did make sure when I told parents about it that I gave them a verb le tentative plan for when I was due about how much time I would be closed and I would be using subs for appointments and after baby came till I was recovered from my section. Once I knew my section date I wrote up my closed weeks and what weeks I use a sub (and who it was) for the parents to sign. I was able to work till just a few days before my section by my self (sub only came in if I was gone). In the end I only had 1 day I was shut down without notice at 25 weeks when I was hospitalallied over night for a scare. Parents also had no issue with that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                  I am a licensed provider of a group home, and I just found out that I'm pregnant. This wasn't AT ALL expected. While I won't ever regret my children, I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed with concern and emotion.

                  I've put more than you can imagine into my daycare on all levels, including curriculum, activities, reporting, etc. It is going to be insanely hard for me if I have to close; as this really has turned into a huge passion. I have three assistants on-staff, so I don't foresee care, or even quality care, being a necessary issue, but I guess I'm wondering what other people think.?. Do parents usually run in fear from a daycare if the owner/provider is pregnant? How would you recommend the approach? With this being my third, I doubt I will be able to "hide it" for a large amount of time, nor would I want to as I feel that would be a form of lying.

                  I don't want to close off everything I've worked beyond hard for, and I feel like I'm a huge disappointment to others with this unexpected predicament, but it is what it is, and I can't just move on from it. Any thoughts out there would be greatly appreciative.
                  Congratulations!!!!!! happyface

                  Seems most providers feel guilty putting themselves and/or their families ahead of others... What a nice quality to have but at the same time, what a bad one to have...kwim?

                  I think you should try to adopt the attitude that it IS okay for you to put yourself and your needs ahead of others sometimes. It does NOT mean you are a failure or that you are letting anyone down.

                  I also doubt parents "run in fear" from providers who are expecting...I see providers every day that are expecting or are new parents themselves. I think families/clients LIKE that. Sometimes the Dr appointments etc are tough to work around but good quality care is so important and valuable that I think families figure it out if they truly value you/your program.

                  Don't stress yourself out about it and just go with the happy news!! Your might find yourself pleasantly surprised at how supportive and happy your clients will be for you!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                    I am a licensed provider of a group home, and I just found out that I'm pregnant. This wasn't AT ALL expected. While I won't ever regret my children, I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed with concern and emotion.

                    I've put more than you can imagine into my daycare on all levels, including curriculum, activities, reporting, etc. It is going to be insanely hard for me if I have to close; as this really has turned into a huge passion. I have three assistants on-staff, so I don't foresee care, or even quality care, being a necessary issue, but I guess I'm wondering what other people think.?. Do parents usually run in fear from a daycare if the owner/provider is pregnant? How would you recommend the approach? With this being my third, I doubt I will be able to "hide it" for a large amount of time, nor would I want to as I feel that would be a form of lying.

                    I don't want to close off everything I've worked beyond hard for, and I feel like I'm a huge disappointment to others with this unexpected predicament, but it is what it is, and I can't just move on from it. Any thoughts out there would be greatly appreciative.
                    I got pregnant 5 months after opening and didn't lose a single family. In fact, they all showed up one Friday and threw me a surprise shower (and took their kids early!). I've treated them like family, and they returned the favor. It sounds like you put a lot into your program, and I imagine families see that.

                    As soon as I found out I was pregnant I told them all. We waited to tell everyone else in our lives, but I decided I wanted families to be aware (I also started showing very quickly). I mapped out a plan and gave parents names of other providers in the area. Everyone came up with a back up plan, and everyone returned after 5 weeks.

                    I worked up until I went into labor. Some days I was slower, but I made up for it on days I felt great.

                    Don't feel bad. I believe this is part of choosing a home daycare. And don't rush back if you can avoid it. I only planned to close for 2 weeks and then re-open with a sub. My sub cancelled a month before I re-opened and it was a blessing. I needed complete peace so I could enjoy the time and heal. I wouldn't have been a good provider if I opened before I was ready.


                    • #11
                      Congrats on you pregnancy!

                      I am curious as to how maternity leave works for daycare providers. Do you take any time off after the baby arrives? Do you have your helpers cover for you? If you don't have helpers and you take time off, Where do the parents take the kids?

                      I was just thinking that that might be the main reason that I'd be nervous to tell the parents about my pregnancy. They wouldn't know what to do with their children for 3 months and might seek other care.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post

                        I am a licensed provider of a group home, and I just found out that I'm pregnant. This wasn't AT ALL expected. While I won't ever regret my children, I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed with concern and emotion.

                        I've put more than you can imagine into my daycare on all levels, including curriculum, activities, reporting, etc. It is going to be insanely hard for me if I have to close; as this really has turned into a huge passion. I have three assistants on-staff, so I don't foresee care, or even quality care, being a necessary issue, but I guess I'm wondering what other people think.?. Do parents usually run in fear from a daycare if the owner/provider is pregnant? How would you recommend the approach? With this being my third, I doubt I will be able to "hide it" for a large amount of time, nor would I want to as I feel that would be a form of lying.

                        I don't want to close off everything I've worked beyond hard for, and I feel like I'm a huge disappointment to others with this unexpected predicament, but it is what it is, and I can't just move on from it. Any thoughts out there would be greatly appreciative.
                        I run a preschool program only, no daycare, and I have been pregnant two times while running my program. I have never had someone unenroll because I was pregnant (one unenrolled with child 1 because they wanted me to change my policies to match the drop in provider that they were using's, because I closed for 2-3 weeks for maternity leave, or because there would now be a baby at the preschool.

                        You can easily run a child care program with a new baby. It'll be nice that you can still bring in income AND tend to your own child. lovethis


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                          Parents simply need to know what the plan is and that the plan will not affect their care arrangements. I would come up with a workable plan and then let the parents know as soon as you can. Let the chips fall where they may because this baby IS coming! Just focus on what you want to happen and it will, don't get mired down in what ifs and negatives. In my experience people are much more understanding especially when it comes to pregnancy.

                          Congratulations happyface
                          This is REALLY true. I had to close unexpectedly when I went to the ER early on in my current pregnancy. I hadn't announced my pregnancy yet but did at that point in time so they could understand why I was closing for a day. They were all extremely kind and understanding, even though some people do use my preschool as a child care program in a way and depend on it (and they trade off other days with other people/relatives).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Crazy Baby View Post
                            Congrats on you pregnancy!

                            I am curious as to how maternity leave works for daycare providers. Do you take any time off after the baby arrives? Do you have your helpers cover for you? If you don't have helpers and you take time off, Where do the parents take the kids?

                            I was just thinking that that might be the main reason that I'd be nervous to tell the parents about my pregnancy. They wouldn't know what to do with their children for 3 months and might seek other care.
                            There is NO way I could close my program for 3 months. I only close for 2-3 weeks and then I re-open as usual. I'm having an assistant come in for a few hours a few days, my mom will help a few hours another, and my husband will help a few hours another.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Crazy Baby View Post
                              Congrats on you pregnancy!

                              I am curious as to how maternity leave works for daycare providers. Do you take any time off after the baby arrives? Do you have your helpers cover for you? If you don't have helpers and you take time off, Where do the parents take the kids?

                              I was just thinking that that might be the main reason that I'd be nervous to tell the parents about my pregnancy. They wouldn't know what to do with their children for 3 months and might seek other care.
                              Having babies while doing daycare can work really well, but your plans have to be realistic with your market area. I took two weeks off after birth and it was just enough time for me. Taking 3 months would not have worked, so if i needed that long, i would probably have closed and then reopened with new families when i was ready.

