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Payment Advice Needed - DCF Wants Special Treatment

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  • Payment Advice Needed - DCF Wants Special Treatment

    Background... sorry if long! I have a DCF that has been with me for 7 years now. They are neighbors that live across the street. Since I had just started and didn't have you ladies helping me out, I made some mistakes early on that I've made strides to fix so that I could avoid being walked on. I've always had a contract that spells out payment, sickness policy and what not. I am state licensed. We live in a nice neighborhood (new construction 10 years ago), this family owns all name brand items, drives nice cars, and are definitely not 'hurting'f or money. They do however view themselves as 'special'. Yup, they're that family.

    DCG is 5 and only comes 3 days a week. She is in 1/2 day kindergarten and I charge $35/day (Normal rate is $50/day). She arrives at 7am, I feed her breakfast and put her on the bus at 8:30. She arrives back at my house by bus (bus stop pick-up) at 11:50. I feed her lunch & snack and she's here until 4:30/5:00. They have another child that is 7 and in 2nd grade that I do before and after school for those same three days a week. I also feed him breakfast and get him on and off the bus. I charge them $80 a MONTH for this.

    I had them sign a NEW contract this year and explained the drop-in policy for their son since they are not paying per day they would need to pay a drop in fee IF I had the space for him. I explained this and she seemed to understand.

    November 4th was election day. My own SA children were off school so I already had additional children here, they asked if I had room for DCB. I said I'd check into it. I did have room and he came for the entire day. He arrived at 7, ate breakfast, lunch & snack and was here from 7-5.

    Problem: They pay monthly, it's set up ahead of time. I sent them an invoice 2 weeks ago for December (including the drop in fee) and received the check less the drop in fee. (They use bill pay and it comes by mail). I was going to send a new note today, thinking it may be been overlooked. He came this morning with his two children during drop off to tell me he saw the invoice, but felt the situation was 'special' and that he feels he pays me enough (LOL, his words!) (he took days off to go to disney, I held his spot and he was still required to pay.. he looks at this like he paid for care he did not receive). He's argued my prices before in a confrontational manner to which I told him to go elsewhere if he found a better deal (after imagining myself kicking him in the chin). They do get 'special' in that I don't charge them summers (teacher family), I do not charge them a part-time rate and have given them the dreaded sibling discount in the past. I feel like I provided care they asked for, they knew ahead of time I charged for drop ins and to not pay me is not acceptable. HOW DO I WORD THIS PROFESSIONALLY... I feel like my emotions are too wrapped up and I'll get off track to easily. My DH doesn't want this to become an issue since were neighbors, but they obviously aren't worried about the same thing. I could overlook the fee to keep the peace... but why should I work for free just to avoid conflict. I feel this is fair. Help!
    Last edited by Michael; 12-04-2014, 03:49 PM.

  • #2
    Sorry, I don't have any advice on what to write, but just wanted to say that I can't believe that they expect you to take care of their child for free!
    The nerve of some parents.

    I have it in my policies that drop ins need to pay at drop off that day.


    • #3
      "I don't see any special and I don't feel you pay me enough. I can not accept your children until you pay." Smile, keep eye-contact and don't say anything more. Let him find a way how to finish the conversation.


      • #4
        I wouldn't providd care until the fee was paid. He sounds like the type of person that will continue to do this. I also would not have space open for anymore drop ins for them... since it's clear they don't want to pay for the service.


        • #5
          Dear DCF,
          As per our agreement, $ was due for the full-day care for DCB on <date>. Payment is due at drop off before further care can be provided.

          Thank you,


          • #6
            And I agree with PPs- always get drop-in payments upfront at drop-off, and be "full" the next times they need full-day care for their kids.


            • #7
              So, dad didn't pay at all for that day? Wow! No advice, what a jerk.

              Homeschooling Mama to:
              ds 10
              dd 8


              • #8
                Originally posted by TheGoodLife View Post
                Dear DCF,
                As per our agreement, $ was due for the full-day care for DCB on <date>. Payment is due at drop off before further care can be provided.

