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It's Settled!

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  • It's Settled!

    So, I contacted the attorney to let him know I received his letter, he asked if we could just go our separate ways, I said absolutely not. He asked me what needed to happen to make the situation go away, and I said that ideally I would like to keep the matter out of court, I want the money she owes me, and I want her to admit that she's at fault so if she tries to sabotage my business in anyway I have a legal document stating that she is the one who caused these issues to occur. He said he would get back to me and about an hour later he said she agreed to pay what was actually owed (the week and a half of care she didn't pay for), the balance in her account would be used for her cancelation fees, and I would waive the late charges, and I would get my letter of admission. I accepted, I get my check this week.

    It's less than I wanted and less than I probably would have gotten if I went to court, but it's something, and it's done, so I'm happy!

  • #2
    yaaaay! that's a relief.


    • #3
      I'm soooo relieved! I learned that it doesn't matter how confident you are that you're right, the threat of court is still a HUGE stress to have!

      I also learned that you need to rule your business with an iron fist, stand up to iffy parents and NEVER befriend clients!


      • #4
        Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
        I'm soooo relieved! I learned that it doesn't matter how confident you are that you're right, the threat of court is still a HUGE stress to have!

        I also learned that you need to rule your business with an iron fist, stand up to iffy parents and NEVER befriend clients!
        Sadly true
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
          I accepted, I get my check this week.

          It's less than I wanted and less than I probably would have gotten if I went to court, but it's something, and it's done, so I'm happy!
          Good Job.
          It's less than you "could have" gotten.

          And it would be a long time away for that money should you wait for court. So good for you for settling. I would've done so too.


          • #6
            Hey, thats a lot better IMO because of the time and hassle it would take to go to court.


            • #7
              Congrats to you! I hope that if I ever have to deal with this issue I can stand my ground like you!
              "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


              • #8
                That's great news. It's nice not to have to go to court- definitely worth the lesser amount.


                • #9
                  Great news- congrats!


                  • #10
                    Yay!!! That's exciting.
                    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                    • #11
                      Yay! Congrats! I agree, it's worth waiving the late fees in order to avoid court. Hopefully she follows through...


                      • #12
                        Good for you! Thats awesome!


                        • #13
                          thanks guys! I finally feel like I have grown a backbone! I'm kinda proud of myself


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                            thanks guys! I finally feel like I have grown a backbone! I'm kinda proud of myself
                            As well you should be! Congratulations!


                            • #15
                              Good for you.

