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  • Why?

    My new PT DCB age 4, keeps asking me "why?" I'm almost out of crazy answers and I was out of practical answers by about noon yesterday!

    I know it's just part of his age, but he asks "why" about EVERYTHING!
    DCB: Wheres mommy going?
    Me: To work, she'll be back later.
    DCB: Why?
    Me: Because she needs to work to take care of you
    DCB: Why?

    At this point, I usually stop answering the questions, but he continues "why?" until I walk away, which isn't always possible as he does this all day, every day, in response to EVERYTHING. If I answer a question, if I make a statement, if I tell him to do something. I could tell him the grass is green and he would ask me "why?" My answer today was "why not"? Because I don't know the actual answer and "it just is" wasn't working.

    I KNOW this is just part of his age and he's learning, but what should I say when he asks "why" at inappropriate times, or when he keeps asking "why"?

    It's NEVER any other question, it's only "Why" and I'm at a loss! I'm so much better with babies than 3 & 4 year olds!

  • #2
    Do a search for tacos on this forum. I remember someone, BC maybe, explained how they always answered with something about tacos when they were asked questions. I hope I am remembering that correctly. Otherwise I sound like a complete lunatic right now. Hehe.


    • #3
      Originally posted by hope View Post
      Do a search for tacos on this forum. I remember someone, BC maybe, explained how they always answered with something about tacos when they were asked questions. I hope I am remembering that correctly. Otherwise I sound like a complete lunatic right now. Hehe.
      Lol!!! That was Crafty!

      Originally posted by CraftyMom
      I had a super annoying dcb that was always asking what I was doing, where I was going, etc. No matter what he asked my answer was something about tacos :: I don't know where tacos came from, just the first thing that popped in my head one day.

      "Ms. L what are you dooooiiiing??" in a whiney voice
      Me, "making tacos"
      Him "No you're nooottt!" But then he laughed and walked away

      or "Ms L where are you goooinngg?"
      Me, "to find some tacos"
      Him "No sirrrrrr!" and walks away laughing

      I must have talked about tacos 4 or 5 times a day! He thought it was funny!

      After a while my own 2 sa kids caught on and would join in on the taco talk. Dcb always laughed


      • #4
        Originally posted by KiddieCahoots View Post
        Lol!!! That was Crafty!
        Thank you! I love the taco response.


        • #5
          Originally posted by hope View Post
          Thank you! I love the taco response.
          Welcome I still giggle about this post when a child asks me why.


          • #6
            You could turn the tables and when he asks "why " you could ask him to think of an answer . That gets them to use their imagination and think of some answers on their own .


            • #7
              Originally posted by hope View Post
              Do a search for tacos on this forum. I remember someone, BC maybe, explained how they always answered with something about tacos when they were asked questions. I hope I am remembering that correctly. Otherwise I sound like a complete lunatic right now. Hehe.
              After I read that thread I started using the taco response when dcg looks out the window and asks "who's that?" (I live on the busiest street in town... I don't know who every car going by belongs to )

              Dcg: "who's that?"
              Me: "tacos"
              Dcg: "ooooh"

              Now dcg looks out the window and says "B, taco's here!" ::


              • #8
                Time for the why game

                You. Ask dcb all why questions.

                Why is the sky blue
                Why is your name mark
                Why are you wearing pants
                Why are you asking me why

                Why is it dark at night. When you ask and he answers your question you answer with a why question back.

                So if he says why are we coloring you ask why are you sitting in a chair. Never answer when he's in this mode.

                He will find it funny and or get tired of it and stop.


                • #9
                  Oh thank you so much ladies! I'm definitely going to try these tricks on Monday!


                  • #10
                    After so many why questions I ask the child "why do you think ......" and finish with what they asked and we then talk about it . It does get them to stop and think before always asking why .


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Second Home View Post
                      After so many why questions I ask the child "why do you think ......" and finish with what they asked and we then talk about it . It does get them to stop and think before always asking why .
                      This is what I do, too.

                      "What do you think?"

                      If that doesn't work, I tell them to ask the youngest child here (2). She talks well, so it's usually entertaining.


                      • #12
                        LOL After I read the taco thread I started saying that too!
                        It keeps me sane because it is hilarious and my own kids smile so brightly every time I say it to a DCK.

                        I even heard my 5 year old say it to my 3 year old DCG who asks why about a million times a day. I giggled a little. She said " Why are you playing with that ball" and he said "because I love tacos" LOL

                        Every time we give a taco related response they just walk away....I love it!

                        The 5 year old DCG I have who follows me around and asks me what I am doing every two minutes will now sometimes say "Mrs. J, are you making tacos again?" Instead of asking me what I am doing. I just laugh and say "Yup!".

                        It really lightens the mood ::


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Silly Songs View Post
                          You could turn the tables and when he asks "why " you could ask him to think of an answer . That gets them to use their imagination and think of some answers on their own .
                          I use a version of this and the "taco" technique.

                          Why do you think?

                          Because of the elephants.
                          I have no idea how the elephant thing started - maybe it was my dad and his elephant jokes. But it keeps me amused when they keep asking why.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Soccermom View Post
                            LOL After I read the taco thread I started saying that too!
                            It keeps me sane because it is hilarious and my own kids smile so brightly every time I say it to a DCK.

                            I even heard my 5 year old say it to my 3 year old DCG who asks why about a million times a day. I giggled a little. She said " Why are you playing with that ball" and he said "because I love tacos" LOL

                            Every time we give a taco related response they just walk away....I love it!

                            The 5 year old DCG I have who follows me around and asks me what I am doing every two minutes will now sometimes say "Mrs. J, are you making tacos again?" Instead of asking me what I am doing. I just laugh and say "Yup!".

                            It really lightens the mood ::
                            Of course I should also add that I do answer most of the kids questions when they ask since it is how they learn about their world.

                            I only use the taco thing when I am completely overwhelmed with WAY too many questions from the same DCK. Especially when it is the same questions over and over again. I can't take the kids who ask me what I am doing fifty million times a day but when a DCK asks me why the sky is blue or why the grass is green, I will normally pull out the Ipad and give them a genuine response.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Soccermom View Post
                              Of course I should also add that I do answer most of the kids questions when they ask since it is how they learn about their world.

                              I only use the taco thing when I am completely overwhelmed with WAY too many questions from the same DCK. Especially when it is the same questions over and over again. I can't take the kids who ask me what I am doing fifty million times a day but when a DCK asks me why the sky is blue or why the grass is green, I will normally pull out the Ipad and give them a genuine response.
                              Lol I give genuine responses for the first couple "why's" or if he asks something other than why(very rarely) but after the 3rd or 4th "why" in the same conversation, I've started saying "tacos" too ...He just looks at my funny and says "ok" ::

