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Opinions Or Advice Please

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  • Opinions Or Advice Please

    (sorry lots of questions)
    I run a preschool program from my home. Going on my second year. Most of my kids are 2.5-4.5 yrs old.
    All of my kids have been with me for at least 1 year or longer.

    I have a 4.5 yr old DCB who will be going to school this coming fall and I am very concerned for him. He attends 3 days a week. I know you are not supposed to compare kids; however, I am beginning to wonder if he may need to attend a head start or a school that can provide him more help than he is getting here.

    All of my kids except this one DCB can recognize every letter capital and lower case, along with the sounds. There are several other things that they can do they he cannot. Even simple things like show me where your elbows are or your knees and etc… He is still not potty trained and has limited speech.

    He is very, very far behind the rest of the group, even way behind the two year olds. I feel that I need to tell the parents so that he can be ready to go to school this fall. I just don’t know how to tell them. They think that he is extremely intelligent and they always boast about how smart he is… I just dont want the child to feel unwanted, as this is not the case at all. I really want what is best for him and hope that he builds a strong foundation for learning. I am just not sure I can help him.

    What would you do? Would you recommend another learning center in hopes that it will better him and prepare him for school and if so how and what do you tell the parents???

  • #2
    omg, I was just going to post about dcb that is the same age. He goes to school in september. He doesn't know how to sing abc song, and I mean he doesn't even know how it starts, he too doesn't know body parts, his speech is so bad its not even funny that other parents are asking me about it and he has no imagination except that everything is a gun. Dad says he's got energy, NO DAD its called teaching your child the quality of life. BUT WAIT====he can swear like a trucker, that you should have heard him today, I'm so glad my crowd doesn't repeat because the f word is so wrong


    • #3
      Originally posted by countrymom View Post
      omg, I was just going to post about dcb that is the same age. He goes to school in september. He doesn't know how to sing abc song, and I mean he doesn't even know how it starts, he too doesn't know body parts, his speech is so bad its not even funny that other parents are asking me about it and he has no imagination except that everything is a gun. Dad says he's got energy, NO DAD its called teaching your child the quality of life. BUT WAIT====he can swear like a trucker, that you should have heard him today, I'm so glad my crowd doesn't repeat because the f word is so wrong
      OMG!! get out of town the F bomb...... now thats just the parents fault..


      • #4
        First thoughts... does your area require preschool screening? Many red flags come up at screening and that is one way to allow the parents to hear it from another party.

        Second of all... do you do any developmental assessments? Do you share them with parents? Most of the time if you have concerns they are best brought up with evidence and alongside positives. Do you ever ask parents if they have any ? or things they would like you to support them on? Sometimes they are more willing to share if they know you are asking so that you can support them. I would avoid comparing between kids but rather talk to parents about the skills (have evidence based on your districts expectations) he should have BEFORE entering K. They may not know what he need to know before he gets there.

        I have tons of experience with special ed (licensed in my state) and currently have a few in my daycare (adhd, and speech delay, and autism). I think anything that pops out at you as non typical or concerning is worth following up on. If he goes to K and truely needs services he will get what he needs but many things can be delt with better if determined earlier.


        • #5
          when I mean the f word, today the one kid was playing with his car and the boy said f**** you. funny how he knows nothing that is age appropriate but has a truckers mouth.


          • #6
            Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
            (sorry lots of questions)
            I run a preschool program from my home. Going on my second year. Most of my kids are 2.5-4.5 yrs old.
            All of my kids have been with me for at least 1 year or longer.

            I have a 4.5 yr old DCB who will be going to school this coming fall and I am very concerned for him. He attends 3 days a week. I know you are not supposed to compare kids; however, I am beginning to wonder if he may need to attend a head start or a school that can provide him more help than he is getting here.

            All of my kids except this one DCB can recognize every letter capital and lower case, along with the sounds. There are several other things that they can do they he cannot. Even simple things like show me where your elbows are or your knees and etc… He is still not potty trained and has limited speech.

            He is very, very far behind the rest of the group, even way behind the two year olds. I feel that I need to tell the parents so that he can be ready to go to school this fall. I just don’t know how to tell them. They think that he is extremely intelligent and they always boast about how smart he is… I just dont want the child to feel unwanted, as this is not the case at all. I really want what is best for him and hope that he builds a strong foundation for learning. I am just not sure I can help him.

            What would you do? Would you recommend another learning center in hopes that it will better him and prepare him for school and if so how and what do you tell the parents???
            Wow- I agree with pp that there are several red flags here. What is it that he does that causes his parents to think how smart he is (I'm not being snarky, I'm just trying to get a better picture...)?

            I don't think a different preschool program is necessarily what he needs. What he needs is an evaluation of his development. very limited speech, not potty trained, doesn't know body parts, etc... I would absolutely talk to the parents and yes, it would be best if you have an assessment that you do on the kids. If not, maybe you could look up the 4-yr old Ages and Stages Questionnaire...I have to run now, but I can try to find it later...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              First thoughts... does your area require preschool screening? Many red flags come up at screening and that is one way to allow the parents to hear it from another party.

