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Oh My Dcf, Oh My!

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  • Oh My Dcf, Oh My!

    One of my dcd's took the Valentines Day gift that dck made for them (Friday), looked at it, then proceeded to fold it and stuff it into a little teeny bag. (it was the Love with the hand being the O and feet being the V, idea someone mentioned last week) Same family said their dog ate the Christmas gift dcb made. I don't know why, but it really bothered me. We worked hard on those gifts.

    Dcp of the same above mentioned family member came in this morning and tells me she's sorry she didn't bring Valentine's cards Friday...that she can't keep track of everything..ummmm you work at a preschool, your 3 yo goes to preschool-quit lying and just admit you forgot or didn't want to bring any-you don't ever bring anything for our parties, which is fine, but why lie?

    Same dcp came in this morning-late because she is at home and has the day off and tells me that dcb was up for 2 hours last night. He fell asleep with dcd on the couch and all of a sudden she hears a toy hammer hitting the wall (sometime in the wee hours of night/morning) and finds dcb up playing and dcd still sleeping. Then she says he wouldn't go to sleep and stayed up playing for 2 hours and she needs sleep......PUT HIM IN HIS OWN CRIB! Oh and then tells me dcb had Tylenol for teething last night. I took his temp once, then again an hour later and up it went-not enough to send home, but I text dcm to see when he had Tylenol because his temp was going up and surprise no call back!

    This same dcm told me her and her dh's phone was shut off (conveniently when I had to call them about late payment a couple of weeks ago), but they could get texts at home and work because there is wifi at both places....ummm makes NO sense!

    I just don't get some people.

    Phew ok I'm done.

  • #2
    Nice.... Dcp looked at tile w/ pic of dcg on it and says "great just what we need another picture" (really made handing that term letter over easier)

    Sorry they are being such turds.


    • #3
      Uhhhhhh I no longer work with crazy people. I can give grace for normal things but if you are over the top I just can't handle it any longer. That is just straight up CRAZY.


      • #4
        Why is it that some daycare parents just don't really appreciate the time and effort we go thru to have their child make something special for them for holidays!
        I have had one DCD leave a special valentines project in the back set of his car after picking up his child and it never made it into their house. I know this because I asked the DCM a few days later how she liked the Valentines that her son made and she replied, I didn't know he made anything, I never saw anything. This Valentine's project also had a real Rose attached for the DCM, so it must have wilted in the car.

        Also this is not the subject of this thread, but it really bugs me when parents want you to write up a report for the day of what their child did and then you find out that they are not even reading them,I put the report in the bag that goes home and then the next day I find the report still in the bag, unread as I put them in a envelope and put a sticker on the opening and the sticker was still on there,so I know they didn't read it. So now I don't bother writing a report anymore and they have not said anything. It's a waste of time.


        • #5
          Originally posted by melilley View Post
          One of my dcd's took the Valentines Day gift that dck made for them (Friday), looked at it, then proceeded to fold it and stuff it into a little teeny bag. (it was the Love with the hand being the O and feet being the V, idea someone mentioned last week) Same family said their dog ate the Christmas gift dcb made. I don't know why, but it really bothered me. We worked hard on those gifts.
          I have a couple dcp like that! One dcm always lets dcb carry his artwork out the door and he picks it apart and rips it before they get to the car! It's his I guess he can rip it, but he should be proud of it!


          • #6
            Originally posted by care giver View Post
            Why is it that some daycare parents just don't really appreciate the time and effort we go thru to have their child make something special for them for holidays!
            I have had one DCD leave a special valentines project in the back set of his car after picking up his child and it never made it into their house. I know this because I asked the DCM a few days later how she liked the Valentines that her son made and she replied, I didn't know he made anything, I never saw anything. This Valentine's project also had a real Rose attached for the DCM, so it must have wilted in the car.

            Also this is not the subject of this thread, but it really bugs me when parents want you to write up a report for the day of what their child did and then you find out that they are not even reading them,I put the report in the bag that goes home and then the next day I find the report still in the bag, unread as I put them in a envelope and put a sticker on the opening and the sticker was still on there,so I know they didn't read it. So now I don't bother writing a report anymore and they have not said anything. It's a waste of time.
            BOo to these parents! I used to do daily reports, but the same thing happened so I don't write them anymore. It's a waste of time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by EntropyControlSpecialist View Post
              Uhhhhhh I no longer work with crazy people. I can give grace for normal things but if you are over the top I just can't handle it any longer. That is just straight up CRAZY.
              I like dad, but mom is crazy!


              • #8
                Originally posted by CraftyMom View Post
                I have a couple dcp like that! One dcm always lets dcb carry his artwork out the door and he picks it apart and rips it before they get to the car! It's his I guess he can rip it, but he should be proud of it!
                Ugh... I had one parent when I worked in a center, take her child's bag of art and the next day I found it in the garbage in the same room that her child was in all day!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jack Sprat View Post
                  Nice.... Dcp looked at tile w/ pic of dcg on it and says "great just what we need another picture" (really made handing that term letter over easier)

                  Sorry they are being such turds.
                  What? BOoo! I can't believe some people!


                  • #10
                    Well dcm calls at 4-of course almost at p/u time and in a whiny voice tells me that she went home and left her phone downstairs and magically at 4 decided to look at it...yeah right. Dcb ended up having 101.4 after nap. Then she texts and tells me she'll let me know about tomorrow cuz it HAS to be teething, right. NOOOO I don't think so. 24 hrs lady.


                    • #11
                      I had a dcm throw our valentines art in the trash in front of me and her son. Why? She didn't want the glitter all over her car. W.t.f! At least ACT like you care for the sake of your child's feelings!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by care giver View Post
                        Also this is not the subject of this thread, but it really bugs me when parents want you to write up a report for the day of what their child did and then you find out that they are not even reading them,I put the report in the bag that goes home and then the next day I find the report still in the bag, unread as I put them in a envelope and put a sticker on the opening and the sticker was still on there,so I know they didn't read it. So now I don't bother writing a report anymore and they have not said anything. It's a waste of time.
                        Yes! I find them all the time still in the cubby or child's bag, sometimes 2 or 3 from previous days. Then on a day I didn't have time to write one up dcm gives me attitude because she didn't know anything about the child's day! Really?!


                        • #13
                          That's why I quit doing school with my 4 yo. Dad would say to give the pages to Mom, Mom would say to let Dad have them. It was a lot of work, paper, ink, and time for 1 child for the parents not to care. We haven't done school since the first of Dec and neither parent has asked about it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                            I had a dcm throw our valentines art in the trash in front of me and her son. Why? She didn't want the glitter all over her car. W.t.f! At least ACT like you care for the sake of your child's feelings!
                            WOW! That parent really cares. Grandsons dumped a ton of confetti all over dh's truck last Fri. He just took it to the carwash, no big deal.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                              I had a dcm throw our valentines art in the trash in front of me and her son. Why? She didn't want the glitter all over her car. W.t.f! At least ACT like you care for the sake of your child's feelings!
                              That's so sad! Can you imagine how hurtful that is to a child? I don't understand how some parents could have such little regard for their own kids' feelings. :confused:

