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Pet Peeves in the World of Day Care

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  • #16
    Originally posted by KidGrind View Post
    My pet peeve:

    :: Luckily I only have one dcm that I don't really care for. She's not bad-like term bad, just super annoying.


    • #17
      1) Leaving keys in the car and/or vehicle running while they pick up or drop off
      2) Not keeping extra clothing in the cubby.
      3) Expecting nutritious food at day care but getting mountain dew and donuts on the way here or stopping at fast food joint on the way home.
      4) Deciding that it's time for me to potty train their child when he/she is not anywhere near ready or not starting it at home.
      5) Having to even bring up the issue of payment.
      6) While parent in picking up their child and the parent is on the phone or texting. COME ON people! The child has been waiting to share his/her day with you show some attention.

      In General:
      1) Texting or talking on the phone while driving.
      2) Going down the wrong side of the aisle when shopping and/or not looking before they step in front of you. This is especially bad at Costco in our area, DH says it's because we are so ethnically diverse and that their native countries drive on the opposite side.
      3) Using the left hand turn lane as a merge lane.
      4) When my DH takes the wrapper off of something and leaves it on the counter next to the garbage can.
      I see little people.


      • #18
        Parents who try to put me in the middle of spouse/ ex disagreements.
        I work with children because adults are too childish.


        • #19
          Pet peeves:

          1. Sausage pants. You know the ones I mean.
          2. Parent who comes 5 minutes late, thinks I didn't notice, and wants to hear all about Little Schmoo-Moo's day.
          3. Parent who comes 10 minutes late, whispers "Sorry", and rushes out. Then calls me from home so that I can tell them all about Little Schmoo-Moo's day. Yep, it's the same parent.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I don't have a lot of daycare pet peeves but these come to mind
            • Children capable of walking being carried in/out
            • Children paci's in their mouths 24/7
            • Sippy cups
            • Parents who use phrases such as "He/she won't let me" or "I tried to get them to...."
            • Parents who think EVERYTHING their kid does is cute, unique or "special"
            • Parent definitions of "gifted" "advanced" or "special"

            Other pet peeves:

            People who talk on their cells LOUDLY while shopping or especially when going through check out lines.

            People who park in fire zones or no parking zones because "they are only going to be a minute"

            People who allow their children to run amok in a public place, like stores or restaurants.

            People who chew with their mouths open or talk with food in their mouths

            People who do not use blinkers/turn signals, tail gate or are just plain old rude drivers

            People who apologize and then add "But....".
            YES to the bolded! Just witnessed it all today.
            Almost 5yo carried in, like normal, 3yo wouldn't "let" mom change out of jammies, and 4.5yo rubbing his hands together and being told he is so cute. :confused:
            Last edited by Blackcat31; 08-20-2014, 12:11 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by KidGrind View Post
              My pet peeve:

              Yup! It all stems from here ::


              • #22
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Pet peeves:

                3. Parent who comes 10 minutes late, whispers "Sorry", and rushes out. Then calls me from home so that I can tell them all about Little Schmoo-Moo's day. Yep, it's the same parent.
                I have one who has come in on her cell phone, mouthed sorry and thank you to me and then has left. She then calls me hours later to ask about her son's day. I have learned to not pick up the phone for her after hours!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by KidGrind View Post
                  My pet peeve:


                  He he he


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                    1) Leaving keys in the car and/or vehicle running while they pick up or drop off
                    2) Not keeping extra clothing in the cubby.
                    3) Expecting nutritious food at day care but getting mountain dew and donuts on the way here or stopping at fast food joint on the way home.
                    4) Deciding that it's time for me to potty train their child when he/she is not anywhere near ready or not starting it at home.
                    5) Having to even bring up the issue of payment.
                    6) While parent in picking up their child and the parent is on the phone or texting. COME ON people! The child has been waiting to share his/her day with you show some attention.

                    In General:
                    1) Texting or talking on the phone while driving.
                    2) Going down the wrong side of the aisle when shopping and/or not looking before they step in front of you. This is especially bad at Costco in our area, DH says it's because we are so ethnically diverse and that their native countries drive on the opposite side.
                    3) Using the left hand turn lane as a merge lane.
                    4) When my DH takes the wrapper off of something and leaves it on the counter next to the garbage can.
                    Having to even mention the issue of payment. AMEN to that!!!


                    • #25
                      My pet peeve:

                      Yes, this! It's rarely the kids and if it is I can change their behavior.


                      • #26
                        1) Parents that baby talk

                        2) The kids that are thirsty or hungry as soon as mom gets here

                        3) I forgot my checkbook or any version thereof

                        4) No call/ No show and don't want to pay for the day

                        5) People who set up interviews and don't call to cancel but try to set up another interview a week thanks

                        6) The baby performance at drop off.....I think that should of been number one as it irritates me the most. The DCM's that do it come across as so needy that I would love to say ' put your big girl panties on and move along smartly'.


                        • #27
                          These are my major peeves:
                          Dcks whining so dcm gives in.
                          Yes on the dcks getting carried in and out plus dcm is usually loaded down with lots of other stuff.
                          Dcks not letting dcm go to work, kissing and hugging and calling her back, rapping on the windows, crying, pouting, oh my.
                          Dcg jumping all over my couch after repeatedly telling her not to, sitting on the top of the couch, running through the house, not leaving my dogs alone.
                          Dcgs want to bring things to my house which I don't mind but they don't want to carry them.
                          All these by the same 2 dcks.
                          Then there's the dcb who is terribly sneaky, is an instigator, sasses terribly, mocks me, then if he gets really mad about something he throws things, hits and kicks me. 6 yo and I cannot wait for school to start!
                          His sister who gets up about 10 times during every single nap time and is loud so nappers wake up early and are cranky for the rest of the day.

                          *sigh* This is why we have weekends. Just to recover from the stress.


                          • #28
                            I hate it when parent complains constantly about their job. Umm if you hate it so much quit and find something else or figure out a way to stay home with your kid. It CAN be done on one income!

                            When parents say how much they miss snowflake but never keep them home if they are off so they can have a "me" day. Have your fr****g me day on the weekend and have your husband watch the darn kid. Or take you "me" day but don't complain how snowflake likes me better than she likes you.

                            I guess I just don't like complainers!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by drseuss View Post
                              Anything that could be classified as non-parenting. "She wouldn't xyz" or "she made me buy xyz".
                              This is mine!

                              "She MADE me..." "He MAKES me.." No, that little person weighs only 30lbs they are incapable of making you do anything! Take ownership for your own actions parents!


                              • #30
                                Great thread!

                                - Kids wearing sandals, flip-flops or crocs after repeated reminders to wear sneakers.
                                - kids that are given huge sippies of milk at home and still want more at dc
                                -children arriving in last nights diaper
                                - Children wearing shoes a 1/2 -1 size to big and they wont stay on when there playing
                                -children who just point and grunt at things to get what they want. They cant do that here but they do at home.
                                - parents that complain about how expensive dc is then rollup in a new car the next day!
                                Heres my favorite one:
                                "My checkbook is in the car, do you want your check?"

                                and thats just off the top of my head! Believe it or not I really do love my job!lovethis