              Second of all... do you do any developmental assessments? Do you share them with parents? Most of the time if you have concerns they are best brought up with evidence and alongside positives. Do you ever ask parents if they have any ? or things they would like you to support them on? Sometimes they are more willing to share if they know you are asking so that you can support them. I would avoid comparing between kids but rather talk to parents about the skills (have evidence based on your districts expectations) he should have BEFORE entering K. They may not know what he need to know before he gets there.

              I have tons of experience with special ed (licensed in my state) and currently have a few in my daycare (adhd, and speech delay, and autism). I think anything that pops out at you as non typical or concerning is worth following up on. If he goes to K and truely needs services he will get what he needs but many things can be delt with better if determined earlier.
              So it is kind of hard to explain in full detail his assessments. The assessments that I conduct are through our pre planned curriculum. It is an extra fee to me to use the tracking of their progress and assessments. The fee that I am charged is passed on to the parents, if they wish to have their child’s progress tracked then they need to pay the extra fee. This family was not interested in having a tracking progress on their child, so the parents have never been given one. The thing is, is that I know that he is very very far behind. Just like you said, a lot of red flags.
              Because I have no tracking to show the parents, I am not sure where to start. I know that mom and dad do not promote any type of learning at home. He watches a ton of TV and is bounced around between g-mas, aunties, and uncles houses on a weekly basis.
              Do you think that if he starts getting the help early that it will help him set a better foundation for his future? Or do you think that it's too late for me to worry about it and let it wait until he gets to school?? I have no experience in working with special Ed children and don't even know if he is special Ed....


              • #8
                Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                So it is kind of hard to explain in full detail his assessments. The assessments that I conduct are through our pre planned curriculum. It is an extra fee to me to use the tracking of their progress and assessments. The fee that I am charged is passed on to the parents, if they wish to have their child’s progress tracked then they need to pay the extra fee. This family was not interested in having a tracking progress on their child, so the parents have never been given one. The thing is, is that I know that he is very very far behind. Just like you said, a lot of red flags.
                Because I have no tracking to show the parents, I am not sure where to start. I know that mom and dad do not promote any type of learning at home. He watches a ton of TV and is bounced around between g-mas, aunties, and uncles houses on a weekly basis.
                Do you think that if he starts getting the help early that it will help him set a better foundation for his future? Or do you think that it's too late for me to worry about it and let it wait until he gets to school?? I have no experience in working with special Ed children and don't even know if he is special Ed....
                also I forgot to add, that I am not considered a preschool, I am in the process of getting that established still... However I am qualified to teach...


                • #9
                  I think you have to look at it from the area of what would you want if it was your child behind and you didn't know anything was "off".

                  Personally, if I had my daughter in daycare and I thought she was so smart for her age, but really she was behind what she should be able to do, I would want my provider to tell me her concerns. Sure, it may sting a bit, but in the end, I would rather get my child evaluated sooner than later.

                  Remember, you are not the enemy here and you also aren't diagnosing anything, so I don't think you should feel bad about addressing this with the parents. You are just this child's provider of care and you are caring about his development.

                  I would just approach it by telling parents you have some concerns about DCB and would they be able to discuss it over the phone or in person with you? I don't think you need to talk about what he can/can't do in relation to the other kids in your care. But you can just talk about what you know from experience and what kids should be able to do at certain ages. Generalizing milestones at certain ages feels less demeaning than comparing him to a specific child in your care, kwim?

                  Also, something to think about. If you say nothing, and the child goes to Kindergarten in the fall, surely his delays will get noticed by the teacher. You could then get questioned by the parents about why you never mentioned to them that he was behind for his age. Then, you'd probably feel pretty bad for not saying anything.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Daycare_Mama View Post
                    I think you have to look at it from the area of what would you want if it was your child behind and you didn't know anything was "off".

                    Personally, if I had my daughter in daycare and I thought she was so smart for her age, but really she was behind what she should be able to do, I would want my provider to tell me her concerns. Sure, it may sting a bit, but in the end, I would rather get my child evaluated sooner than later.

                    Remember, you are not the enemy here and you also aren't diagnosing anything, so I don't think you should feel bad about addressing this with the parents. You are just this child's provider of care and you are caring about his development.

                    I would just approach it by telling parents you have some concerns about DCB and would they be able to discuss it over the phone or in person with you? I don't think you need to talk about what he can/can't do in relation to the other kids in your care. But you can just talk about what you know from experience and what kids should be able to do at certain ages. Generalizing milestones at certain ages feels less demeaning than comparing him to a specific child in your care, kwim?

