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What Does This Mean?

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  • What Does This Mean?

    I was just reading in my Psychology book about attachment and a paragraph on Daycare caught my attention.
    It said that quality daycare is good for babies attachment and bad care is of course bad.. duh ...but one thing made me scratch my head...
    it said to avoid any child care center with the words zoo,menagerie,or stockade in it's name.

    Doe anyone have any idea what this means?

  • #2
    All of those things involve animals that are cages or penned for human entertainment or convenience. I would think it's saying avoid establishments with names that imply the children will be figuratively penned or treated like livestock during care?


    • #3
      ^^^ What was said above ... and also I think it may have something to do with the idea of avoiding any places that refer to children as animals. All of the listed phrases are references to animals being kept in captivity.


      • #4
        I heard the same thing in a child psych class. Avoid animal names ( monkeys, frogs, ducks, are a few in my area)

        I'd rather send my kid to a quality daycare named monkey zoo duck cages than a poor quality one without an animal name. It's a name, after all.


        • #5
          Ok that makes sense.
          Thanks, I googled stockade and saw this crazy contraption.
          Then I remembered what it was in some movies.It's just the animal names didn't make sense. I saw a daycare called leaping lizards, I thought that was so cute!


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
            I heard the same thing in a child psych class. Avoid animal names ( monkeys, frogs, ducks, are a few in my area)

            I'd rather send my kid to a quality daycare named monkey zoo duck cages than a poor quality one without an animal name. It's a name, after all.
            I call my kids monkeys and ducks all the time. But then again I rarely call them by their names. I call them by the wrong names all the time to make them laugh. Or things like, "Pink dress kid! Hockey boy!" They laugh hysterically.

            Totally agree with you BTW.


            • #7
              I have to say, I've judged daycares by the name before. Animal names really don't bother me, but I wouldn't even consider going to look at this place called Kurtain Klimbers. It could be the best daycare in the world, but there's no way I could get past that name.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Patches View Post
                I have to say, I've judged daycares by the name before. Animal names really don't bother me, but I wouldn't even consider going to look at this place called Kurtain Klimbers. It could be the best daycare in the world, but there's no way I could get past that name.
                Oh wow, that IS bad! We have one called Lil thanks. Both Kurtain Klimbers and Lil Rascals sounds like they don't respect children as little people but more like wild and out of control brats. Not to mention words not spelled correctly seems a little odd...not cute to me, IMHO.

                I personally don't like daycares that use the word Academy. Just a personal thing. To me, it suggests that they will pressure children into academics rather than concentrating on play.

                I like that Montessori schools usually have something about nature in their name.



                • #9
                  Well, stockade sure has a negative connotation...I don't know who in the world would name a daycare something with stockade in the name! Menagerie isn't terribly positive either. Zoo seems neutral but the more I think about it, feels like it conveys something wild and out of control.

                  Probably what the writers of the textbook are trying to convey is more about the mentality of the people who choose those names than about the quality of the daycare, kwim?

                  And I agree that the misspelled cutesy alliterative names bug me. Especially ones with K in the name. I saw one around here on Craigslist awhile back that was something like "Kasey's Kidz Kamp" and I messaged her to let her know that having a daycare name that shortens to "KKK" is probably not a good idea. never saw that ad again!!

                  Leapin' Lizards is cute! And I call my kiddos Monkeys and Ducks and Ducklings, silly geese/goose, goofball, knucklehead (mostly my own; the dcks are too young to be knuckleheads, ), full of silly beans, etc. And yet I use a much more positive and gentle-minded approach than many people.
                  Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                  • #10
                    A few years ago there was a dc in my area called "little monsters"
                    but I met the provider and she explained that she basically did SA care and she had let the kids pick the name. She was an awesome provider (nature based, organic program) and I don't think her enrollment ever suffered because of it, but it don't know if I could ever do that.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                      A few years ago there was a dc in my area called "little monsters"
                      but I met the provider and she explained that she basically did SA care and she had let the kids pick the name. She was an awesome provider (nature based, organic program) and I don't think her enrollment ever suffered because of it, but it don't know if I could ever do that.
                      When I first opened, I used Little Critter Child Care at the suggestion of my own 3 yr old who was OBSESSED with the Little Critter series.

                      I never had a parent question it or make a comment about it and I doubt it hurt my enrollment either.

                      We have several providers in my area that use animal words and words I would use in place of chaos or craziness etc and I don't think anyone pays attention.


                      • #12
                        To be honest, I think it's kinda silly! Does one really judge the provider simply by the name and not the actual provider? If you found the sweetest lady with the best environment and awesome references plus personal referrals would you say no simply because she named it Zoey's Zoo? Or if she had a Creative Learning Day Care but the lady gave you the creeps?
                        I went to someone's daycare called "Jani's Nest" but that didn't mean she chewed up and spit food into my baby's mouth like a bird would.
                        I understand what they're saying, but I think it's silly.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Play Care View Post
                          A few years ago there was a dc in my area called "little monsters"
                          but I met the provider and she explained that she basically did SA care and she had let the kids pick the name. She was an awesome provider (nature based, organic program) and I don't think her enrollment ever suffered because of it, but it don't know if I could ever do that.
                          We have on here (illegal too) that calls dc Miss Megans Monsters!


                          • #14
                            Wow those are interesting. I had a friend who ran an unlicensed (I assumed illegal) daycare. She had five infants at one time. I didn't know about daycare at the time. But she called her daycare "lil' sh**s" because i assume the diapers. It really didn't effect her business as she was just doing it for a year or so while she had a baby and apprently her parents thought it was Funny.


                            • #15
                              I guess it suggests that they compare children to wild animals (monkeys, lions, etc.)? Or see children as animals that need to be locked up or managed (like animals need that?)? Or because it's a common luring tactic. But zoo/ animal names are very common in child care because it's cutesy and attracts both the parents and the kids (not to mention zoos are an easy theme to decorate for). Though I doubt if anyone would use Stockard in their daycare name unless it was part of their name (like if Stockard Channing opened a daycare and called it Stockard's Zoo).

                              I read blog about a mom who said that she avoided daycares that use "Lil" in the name (I can't find the article, read it a few years ago- not sure if that included little and/or tiny). And another article that says don't try to purposely misspell the name (like Kidz instead of Kids or a backwards K); Which are common practices in daycare naming also.

