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Parent Pleaser Valentine Craft?

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  • Parent Pleaser Valentine Craft?

    I'm looking to make a "parent pleaser" tomorrow. The targeted age here is 11 mos, 21 mos, 2.5yo (that one's mine, ). I also have a 5 yo and 6 yo but I'm thinking something "keepsakey" from the youngers. Any super cute ideas?
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    This is what I'm doing with my kids… nothing fancy but I think they're cute! I have a 4 month old, three 2 year old boys and a 4 year old girl.

    Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. I wanted to do a project with my toddler this year that would be fun for us to create together, use her creativity, and be a keepsake for her loved ones t…

    Last edited by Blackcat31; 02-10-2014, 01:00 PM.


    • #3
      I am doing these

      You will love this simple and fun craft project! Learn how to make your own sparkly homemade crystals in the shape of hearts. LOVELY!

      and these


      • #4
        I have these wooden hearts and birdhouses. The kids painted the hearts and dh is going to drill a hole in the top so I can put a ribbon through them and they can be necklaces or a decoration. We also painted foam hearts.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          I am doing these

          You will love this simple and fun craft project! Learn how to make your own sparkly homemade crystals in the shape of hearts. LOVELY!

          These are super cute!!!


          • #6
            My MIL took pics of kids on a pink fleece with hearts on it. I put them on tiles for coasters etc. We are also making oreo truffles. I love what BC did. We may add those into the mix as well.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              I am doing these

              You will love this simple and fun craft project! Learn how to make your own sparkly homemade crystals in the shape of hearts. LOVELY!

              These are super cool! I must try this tomorrow with my kiddos!
              Last edited by Blackcat31; 02-10-2014, 01:32 PM.


              • #8
                Wow you all have great ideas! It's funny...I am crazy about holidays and celebrations but never really think to do anything big for the parents for Valentine's Day. We do a lot of crafts this week (including making cards for parents), but nothing specifically FOR them.


                • #9
                  When I had an older group, we did the vases that BC is doing, but we did it for mother's day and made muffin liner flowers. Kids loved it. This year I think I am cutting out a heart and making thumbprints all over it with the saying "Thumb body loves you!" and fold it up into an envelop. I know I saw it somewhere, but not sure where. The older child I have may do something extra, but this is what the two littles will do (15 & 18 months)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    I am doing these

                    You will love this simple and fun craft project! Learn how to make your own sparkly homemade crystals in the shape of hearts. LOVELY!

                    Have you made these yet? We tried one year, not for valentine's tho and it didn't work. My dd was so disaapointed. Altho, I don't think we used pipe cleaners. I don't recall off hand. Maybe she'll have to try again.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mema View Post
                      Have you made these yet? We tried one year, not for valentine's tho and it didn't work. My dd was so disaapointed. Altho, I don't think we used pipe cleaners. I don't recall off hand. Maybe she'll have to try again.
                      No, I haven't tried them yet but do want to do a trial one just in case they aren't as cool as the ones in the pictures.

                      I'll do one tomorrow and let you know how it turns out.

                      As for the thumb prints, I saw this and thought it was a cool idea:

                      (off of one of our summer to do) I got this great idea from smashedpeasandcarrots who got this great idea from: the


                      • #12
                        We did something simple today but it ended up pretty cute. Took their thumbs and made pink and red heart shapes, supposed to be flowers. Then we made 2 painted handprints at the bottom of the page, sort of like a vase. Then the kids drew green stems, connecting all the heart flowers to the vase.


                        • #13
                          I'm doing nothing for the parents. The kids are making crafts each day this week (open ended art with themed supplies), we are having a party and treats and they are handing out valentines. It's enough, imo. We do parent crafts for Fathers Day, Mothers Day and Christmas.


                          • #14
                            I took pictures of the kids in front of flowers this past summer with their hand in a fist and stretched out. I cut above and below the hand and slide a lipop in so it looks like they are holding it. This idea is all over pinterest!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by NeedaVaca:433381
                              I took pictures of the kids in front of flowers this past summer with their hand in a fist and stretched out. I cut above and below the hand and slide a lipop in so it looks like they are holding it. This idea is all over pinterest!
                              Sooooooo cute!

