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  • #31
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    This was actually not a permanent job but a placement/contract so she knew it was going to end but just never told me upfront....or ever.

    I think you all give people too much benefit of the doubt. My guess is when the money runs out she'll be taken from my care and given to grandma.
    I DO think we have a valid to know that the employment our clients have is steady, long term employment. Because you're right that contract work, per diem, etc can be too unstable for our little day cares. I think it was Nanny De who had something abotu having to know the parents job and how many years employed, etc.
    But that's different, IMO, than caring about them being off a day here and there and still sending the kid. If you think she's going to pull, start interviewing to replace.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
      Thank you! That seriously had me worried that I had lost the ability to communicate.

      My bet is when Mom lost her job she realized she also lost her social group, too. It happens a lot. Our co-workers become our friends. It is a type of mourning nobody seems to recognize.

      Maybe she just needed to listen to REM, eat a bag of cheetos and cry for a bit. I know I did when I left my former career. I still miss it.

      Empathy. Perspective.
      Absolutely! I think sometimes, as it has been brought up in other threads, we are too quick to judge each other when it comes to parenting. As long as I'm not losing a paying client, I'm secure in the fact that maybe Mom is sitting on her tuckus. It used to upset me but not anymore, Mom's not sitting at home thinking about it so why should I waste my energy and building resentment for someone who pays me good money to do what I said I was going to do. Watch their child. happyface
      Last edited by Blackcat31; 02-15-2016, 08:42 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        This was actually not a permanent job but a placement/contract so she knew it was going to end but just never told me upfront....or ever.

        I think you all give people too much benefit of the doubt. My guess is when the money runs out she'll be taken from my care and given to grandma.
        Why does it make you angry though? I honestly wouldn't want everybody knowing every personal detail of my life and your families are allowed theirs. As long as it's not hurting your income or if your afraid they'll leave you, which you should have a term arrangement that gives you time to fill the spot, why stress? You are only building resentment and causing yourself stress over something that is truly out of your control.

        You can't and shouldn't force a family to give you information if it doesn't affect their enrollment/you income.

        Just a thought. I've been there but I realized that it wasn't doing me any good to waste energy or time thinking about what they're doing. I'm sure they're not doing it to be bad to you or punish you in any way, they're just using the services they are paying for.


        • #34
          Just out of curiosity if this mom did what is in your mind the "right thing" and kept the child home with her, you wouldn't charge her for care that day, right? Right?



          • #35
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Just out of curiosity if this mom did what is in your mind the "right thing" and kept the child home with her, you wouldn't charge her for care that day, right? Right?

            If this mom came to me and said "I just lost my job and I am wanting to spend time with my child, can I drop down to 3 days a week?" I would definitely do that and have done that. I know not everyone is able. The thing is I know she would drop down to 3 days a week and then the other 2 days she'd be with someone free..not the parent. This also happened to me. The fake premise being that the mom wanted to "spend time with her kids". Pure b.s.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Just out of curiosity if this mom did what is in your mind the "right thing" and kept the child home with her, you wouldn't charge her for care that day, right? Right?

              I did that for my dcm who was laid off. She asked if she could do 3 days a week for the next few weeks or until she found a job and I agreed. It gave her two days a week to look for a job or do interviews, and three days to spend with her daughter.


              • #37
                Well then I ASSumed wrong. My apologies.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Well then I ASSumed wrong. My apologies.
                  Did you just call yourself an....never mind


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    This was actually not a permanent job but a placement/contract so she knew it was going to end but just never told me upfront....or ever.

                    I think you all give people too much benefit of the doubt. My guess is when the money runs out she'll be taken from my care and given to grandma.
                    That could be true, but I have had perfectly great working families just up & quit with 2 weeks notice when a gramma came to live with them too... I also just terminated a family on the spot when DAD threatened me & the childcare (in front of kids) - Your parent still paying, so who cares what she is doing unless you don't have a # to reach her (like a cell).

