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Does This Look Professional Enough For a Preschool?

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  • Does This Look Professional Enough For a Preschool?

    I started my daycare a year ago, and I am working toward getting an accredited pre-k program started by next fall. I updated some of the furniture and toys in the past month, but I am worried that it doesn't say "pre-k." We live in a more upscale neighborhood in Maryland, so I am trying to stand out with a bit more style than a typical primary color daycare. But now I am worried that it might not be what parents are expecting. I really don't have room for a kitchen/housekeeping section. The table does double-duty as arts/crafts and meals. I have a couple of table-top easels that I can rotate in and out on a regular basis for kids. There are pretend clothes in the bins, and I have a lot of crafts/musical instruments/daily activities in the built-in cabinets. What do you guys think?
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  • #2
    I think it's beautiful! Not over done, and classy. I would put my child there! The basic, cutesy prek stuff isn't my style either.


    • #3
      I love your space. Very clean. Seems kid friendly. However, in my area a "preschool" is going to be 100% kids. No adult tables, but small child size school tables and chairs. Parents here want "classroom work" and an image that supports that thought. I, personally, do NOT agree with that line of thinking.

      I really like your space.


      • #4
        I really like it, but I agree that lots of parents want a classroom for preschool. Centers, child-sized everything. You could advertise as a Waldorf, RIE, or other type of similar preschool--parents wanting these programs usually DONT want the classroom look!


        • #5
          In a preschool I would definitely expect to see more kid-size furniture and a calendar wall, with words, numbers, a calendar, etc on it, for kids to see at all times.
          However, it is a very nice space


          • #6
            Thanks everyone!

            Above the little couch are my kids' pictures that have been there since we moved here two years ago. I am trying to decide if I should put up a fabric covered framed corkboard or do individual colored frames with the corkboard in the center of each (saw it on pinterest!) in the lime, aqua, pink and yellow colors around the room. I haven't been able to find a calendar/pre-k style organizer for the wall that is more Pier 1 than Lakeshore Learning.

            I also have my kids' pics in the top shelf of the built-ins so I am trying to decide what to put up there that showcases the pre-k/daycare but isn't a toy as it is too high up for the kiddos.

            I've thought about replacing the kitchen table and chairs with a housekeeping section I saw at Pottery Barn Kids (but found on craigslist for much cheaper!) But it is also my meeting place with adults and where the older kids can do homework/puzzles, etc., without the toddlers grabbing at their stuff. I suppose if I successfully make the transition to full pre-k, I won't have to worry about that. I still have a dining room table where the older kids could go (we have a colonial home). I have one crib in there and then a pack-n-play/changing table tucked into the corner of the living room so it is easier for the babies to nap.

            I am getting some custom containers (DivasIntuition on Etsy) for by the fireplace for blocks, etc., and for the land of nod table that have Velcro so little hands can't reach in unless invited.

            I think I am just so tired of a long, dreary winter that I had to re-design and move things around with a brighter color palette.


            • #7
              I like it as is. I really never cared for the primary colors look or the walls being "too busy." I think yours looks relaxing and inviting. Very nice! Wouldn't change a thing.



              • #8
                Originally posted by butterfly View Post
                I love your space. Very clean. Seems kid friendly. However, in my area a "preschool" is going to be 100% kids. No adult tables, but small child size school tables and chairs. Parents here want "classroom work" and an image that supports that thought. I, personally, do NOT agree with that line of thinking.
                Originally posted by preschoolteacher View Post
                I really like it, but I agree that lots of parents want a classroom for preschool. Centers, child-sized everything. You could advertise as a Waldorf, RIE, or other type of similar preschool--parents wanting these programs usually DONT want the classroom look!
                It depends on personal perspective and state rating scales. ECERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale; which is used in centers {FCCERS for home daycare}) encourages there to be a mix of both adult and child sized furnature to help both the teachers and parents to feel that they have a place in the environment. Some parents tend to avoid going into their child's classroom because they (subconciously) feel unwelcome due to the small furnature; like it's a "kids only" space rather than a neutral setting that is welcoming for all ages.


                • #9
                  Mine is a preschool. If you want, I could message you a link.


                  • #10
                    so the only thing that I didnt see was books or manipulative area. do you have a reading area? or what about an area for puzzles?

                    the area looks very clean and inviting. I will say this much, there is a lot of white that I can see and in my experience anything white will get dirty fast with kids. I have a white wall that gets washed weekly and painted every quarter.

                    I think that you are off to a very good start, very cute.

                    I also wanted to edit to add, in my preschool training I was taught to make sure that every child can read their name on at least 5 different items. for example

                    cubby box
                    space at the table have a name tag for each child
                    pencil box
                    bathroom towels have name label
                    sticks with their names on them that they can grab from a jar to add to the helper board, weather person, line leader, etc
                    name on floor where they will sit for circle time
                    name on paper rack where they will put their art when done
                    back of the chair if you cant put it on the table

                    I was also taught to make it a text rich environment that everything in it should be labeled. this really helps to promote reading
                    Last edited by daycare; 04-14-2014, 03:21 PM.


                    • #11
                      I think it looks lovely, and definitely reads professional.

                      I don't think there's a particular "look" that says "preschool." To me, what matters is what's happening there. What I would focus on is documentation of what the kids are doing there, what they're learning, what your philosophy is... People like my environment, but what gets them is seeing documentation of what we do there and why it's important. I hand them a notebook of the daily journals I send parents and as they flip through, they get a good sense of what we do and see its importance/seriousness/difference from babysitting/"preschool" if you want to put it that way. (If it were me, I'd replace the teacher-store posters of colors and things with beautiful documentation about what your kids are doing/learning/exploring.)

                      It sounds like you'd really like a kitchen set. I see a space where I'd tuck one: right at the far right end of your island. You could get a pretty white one that would blend in, or build a simple one (have you seen those nice ones people make from end tables and things on Pinterest?) My kitchen is small, but I fit in our nice small kitchen set (here) and it's worked very well there.

                      Good for you for going for a look you find aesthetically pleasing rather than the generic "preschool look."


                      • #12
                        Nice! I love the colors and especially the wood floors. In your first pic, be sure to put your posters lower at children's eye level. Also for accreditation, make sure your materials are all labeled and use photos to help the kids learn where they go. I think you've got a lovely PreK program!


                        • #13
                          I like it but to me, it still seems like a home daycare versus a preschool. I dont think that is a bad thing! No matter what you decide to do, it wont be what every parent is looking for. I have had people complain that I dont have enough toys and that my home is too bare because I am a minimalist in our living room area (not even the daycare space but whatever) so again, do what you want to do and find the parents that are a good fit with that. Not everyone wants the structured school sterile environment. I prefer something more homey myself!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
                            Mine is a preschool. If you want, I could message you a link.
                            That would be great! Thanks!

                            I will definitely have to get some labels for the kiddos once the pre-k goes into effect. I may do it for some of my regulars now (only 2 as of this moment, plus my kids). Because I have 20 other kids enrolled on an occasional basis, it is a little hard to do that. I found some really great ones on Etsy (my go to shop for custom work that will really fit in with the decor - plus, it is good to support small businesses!

                            Great ideas, everyone! Thanks so much!

