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Threatening to Term When I Won't Give Special Treatment?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    My handbook states VERY clearly what "group care" means.

    It says:

    ABC Child Care is a group child care and does not have sufficient staff or means to provide individualized child care services.

    Any requests for specialized care outside the normal array of services I provide must be conducive to group care and cannot challenge any policy within this handbook.

    Requests for specialized care are subject to provider approval and subject to a rate increase for the addition of "special services".

    Right above that statement it says:

    "Please remember that I, as a child care provider, own my business and offer services for a fee.

    I set my own guidelines, policies and decide which services to offer.

    You, as the parent, must decide if the services I offer meet your needs."

    If I were you, the next time mom asks for anything outside your normal policies, I would politely decline and simply say "I'm sorry that does not work for me." or "If my services no longer meet your needs, please remember to submit notice of withdrawl as outlined in my policies."

    I TOTALLY understand NEEDING the income but unless you are going to work for her (for that income) then you have to stand your ground.

    BIG difference between owning and running your own business according to your policies and simply being a family's employee.
    need a smiley nodding yes, yes yes over and over again....happyface this is good info for you OP


    • #32
      Originally posted by butterfly View Post
      I wouldn't back down either. It might actually be a blessing if they end up leaving.

      a blessing in disguise sometimes. We don't know what a favor they did for us when they leave, even if it is ruff for a few until you pull someone else in. You will find new clients if your persistent and work hard-


      • #33
        sometimes you are so worried about the loss of money that is all you can focus on. Years ago when I finally let my problem family go (took me 8 months) I felt like i got my life back when they left.

        I was working harder for them, longer hours more more more, so after they left I sat down and figured out that in the long run I was actually saving money by letting them go.

        I hope it all works out for you.

