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Payment Advice Needed - DCF Wants Special Treatment

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BrooklynM View Post
    Here is what I would do- I would send them both an email (this is to document the convo) and attach 2 different payment agreements to it. The one that they signed and a new one that has them paying to hold the spot regardless if their child is there or not. You could word the email something like this:

    DCD and DCM,

    I just wanted to give you the opportunity to take a look again at your 2 options for DCG. The new agreement that you signed for a drop-in amount doesn't sound like it is working for you. Since we are still in that agreement, then the $x that was the drop in fee for such and such dates is still due and outstanding. If you wanted to avoid the drop in fee and pay to hold the spot, I would be happy to change your contract, but we would need to stick with that contract for x number of months.

    The dad sounds like a jerk and they don't sound very appreciative of you as a provider quite honestly. I'd be pretty offended personally! :hug:

    This guys is a class 'A' jerk. I made a DVD of all the pics throughout the year set to music, with video outtakes of his children and he hands it back to me and says... we don't do DVD's anymore only thumb drives and handed it back & walked away. His wife gushes over it every year, but didn't get one last year because her DH is an ass. I said if he brought one, I'd download it for him, but and he never provided one. =( He also told me I was charging too much last year after quoting him in August - he came at me in October saying my prices were 'super high' when the very next door neighbor pays DOUBLE what he pays. I absolutely LOVE DCG. DCM is kinda clueless - DCD is a major tool. I will turn them away for before and after school next year. Just not worth it.


    • #17
      Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
      Yup. I would give them notice, with the balance due as final two weeks of care + outstanding day + late fees for that day.

      NO WAY would I allow them to disrespect me.

      I'd probably have to term too. I would just hang on to dad's comment in my mind and I'd be too resentful to continue care. What an ***hole!


      • #18
        Originally posted by KDC View Post
        This guys is a class 'A' jerk. I made a DVD of all the pics throughout the year set to music, with video outtakes of his children and he hands it back to me and says... we don't do DVD's anymore only thumb drives and handed it back & walked away. His wife gushes over it every year, but didn't get one last year because her DH is an ass. I said if he brought one, I'd download it for him, but and he never provided one. =( He also told me I was charging too much last year after quoting him in August - he came at me in October saying my prices were 'super high' when the very next door neighbor pays DOUBLE what he pays. I absolutely LOVE DCG. DCM is kinda clueless - DCD is a major tool. I will turn them away for before and after school next year. Just not worth it.
        Based on all this I'd probably just let them go after New Years. I would explain that they do not seem to value your services and you have decided to fill the spots with families who will.


        • #19
          Originally posted by KDC View Post
          This guys is a class 'A' jerk. I made a DVD of all the pics throughout the year set to music, with video outtakes of his children and he hands it back to me and says... we don't do DVD's anymore only thumb drives and handed it back & walked away. His wife gushes over it every year, but didn't get one last year because her DH is an ass. I said if he brought one, I'd download it for him, but and he never provided one. =( He also told me I was charging too much last year after quoting him in August - he came at me in October saying my prices were 'super high' when the very next door neighbor pays DOUBLE what he pays. I absolutely LOVE DCG. DCM is kinda clueless - DCD is a major tool. I will turn them away for before and after school next year. Just not worth it.
          Oh wow, that is TERRIBLE! He really is a jerk! What kind of profession is he in? Just curious why he thinks this behavior is ok. Maybe he doesn't have to deal with people or something?

          It's so hard when you love the kid! If you don't want the kids to leave, then you have to get into the mindset that you are doing charity work I guess. He is making me mad just hearing about his behavior and I don't really get mad, . I just feel like he is really disrespecting you, the person who is loving and taking care of his kids!


          • #20
            Originally posted by KDC View Post
            I had them sign a NEW contract this year and explained the drop-in policy for their son since they are not paying per day they would need to pay a drop in fee IF I had the space for him. I explained this and she seemed to understand.
            If it were me dealing with this, I would highlight the drop-in policy in your contract and hand them a copy of it. I would say, "As I explained to (wife's name), my policy is......." I love having dcg in my care and would hate to see her leave but when you signed my contract, I thought you understood that you were agreeing to follow my policies. I understand if you've changed your mind, though, and there will be no hard feelings on my part if you'd prefer to find another provider for her." All said with a look of something between concern and bewilderment.
            Good luck! Sounds like you have quite a neighbor there!


