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Second Helpings?

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  • Second Helpings?

    What do you guys do regarding second helpings at snack and meal times? If I've made a pizza and there happens to be left over slices I have no problem giving those out but other times I make the exact amount of something and someone will ask for seconds and I don't make extra but then I wondered if others did?

    My biggest issue is snack times. All my kids are definitely "snackers". They rarely eat their meals and want to fill up on snacks. I rarely do seconds of snacks. I serve at least the recommended serving usually a little more but it never fails at least one kids asks for extras.

    My SA kids are by far the worst. I feel like if I fed them till they were 'full' every time my grocery bill would be crazy!

    Any ideas or suggestions?

  • #2
    "Snacks are not meals, enough is enough".

    I give seconds of fruit & veggies any time, though.

    No guilt because I KNOW they get plenty of sugar/starch at home, I clean the poptarts out of their clothing most mornings after arrival... ::
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
      "Snacks are not meals, enough is enough".

      I give seconds of fruit & veggies any time, though.

      No guilt because I KNOW they get plenty of sugar/starch at home, I clean the poptarts out of their clothing most mornings after arrival... ::
      I do the same for snacks. If I have any leftovers for lunch, I'll allow seconds until it's gone, but otherwise it's just seconds on fruits, vegetables and milk (within reason).


      • #4
        I don't do seconds for snack time.

        For lunch, if there is seconds left, the kids who choose to have seconds on veggies (first) are the ones who get the seconds on pizza or whatever we had that day.

        If there isn't any seconds available, then they will just have to wait until snack time. I serve a pretty wholesome lunch so there really isn't any reason for any of them to be "starving".

        Unless they chose not to eat.

        That's on them.


        • #5
          I don't offer seconds at snack. I normally offer apples, bananas, carrots or raisins for seconds at lunch. If they're still hungry they'll chose one and if they just want more pizza, they won't.

          I don't usually make enough of any main to offer seconds of that. One of my dd's packs the extra from the kid's lunch for her dinner because she's gone for sports at dinnertime each day.


          • #6
            Our state regs say that for actual meals, there must be extra fruit/veggie and starch available for those who ask for seconds. Snacks, no seconds are required. I do let them have as much fruit or veggie as they want at snack, though. The bottomless raw veggie container in the fridge gets emptied quickly, which is fine with me!

            I do not usually give seconds of milk, because I think a lot of kids drink way too much.


            • #7
              I've been wondering about this too (seconds, serving size). I have a 5 year old who is very big for his age (not overweight but solid & super tall). Last week for lunch He ate more than I did! I had to tell him no More when he combined he was still hungry. Dcm was surprised I said 'no more' (saying she usually gives him an apple or two when he's still hungry). So I've been thinking about that and wondering if my portion sizes are off and I'm not set of enough?

              Them yesterday he had scrambled eggs, 3 slices of turkey bacon, and homemade fries for breakfast (a very very generous helping). Snack was an apple. Lunch was 2 slices of pizza, huge handful of baby carrots & Milk. He complained he was hungry but there was no more food left! I'm sure he went home and complained to dcm about being hungry, but I'm beginning to think that he eats for comfort and not hunger.


              • #8
                For army we HAVE to have enough food for seconds for the kids. It gets expensive


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
                  I've been wondering about this too (seconds, serving size). I have a 5 year old who is very big for his age (not overweight but solid & super tall). Last week for lunch He ate more than I did! I had to tell him no More when he combined he was still hungry. Dcm was surprised I said 'no more' (saying she usually gives him an apple or two when he's still hungry). So I've been thinking about that and wondering if my portion sizes are off and I'm not set of enough?

                  Them yesterday he had scrambled eggs, 3 slices of turkey bacon, and homemade fries for breakfast (a very very generous helping). Snack was an apple. Lunch was 2 slices of pizza, huge handful of baby carrots & Milk. He complained he was hungry but there was no more food left! I'm sure he went home and complained to dcm about being hungry, but I'm beginning to think that he eats for comfort and not hunger.
                  Are you on the food program?

                  They have portion sizes for each age group.

                  Maybe you could print that info off and give to mom. If she still feels you should feed him more, tell her the rate will go up in order to meet his needs then.

                  I had a larger 5 yr old that could eat what two grown men could and I was very upfront/open with mom about the portion sizes and how I would not automatically make enough for second helpings for him, nor would I provide additional snacks without additional compensation.

                  I think you are right though about eating for comfort verses hunger. Too many kids are taught to do that...which is WHY I despise using food as a treat or reward for anything. I think it sends the wrong message to the kids who are just developing life long eating habits.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                    "Snacks are not meals, enough is enough".

                    I give seconds of fruit & veggies any time, though.

                    No guilt because I KNOW they get plenty of sugar/starch at home, I clean the poptarts out of their clothing most mornings after arrival... ::

                    also besides pizza what else are you serving? any fruit or veggie?


                    • #11
                      All mine are toddlers except after school I have one big boy. I don't usually have this problem YET! LOL


                      • #12
                        Seconds mostly on veggies. NEVER on fruit (it's expensive and we have it 2-3 times a day, no need). Sometimes on the bready/starchy/main course. Sometimes I'll give seconds of things like graham cracker with peanut butter.

                        And sometimes if I didn't really make enough for seconds and a couple kids are REALLY still hungry, I'll offer baby carrots or something like that. If they're hungry, they'll accept.

                        if snack didn't include a fruit and someone is still hungry I offer a banana. So yeah. I guess....bottom line...I go with the flow?
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                        • #13
                          I don't do seconds on milk or snacks, ever. Lunch, seconds on anything left ( I hate leftovers) , but they cannot have seconds unless they take fruit or veggies.


                          • #14
                            NYS requires second helpings to be available. I don't have a problem with this as all but one of my DCKs are really good eaters.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                              One of my dd's packs the extra from the kid's lunch for her dinner because she's gone for sports at dinnertime each day.
                              I'm not sure how I feel about this. If my DD or DS couldn't have seconds of something so that there was enough left for your child. I think you should make your own child something else for dinner, and use the dc leftovers IF there are any after the kids have all they want. That's just me though, my kids get seconds on whatever they want, provided they have eaten all their food. They can't have more pizza until they eat their fruits and veggies, but if they do, they can. Not being a troll, just my opinion.

