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Vaccinations - Banging My Head

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    We have something similar here... it's called My Chart.

    I can access all my medical records and print off the imm records but I can only access MY family.
    I do like it that parents can look up their child's info. It used to take forever (and much running around, or faxing of paperwork) to get their immunization info, and now they all seem to be able to do it easily.

    Is that link for Allina system patients only (I would assume, but hate to do that :?


    • #17
      My daughter is 12 months old and has never had 1 vaccination and never will.

      IF I was going to choose to vaccinate then I would do a very delayed schedule for health reasons. But I am not, so I won't. It is very common for people to do a delayed vaxx schedule, though.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
        there is a difference between educated delaying/declining vaccinations and lazy parents who just "forget" to bring their child for well visits and get their shots.

        Funny cause today one of mine comes in and says child got 4 shots yesterday and needs more. I questioned why so many at once, she says she didn't know they need to go to the dr every few months when they are younger…. ummmm child is 18 months and hasn't been to the dr for well visit since 6 months old. I said it was always every 3 months from 0-12 and then every 6 months after (we use same pedi). Her 18m old was there for his 12m appt but missed his 9m too. And this is her 3rd kid. Just plain lazy.
        I agree some are just lazy, but there are those who do not do doc visits intentionally. I did not do all the little 2-4-6 month etc visits for my kids. I knew what to watch for and whether they were doing well, and we were not going to get those vaccinations anyway, so why go?

        My kids do have some vaccinations, but I am very selective about when/how many at a time/ which ones. There are good reasons to not always follow every time table handed out by a doctor. One of them being the sheer amount of chemicals being poured into our children at any given time. The vaccinations are scheduled around when the doctors/CDC figured you could get kids to the office, NOT on what is best for the child or even best practice for any given vaccine.

        As to the vaccines themselves, there are many pros and cons, but much research that points to a problem with the quantity of shots, effectiveness of many of them (mumps is effective in less than 40% of the population) as well as safety.


        • #19
          Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
          My daughter is 12 months old and has never had 1 vaccination and never will.

          IF I was going to choose to vaccinate then I would do a very delayed schedule for health reasons. But I am not, so I won't. It is very common for people to do a delayed vaxx schedule, though.
          If I had to start all over today, I would be right there with you. The more I learn about vaccinations, the less I believe in either their efficacy or their safety.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Angelsj View Post
            If I had to start all over today, I would be right there with you. The more I learn about vaccinations, the less I believe in either their efficacy or their safety.
            Yes ma'am.

            I learned when my daughter was a few months old that she has a gene mutation and it is in these people with gene mutations that you see A LOT of the side effects (Autism, especially) because they are unable to properly detox. I have the same gene mutation and I was a heavily vaxxed Aspie kid. My brother has PDD-NOS, and I am going to assume he also has the same gene mutation since everything about us is nearly identical. I purposely don't use chemicals and such around my daughter (no swimming pool, no chemical cleaners directly around her, only Dr. Bronner's castille soap for hair and body, etc.) because of this so vaccinations are only one thing I keep her away from.


            • #21
              My neighbor has a home daycare as well and her 12yr old son has all his shots up to date including his booster Tdap for Jr High just months before and still got Pertissis a few months ago. :confused: In my area the vast majority of pertussis cases were in fully vaccinated kids. I also recently saw an article that fully vaccinated kids are more likely to have complications from this EV 68 thing going around. Not sure if it's coincidence or scientific results though. If 80% of kids are fully vaccinated it just makes sense that the majority of kids getting sick are vaccinated but are kids without vaccines LESS likely? I didn't get a chance to delve into the article when I saw it.


              • #22
                Pertussis is one of the least effective vaccines we have. That's why we have the boosters.

                We delayed the vaccines for our daughter because the research and medical staff we worked with understood the risks v. rewards of the various vaccines at certain ages. It isn't because of autism or because we don't believe in vaccines, it is because each one has its own risks and when paired with certain vaccines can be more or less effective. Also, the immune system is not equipped for long term immunity before one year of age so they get lots of vaccines of the same kind to get the immunity. This is showing to increase allergen response too. If they are breastfed, they get that immunity from their mama anyway and you can delay safely. There are so many unnecessary chemicals in vaccines, that aren't in pet vaccines btw, that made up a big part of our decision to start vaccines after 1 year of age. We did get her Dtap because of the whooping cough epidemic. Again risk v. reward.

                The most important thing it to be educated and make decisions not let the system happen to you/your children. And staying up on information as it comes out is the best way to do that. As a soon-to-be care provider, my next child may not be on the same schedule my daughter was, but that will be determined by the children I am watching and any disease flare ups in the community at large.

                Parents that are knowingly delaying vaccination aren't going to be your big issue, but the ones that are lazy about it or just not paying attention are the ones you'll need to stay on top of to get vaccination information. (You probably already know who that person is anyway.)