                    I know when I lost my job once (before childcare became my career); I did everything I could to keep my spots; it also kept my babies on a routine of semi normal... didn't have interviews 24/7, but it was nice to know if a call came for a one day Temp job from 8-4 that I could take it, or maybe I got a "be here in 2 hrs" type interview - easier to get dressed in a hurry without worrying about finding Drop in care last minute

                    You plan for the unexpected & sock away an extra 5-10 weekly in an envelope until you have a months pay then when she up & goes you still have a little cushion while you advertise. In this line of work the unexpected happens more than you know


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Do you ever term for non working parent that brings their child anyway?

                      I have a situation where mom was working fulltime but has gotten laid off. She didn't mention any of this to me and then dad accidentally let it slip that mom was going for interviews for a new job. I didn't pry as it is none of my business but mom has been coming recently looking like she has been home all day doing nothing! She brings the kid every single day even when the child is sick (not enough to be excluded but still not well) and she picks up at the same time she always did.

                      I am not sure why but this is annoying me to no end. I am sick now, my daycare kids have gotten sick and this lady is sitting at home doing nothing?
                      This stuck out to me.

                      If you feel awful, just close. Dcps will figure it out. Take care and get yourself better and the rest of issues will fade away.


                      • #41
                        I have a dcd that just lost his job, so a 5 day a week child is now a 1 day a week child and I'm out alot of money praying that he goes back to work soon. I would LOVE For him to come every day while dad is looking for a job. Who cares what they do after they drop their child off. We get paid no matter what they do, that's what's important. The deal about parents not spending time with their child only goes so far too. It's quality, not quanity. I also have a dcm right now that has 2 boys with me 3 days a week and she just had a 3rd baby. The boys have come during her maternity leave just as they always have. I am thankful that they do because of hte income.


                        • #42
                          I just had a situation where mom who is a teacher told me she was going to bring her child during March break "if she had to pay for it anyway". Basically money and "getting your moneys worth" is more important than spending time with her kid! It is definitely a head scratcher considering I am one of the only providers who do not charge for my vacation.

                          Meanwhile I am going to close that week, lose a weeks worth of income so I can spend time with MY children alone without DCK's. Money should never come before children but some parents just don't get it.


                          • #43
                            I have a current laid off parent - has been for months. It doesn't bother me they still being everyday but it Does bother me they they are the first to arrive and last to pick up...
                            They are getting their monies worth...which is also annoying because NO money is worth the time with your child. Then they want to complain that they miss their kids and they are growing too fast blah blah blah...


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by DanceMom View Post
                              I have a current laid off parent - has been for months. It doesn't bother me they still being everyday but it Does bother me they they are the first to arrive and last to pick up...
                              They are getting their monies worth...which is also annoying because NO money is worth the time with your child. Then they want to complain that they miss their kids and they are growing too fast blah blah blah...
                              This is where charging on contracted hours comes in handy.

                              I have a family that likes to use as much daycare as they can squeeze into a week.

                              I can't force them to spend face time with their kid but if they are going to have me do it, then they are definitely going to pay more than other families.


                              • #45
                                my take on this-

                                I don't want my parents looking at me as a babysitter. I am a provider. I provide care for when you are working or in school. If you need a personal day please let me know ahead of time. I strongly believe that children should be with parents when possible. I also believe everyone needs a break from time to time. I want to know where the parent is in the case of emergency. I don't care what they are doing, but level with me and have a respect for my time. I have all of this in my contract. I don't want to be watching children that the parents just don't want to care for and be with. I don't want that type of clientele. I don't want to be waiting for a child to be picked up at five when the parent has been home all day and all my other children have left early or earlier. I work long hard hours and I don't want to burn out. I try to find a balance. My time counts too. We are all business owners and how we run our business it up to us. What we believe in, what we want etc...

                                If I were you I would be calling this parent and say look.....I am a bit under the weather today would you mind coming to get the kiddo early today. I would also ask for good communication and a need to know.

                                When I do an interview....I make all of this known several times. I don't have parents that take advantage of me. I agree with BlackCat, if you make things clear and known then when you need time off or a need to use those days there is no issues to take them.

                                It is about working together. With out the parent working, I would have no job. With out me the parent would not be able to work.

                                I am flexible to the needs, true needs. Not to the lazy parent that just doesn't want to care for their own child. I have seen this side of things and it is not what I want to deal with.

                                Have a clear contract!


