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  • #16
    After a couple of rounds of the why game, my response is that the ducks know & they should ask them next time we feed them. Usually works

    Either the DCKs find it funny or I'm teaching kids that ducks are some type of all-seeing oracle.


    • #17
      Love all these responses!

      I have one little girl who constantly asks where her mommy is. I resorted to telling her that her mommy is busy making money because I got tired of answering, "She's at work". I've said it to the dcg so many times that now ALL my daycare kids say their parents are busy making money rather than saying they are at work.


      • #18
        Originally posted by taylorw1210 View Post
        Love all these responses!

        I have one little girl who constantly asks where her mommy is. I resorted to telling her that her mommy is busy making money because I got tired of answering, "She's at work". I've said it to the dcg so many times that now ALL my daycare kids say their parents are busy making money rather than saying they are at work.
        I have a 3 yr old that asks questions for attention. "Are you cleaning the table?" "Where's my mom?" "Are we having lunch?" I always respond "What do you think?" And she gives me the answer, then goes to play.

