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Down Syndrome Baby

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  • Down Syndrome Baby

    We will be getting a child with Downs Syndrome for 2 days a week this summer and full time when school starts. She is 11 months old and from a center that is closing. Luckily we are getting the teacher from her room so she knows the family real well and knows how to take care of her.

    I just wondered if anyone had any experience taking care of kids with Down Syndrome and any tips. TIA!

  • #2
    I don’t have any tips unfortunately for you. Each child with Down Syndrome is different just like your average kid.

    For her specific situation I had the same expectations I did of all the children in my care. When we were doing physical activities she was a bit slower than the others her age & faster then those half her age.


    • #3
      I agree that Down Syndrome kids are individual, just like typical kids.
      One broad generalization is that they sometimes need you to show them the "next step" for a lot of things, when typical kids might be more inclined to figure it out without you.
      So, for example, for learning to walk, you might help them cruise their crib a couple of times before getting up from nap. I try to just build the little extra steps into my day like that, so that it always gets covered.
      If the child has low muscle tone, you might sometimes support their elbow while he or she does fine motor activities, so that they don't need to do the large muscle and fine motor together, if that makes sense.
      The child's teacher may be your best resource. My Down Syndrome children had Special Ed teachers come to their house once a week until 3 years old.
      So the parents and I split that time, every other week I had the Special Ed teacher, and I learned tons of little tips from them that were specific to that child's current development.


      • #4
        I'm trying to figure out a way to not sound snippy, sincerely don't mean to, but you I really hated seeing "Down Syndrome Baby." She's a baby who happens to have Down's Syndrome.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I'm trying to figure out a way to not sound snippy, sincerely don't mean to, but you I really hated seeing "Down Syndrome Baby." She's a baby who happens to have Down's Syndrome.
          You can educate without being snippy or rude.

          A simple "hey, just so you don't slip in front of parents, it's polite to say a child with __________, rather than a downs baby or an autistic kid, etc."


          • #6
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            I'm trying to figure out a way to not sound snippy, sincerely don't mean to, but you I really hated seeing "Down Syndrome Baby." She's a baby who happens to have Down's Syndrome.
            I will take the hit for that one too My dcfs phrased it properly at first, but after a while, it seemed less important than providing care and managing daily life. And most often we referred to him as Joe, and her as Mimi, just like anyone else


            • #7
              I will admit that the idea of having a baby with DS used to scare me until I cared for one. She was an amazingly beautiful angel who I just adored. She was just like any other baby, but had low muscle tone so she wasn't sitting up or mobile as early as other babies her age. But unless there are other medical issues (heart, oxygen, dietary, etc) than I would view it like caring for any other baby. I avoided reading the post until now due to the title phrasing, it is a little unprofessional.


              • #8
                Just thought I'd share! Makes me smile!
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  We were told ahead of time to never label her "down syndrome baby" especially in front of her mom. And I never would. But I didn't know how to word it to get people to respond without making a super long title like "A child that has Downs Syndrome" which sounds weird when not saying that in a full sentence. And I know every kid is different no matter what their abilities are. I just don't know anything about DS so I don't know what to expect. I was hoping to get more views than just her current teacher who has also never known someone with DS until this child. So she only knows what an infant with DS is like, not a toddler or older child. I really hope I didn't offend anyone. I only asked the question to help better prepare myself so I can be a good provider to this child and her family.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Christina72684 View Post
                    I was hoping to get more views than just her current teacher who has also never known someone with DS until this child. So she only knows what an infant with DS is like, not a toddler or older child. I really hope I didn't offend anyone. I only asked the question to help better prepare myself so I can be a good provider to this child and her family.
                    Since it sounds like her current teacher doesn't have the knowledge you need, is there something available through your school system or your state?
                    Where I live, Special Education services are mandated by the state, through the school system from birth. The teachers for birth to three years come to the home or child care.


                    • #11
                      OP- I have never had any experience with an infant with DS, but for the last 8 months, I have been caring for a high functioning 4 yo with DS two days a week.

                      He's an absolute sweetheart! I was nervous at first, because he was high energy & very inquisitive! It was similar to watching a 1 yo, but he was much taller & could reach things & open doors that a 1 yo couldn't. I had to watch him every second to make sure he wasn't getting into something!

                      After just a few times of being here though, he became less curious of his surroundings & played with toys and the other kids great!

                      I still struggle with finding foods he will eat... Even those that dcm says he likes, he push away and not want. I just try to encourage him to come sit down with the others and can usually find one or two things that he will eat. I do watch him carefully, because sometimes he will try to stuff too much in at a time.

                      Even though he is not verbal, he can definitely let me know what he wants!

                      I've thoroughly enjoyed him! He loves to make the others laugh and the other kids have a lot of fun playing with him.


                      • #12
                        The fact that you needed to be told not to refer to this child as "down syndrome baby" really concerns me. I hope you will be more tactful when dealing with this child's family. I currently care for a little girl with ds who will be turning 7. She is extremely high functioning, attends school every day and is smart as a whip. However, she does have some aggression issues which I deal with inc occurrence with her parents and teachers. Every child is different and needs to be treated as such.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Christina72684 View Post
                          We were told ahead of time to never label her "down syndrome baby" especially in front of her mom. And I never would. But I didn't know how to word it to get people to respond without making a super long title like "A child that has Downs Syndrome" which sounds weird when not saying that in a full sentence. And I know every kid is different no matter what their abilities are. I just don't know anything about DS so I don't know what to expect. I was hoping to get more views than just her current teacher who has also never known someone with DS until this child. So she only knows what an infant with DS is like, not a toddler or older child. I really hope I didn't offend anyone. I only asked the question to help better prepare myself so I can be a good provider to this child and her family.
                          Originally posted by akpayne View Post
                          The fact that you needed to be told not to refer to this child as "down syndrome baby" really concerns me. I hope you will be more tactful when dealing with this child's family.
                          The provider already addressed the wording aspect of this situation.

                          She wasn't trying to be disrespectful. She is trying to educate herself about this situation....which I give her TONS OF KUDOS for since not being familiar with something is tough sometimes and if we have no prior experience, we can easily offend.

                          The OP was not purposely being offensive in my opinion.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            The provider already addressed the wording aspect of this situation.

                            She wasn't trying to be disrespectful. She is trying to educate herself about this situation....which I give her TONS OF KUDOS for since not being familiar with something is tough sometimes and if we have no prior experience, we can easily offend.

                            The OP was not purposely being offensive in my opinion.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              The provider already addressed the wording aspect of this situation.

                              She wasn't trying to be disrespectful. She is trying to educate herself about this situation....which I give her TONS OF KUDOS for since not being familiar with something is tough sometimes and if we have no prior experience, we can easily offend.

                              The OP was not purposely being offensive in my opinion.

