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Dry Hands

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  • #16
    I'm sure their are lots of sites on this, but here is one. Vitamin A and I think E help with dry skin. I'm not sure if it works or not because I take vitamins, but also use lotion, and sometimes (not yet this year since snow hasn't hit) I will put lotion on and wear the gloves like a pp said from Walmart...$1.50 for one pair....does the job. OR pay $20 a pair at Bath and Body Works just so they have a gel-like inside feel, but they both work! Anyways, too many variables in my lifestyle to see if the vitamins work on it or not. Safe than sorry I guess.


    • #17
      I use lanolin at night and cover my hands with cotton socks to sleep. I used Lansinoh brand when my kids were newborn and I had leftover tubes from then. I figure if it's safe enough for newborns to mouth, then it's safe enough to be on my hands. Works wonders on my feet too. But it is greasy.


      • #18
        I know your pain! I get dry to the point of cracks and bleeding, I have a little excema too.

        Definitely drink more water. When they are starting to get bad I soak them in warm water for up to 15 minutes, dab hydrocortisone on the cracks (per Dr's orders), apply a thin layer of quality moisturizer (a lot were already mentioned) and then a thin layer of Vaseline or even Crisco, then put on my cotton gloves and go to sleep. My hands feel SO much better by the morning!

        Good luck this winter!


        • #19
          All good advice, but sometimes all we do is not good enough I had to go and get a prescription for my hands when I couldn't stop the bleeding cracks and they kept getting infected. Worked wonders overnight!