                Thank you,
                This is a great suggestion. I would not let the fact you are neighbors even weigh into your decision. I don't think I could continue working for a family that has little respect for me. Im sorry you are being treated so poorly by this family.


                • #9
                  Here is what I would do- I would send them both an email (this is to document the convo) and attach 2 different payment agreements to it. The one that they signed and a new one that has them paying to hold the spot regardless if their child is there or not. You could word the email something like this:

                  DCD and DCM,

                  I just wanted to give you the opportunity to take a look again at your 2 options for DCG. The new agreement that you signed for a drop-in amount doesn't sound like it is working for you. Since we are still in that agreement, then the $x that was the drop in fee for such and such dates is still due and outstanding. If you wanted to avoid the drop in fee and pay to hold the spot, I would be happy to change your contract, but we would need to stick with that contract for x number of months.

                  The dad sounds like a jerk and they don't sound very appreciative of you as a provider quite honestly. I'd be pretty offended personally! :hug:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
                    I wouldn't providd care until the fee was paid. He sounds like the type of person that will continue to do this. I also would not have space open for anymore drop ins for them... since it's clear they don't want to pay for the service.
                    This. I am getting mad just reading your post. They are REFUSING to pay you for services you already rendered?? They pay monthly for b/a school - you took the child for a full day - OBVIOUSLY that requires more in payment.

                    I would not take the child again until all fees are paid. They used you for a day of service they did not pay for - nothing else matters as far as summers, vacations, etc. And I'd be all booked up ANYTIME there is no school again.

                    I stink at writing letters but I would probably spell it out for them…

                    "As per our agreement the fee for extra days for DCB is $xx. The $80/month you pay covers before and after care ONLY. On Nov.4th I provided full day care and the drop in fee of $xx is now past due. Care will not be provided until all fees are paid."


                    • #11
                      Wow, they are already getting a good deal! I have part time kids that go to preschool but they pay my full time rate, it's not like I can fill the few hours they are gone with someone else. Before and after school in my area is easily $50 per week. The before and after care price is so low, after snacks etc you can't be making much on that child...I would not accept any of their kids into care until they make the payment they owe you and I would never have space for him in the future...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TheGoodLife View Post
                        Dear DCF,
                        As per our agreement, $ was due for the full-day care for DCB on <date>. Payment is due at drop off before further care can be provided.

                        Thank you,
                        Definitely agree with this, and I wouldn't entertain any further conversation on the matter at all.

                        I also can't get past the fact that you provide B/A care for $80 a month, and he actually has the nerve to complain about a drop in rate. I rarely term, but I'd do it over this alone, in a heartbeat.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
                          This. I am getting mad just reading your post. They are REFUSING to pay you for services you already rendered?? They pay monthly for b/a school - you took the child for a full day - OBVIOUSLY that requires more in payment.

                          I would not take the child again until all fees are paid. They used you for a day of service they did not pay for - nothing else matters as far as summers, vacations, etc. And I'd be all booked up ANYTIME there is no school again.

                          I stink at writing letters but I would probably spell it out for them…

                          "As per our agreement the fee for extra days for DCB is $xx. The $80/month you pay covers before and after care ONLY. On Nov.4th I provided full day care and the drop in fee of $xx is now past due. Care will not be provided until all fees are paid."
                          Yes, I agree with everyone. To your husband, I understand his position that they're neighbors so try to keep the peace, but your neighbor doesn't seem to care that your neighbors. Terrible treatment.


                          • #14
                            Woah, I missed the 80 a MONTH part! Wow, yeah, LET THEM GO! They are not worth your time and are completely disrespecting you!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by NeedaVaca View Post
                              Wow, they are already getting a good deal! I have part time kids that go to preschool but they pay my full time rate, it's not like I can fill the few hours they are gone with someone else. Before and after school in my area is easily $50 per week. The before and after care price is so low, after snacks etc you can't be making much on that child...I would not accept any of their kids into care until they make the payment they owe you and I would never have space for him in the future...
                              Yup. I would give them notice, with the balance due as final two weeks of care + outstanding day + late fees for that day.

                              NO WAY would I allow them to disrespect me.