            • #21

              **update** So the Mom actually came over last night for pick-up to discuss. She has NO concept that she's paying for the spot and not hourly care. She's been here 7 years, but just thinks because we're neighbors or some reason I should be more reasonable of HER situation. <she's clueless... small background story; she's been in ballet since she was 3 and wanted to dance for a company, she heard a commercial on the radio... "Do you love to dance?", and she was like YES!! and called the number and it was a strip club advertising for dancers, but she didn't even consider that. Her DH let this slip in one of our late night neighbor parties. This is that DCM.>>

              So they've had to pay for Holidays and their vacations since 2007. This is not a new policy. In the past they paid for it, so they would bring the kids over and do chores, shopping, whatever and I was fine with it because they paid me (she's a teacher). Well DCB started school full-time last year so she didn't pay me for him anymore other than before and after school. So she never considered why when she wanted to bring him over with no advanced planning so she could get some stuff done around the house during the holidays that I wouldn't have room for him. I told her she could bring her DCG over, but I didn't have room to watch DCB and she was miffed. I kindly said, you don't pay a daily fee for him and I don't keep a spot open just in case you need it.

              This is the **special situation** they were referring to. So she was complaining last night that she has to pay for her daughter, but that the situation doesn't really work for her or do her any good because she still has her son, and looked at me like this was all my fault? **daughter part-time and in Kindergarten** I said if you let me know when you need me, if I have the space available and you pay the drop in fee, I could watch them both. She said, we'll I'm only using one day, shouldn't the money just cover both kids since I'm paying for three? She's saying she's spending 'So' much money for daycare, that I should just 'give' them the free day. I get where they're coming from, and said if I were just a SAHM looking for extra cash, that would work... but I don't have that business model. You signed the contract early this year and this is how it works. I have other families and if I did this for everyone it would be very muddled. This is just not how I run my business. (insert, the but we're special neighbor friends face, gimme a break face here) She was dumbfounded.

              I explained this is why I have the contract, and have discussions so there are no gray areas. You pay to have the spot available for your child, if you decide to go on vacation or keep her home, that is you're decision. My polices have not changed in 9 years, but they may no longer work for your family, I only require a 2 week notice if you wish to find someone else. She backed off quite a bit and said although we think it's kind of unfair, we pay for all these hours we don't use. If we have to pay, we'll pay, but we wanted to dispute it from a business standpoint. SO after talking for 25 minutes, she still thinks of all the hours she's not using and that it should magically make a spot available at her whim for DCB. *SMH


              • #22
                Wow! I hope they call around all day today looking for a daycare that will do this for them and when they find one that isn't as great as you, they will realize how much they should appreciate you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated! I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and you let her know she has an option to leave! Good for you!


                • #23
                  The question is, did she pay?


                  • #24
                    Wouldn't it be great if we could call the cable company and say, "I already paid you enough. Besides, I was out of town for a few days and wasn't home to watch TV, so I don't want to pay for those days. Thanks for keeping my channels hooked up during that time--I was able to come home, turn on the TV, and there were my shows, ready to be watched!"

                    Why don't they see that it's not that different? They want to use our services. They want those services to be available when they need them. They don't want to pay for that availability.


                    • #25
                      Wow, KDC, that is outrageous. DCD sounds like a Class A Prick. I think I would eliminate the B/A care as part of my services entirely to keep the peace. I did that, and blamed it on licensing (we can't have a 3rd 12-18mo baby if we have SA too).

                      We have new neighbors behind us that inquired about care. I told them that I don't do business with friends, and I was so hoping we could be friends since they live right by me. With a big smile. I think it saved their feelings, and I don't have to worry about what happens if it all goes south!


                      • #26
                        Paid enough?

                        Wow - can't believe they said something like that. Providers are NEVER paid enough! Some people have no sense of value.


                        • #27
                          I'm not great at wording things. But I can say that would be the last time I take him as a drop in.