                    Also, something to think about. If you say nothing, and the child goes to Kindergarten in the fall, surely his delays will get noticed by the teacher. You could then get questioned by the parents about why you never mentioned to them that he was behind for his age. Then, you'd probably feel pretty bad for not saying anything.
                    Thank you for taking the time to write all of that.... it makes A LOT of sense. I would be upset if no one told me.... guess I just have to relax and think about it..
                    This guy is so sweet and charming.... I feel like crying because I don’t know how to help him progress... This is why I feel he needs to be with a teacher that has the experience....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                      Do you think that if he starts getting the help early that it will help him set a better foundation for his future? Or do you think that it's too late for me to worry about it and let it wait until he gets to school?? I have no experience in working with special Ed children and don't even know if he is special Ed....
                      omg yes to the first question!! Without a doubt, the earlier any issue is caught, the better this child will do in the long run. An example for you..

                      I have 2 step sons (technically my bf's kids...we just don't have the money for my dream wedding yet

                      Anyways, the boys are now 7 and 9 and I have been with their dad since they were almost 2 and almost 5. Not to be on some high horse, but before I came into the picture, they were RARELY read to. Equally my boyfriend's fault as well as their mom's. One night, shortly after I started dating their dad, I was reading them a bedtime story and the almost 5 year old goes, "Wow, this is so fun! Mom never reads us books!" Just about broke my heart.

                      Well, the oldest started Kindergarten not being able to recognize a single letter in the alphabet. He has had problems with reading since he started school and now gets help from special ed. He's in 4th grade reading at a 2nd grade level.. we spend time reading every day, we do hooked on phonics, and he is slowly catching up, but I can tell you it has been a HUGE struggle. He hates reading because he is behind his peers. Without a doubt, had he had a better start when he was little, I know this wouldn't be an issue.

                      Case in point: His 7 year old brother got those 3 years of reading to that his brother didn't get from 1.5-4.5. He also went to head start and is doing fantastic for his age in reading.

                      This goes to show you 2 things: just how important reading to kids is AND how important getting kids help if they are behind as soon as you notice an issue!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                        Thank you for taking the time to write all of that.... it makes A LOT of sense. I would be upset if no one told me.... guess I just have to relax and think about it..
                        This guy is so sweet and charming.... I feel like crying because I don’t know how to help him progress... This is why I feel he needs to be with a teacher that has the experience....
                        I can understand the feeling. Just express that to the parents. Maybe start by calling your school district and ask them to refer you to someone who evaluates children before starting school. Just tell them you have a child who you know is behind and you want to recommend something to the parents. If that doesn't work, have the parents bring the child to his Pediatrician and they will be able to refer them to somewhere for testing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Daycare_Mama View Post
                          omg yes to the first question!! Without a doubt, the earlier any issue is caught, the better this child will do in the long run. An example for you..

                          I have 2 step sons (technically my bf's kids...we just don't have the money for my dream wedding yet

                          Anyways, the boys are now 7 and 9 and I have been with their dad since they were almost 2 and almost 5. Not to be on some high horse, but before I came into the picture, they were RARELY read to. Equally my boyfriend's fault as well as their mom's. One night, shortly after I started dating their dad, I was reading them a bedtime story and the almost 5 year old goes, "Wow, this is so fun! Mom never reads us books!" Just about broke my heart.

                          Well, the oldest started Kindergarten not being able to recognize a single letter in the alphabet. He has had problems with reading since he started school and now gets help from special ed. He's in 4th grade reading at a 2nd grade level.. we spend time reading every day, we do hooked on phonics, and he is slowly catching up, but I can tell you it has been a HUGE struggle. He hates reading because he is behind his peers. Without a doubt, had he had a better start when he was little, I know this wouldn't be an issue.

                          Case in point: His 7 year old brother got those 3 years of reading to that his brother didn't get from 1.5-4.5. He also went to head start and is doing fantastic for his age in reading.

                          This goes to show you 2 things: just how important reading to kids is AND how important getting kids help if they are behind as soon as you notice an issue!
                          In my heart of hearts I know the right thing to do. I guess I just dont want to have to be the one to tell the DCP.... I feel like crying.....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                            In my heart of hearts I know the right thing to do. I guess I just dont want to have to be the one to tell the DCP.... I feel like crying.....
                            I'm sorry - I would be sad to have to tell parents that too. But you have an opportunity to make a difference for him. Just keep telling yourself that.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Daycare_Mama View Post
                              I can understand the feeling. Just express that to the parents. Maybe start by calling your school district and ask them to refer you to someone who evaluates children before starting school. Just tell them you have a child who you know is behind and you want to recommend something to the parents. If that doesn't work, have the parents bring the child to his Pediatrician and they will be able to refer them to somewhere for testing.
                              Im quick to pass the ball with bad news....
                              I love this idea of asking them to have him evaluated by someone else. I think that I can do that for sure... I am going to call the school dist. today
                              thanks a million.....I think that I am just freaking out a little knowing that school will be here before we know it..

