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Oh My Dcf, Oh My!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by care giver View Post
    Also this is not the subject of this thread, but it really bugs me when parents want you to write up a report for the day of what their child did and then you find out that they are not even reading them,I put the report in the bag that goes home and then the next day I find the report still in the bag, unread as I put them in a envelope and put a sticker on the opening and the sticker was still on there,so I know they didn't read it. So now I don't bother writing a report anymore and they have not said anything. It's a waste of time.
    This drives me a little crazy,too, because I take time out of my very busy day to write these sheets up for them. When I first started out, I used to provide a notepad for the parents that would go back and forth between them and me. I would write about the child's day and ask them to write about things at night that were important for me to they slept, if they ate breakfast...... It never took very long for that notebook to stop coming back to me. After that, the parents seemed very satisfied with a quick run down of the child's day instead of a written daily report. I was just recently thinking that I should go back to that method of communication!


    • #17
      Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
      I had a dcm throw our valentines art in the trash in front of me and her son. Why? She didn't want the glitter all over her car. W.t.f! At least ACT like you care for the sake of your child's feelings!
      I can't believe some parents! Maybe I'm obsessed..a little.., but I love artwork that my kids do! I have an under bed storage bin and keep all the keepsake stuff there. They never see me throw anything away! Well, my dd is 11 now and some of the stuff that has to do with school I do ask, but all of the art work is saved, some framed!


      • #18
        Originally posted by melilley View Post
        I can't believe some parents! Maybe I'm obsessed..a little.., but I love artwork that my kids do! I have an under bed storage bin and keep all the keepsake stuff there. They never see me throw anything away! Well, my dd is 11 now and some of the stuff that has to do with school I do ask, but all of the art work is saved, some framed!
        It is sad when the dcp's do this! I also would never throw away my kids art work. My ds was/is an avid drawer and he had the bottom drawer of his dresser that was stuffed full of his art. I admit that occasionally while he was at school I would go through it and throw away some of the papers. If I didn't do that he would have filled his entire 5 drawer dresser with paper! LOL My ds is grown and out of the house now but I still have 3 pieces framed and hanging in my home.

        As for daily reports I only do them for infants and then only for 3 to 6 months. Once they become repetitive I stop.


        • #19
          This is one reason I switched to electronic daily sheets. No more wasted paper, I won't see it in the diaper bag or front yard the day, and I always have copy and proof they received it.


          • #20
            Originally posted by care giver View Post
            Why is it that some daycare parents just don't really appreciate the time and effort we go thru to have their child make something special for them for holidays!
            I have had one DCD leave a special valentines project in the back set of his car after picking up his child and it never made it into their house. I know this because I asked the DCM a few days later how she liked the Valentines that her son made and she replied, I didn't know he made anything, I never saw anything. This Valentine's project also had a real Rose attached for the DCM, so it must have wilted in the car.

            Also this is not the subject of this thread, but it really bugs me when parents want you to write up a report for the day of what their child did and then you find out that they are not even reading them,I put the report in the bag that goes home and then the next day I find the report still in the bag, unread as I put them in a envelope and put a sticker on the opening and the sticker was still on there,so I know they didn't read it. So now I don't bother writing a report anymore and they have not said anything. It's a waste of time.
            that is when those little home reports stop. I don't mind doing them for a short while to get used to each others schedules and give parent peace of mind but then once they are not being read they are no longer needed- on both ends of things. I don't want to waste time writing all that down if it is not needed. Parent might not know how to tell you that they are all set and don't need them anymore too-


            • #21
              Originally posted by melilley View Post
              This same dcm told me her and her dh's phone was shut off (conveniently when I had to call them about late payment a couple of weeks ago), but they could get texts at home and work because there is wifi at both places....ummm makes NO sense!
              Okay I really can't help this family with anything else they've done but I can comment on this particular part of your vent. If they have smart phones such as Android or Apple iPhone they could possibly be using iMessage, Hangouts or Google Voice to make calls and texts with. If you don't have iMessage or Hangouts installed on your phone and you dial a number to call them then it could be Google Voice and that works on internet connection.

              Really though I don't know why I bothered ... you've got plenty of other complaints that make it seem like they are just pushing the envelope on purpose.


              • #22
                Originally posted by MV View Post
                Okay I really can't help this family with anything else they've done but I can comment on this particular part of your vent. If they have smart phones such as Android or Apple iPhone they could possibly be using iMessage, Hangouts or Google Voice to make calls and texts with. If you don't have iMessage or Hangouts installed on your phone and you dial a number to call them then it could be Google Voice and that works on internet connection.

                Really though I don't know why I bothered ... you've got plenty of other complaints that make it seem like they are just pushing the envelope on purpose.
                Oh, that would make sense then! I don't know what kind of phones they have, but dcm is always mentioning that they don't have money, hence the phones being shut off, so I can't see them having an expensive phone, but then again nothing surprises me with them.

                Interesting though. I don't know squat about technology...I still have what I call a dumb phone...

