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Help Reassuring New Parents Kids Are Fine the Minute They Leave

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  • #16
    It's all about the parents energy in my opinion. I have had kids that act completely differently with one parent than the other at drop off. Oddly enough they seem to act out the most when being dropped off by their dads!


    • #17
      Honey moon phase is over. I just started a new one, this is his second week here. (Thankfully he is ft). His first week he came right in and right into the fold. This is his second week and he is more resistant to being dropped off, more resistant to nap time, etc. Some parents are just never convinced, taking pictures or video is a great idea. Most of my little ones are fine the second they shut the door. Kids cry sometimes, it's just a natural part of processing through there emotions. I hope everything works outs.


      • #18
        Originally posted by finsup View Post
        Verbally reassure her he's fine and that its a really normal stage. Then text her a pic of dck playing happily once he calms down That seems to really help new/first time moms!

        We have had a few children, both new and 'regulars' who have break-downs when mom leaves. These usually only last a few minutes after mom or dad walks out the door. Most of the times the child is happily playing before their parents even get in their car. When the children are happily playing, I call their name and snap a quick picture of them smiling big and playing with toys and then send it to mom or dad with a little message saying something like, "No more tears - we're having a much better morning!" or "(Name) is doing much better and happily playing with ...." I usually get a text back with a thank you.

        One time, we had two new children start and they were having a rough first week adjusting to their new schedule. I did what I mentioned above and the mom texted me back saying, "Thank you so much - I never had anyone do that. I feel so much better."

        The parents are happy, the child is happy, you are happy. Win-win-win! I've also noticed that when parents feel much more comfortable and at ease when dropping their children off, the children will pick up on their parents feelings and the transition will be that much smoother.

        Good luck!


        • #19
          Originally posted by irishrose View Post
          We have had a few children, both new and 'regulars' who have break-downs when mom leaves. These usually only last a few minutes after mom or dad walks out the door. Most of the times the child is happily playing before their parents even get in their car. When the children are happily playing, I call their name and snap a quick picture of them smiling big and playing with toys and then send it to mom or dad with a little message saying something like, "No more tears - we're having a much better morning!" or "(Name) is doing much better and happily playing with ...." I usually get a text back with a thank you.

          One time, we had two new children start and they were having a rough first week adjusting to their new schedule. I did what I mentioned above and the mom texted me back saying, "Thank you so much - I never had anyone do that. I feel so much better."

          The parents are happy, the child is happy, you are happy. Win-win-win! I've also noticed that when parents feel much more comfortable and at ease when dropping their children off, the children will pick up on their parents feelings and the transition will be that much smoother.

          Good luck!

          After I have sent the happy pictures, parents do drop off better. They are calm, upbeat and trusting with drop offs - makes a world of difference

