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What Do Toddler Boys Like To Do?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
    Please take the time to exhaust the subject for me! Post pics or links of particular toys and activities if you can! This summer I will have three one year old boys in care, that has NEVER happened before. I have had girls, girls, girls for most of my 6 years plus some boy babies here and there and only two toddler boys a couple of years ago, for a short time.

    I will also have three young school age girls this summer and one preschool girl so what I have out at this point is geared toward older girls ages 3-6.
    Pick their noses, play with their penises, spit, kick, growl at any pleasantries sent their way.....
    Doing what I love and loving what I do.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Lianne View Post
      Pick their noses, play with their penises, spit, kick, growl at any pleasantries sent their way.....
      I take offense to that! I love this age, and the boys I have here definitely don't fit that stereotype. I know you're kidding. But I still disagree!


      • #18
        You may want to put any delicate toys away for awhile too. They have a greater knack for busting things, not always intentionally. Their way of exploring things just has a greater tendency towards destruction


        • #19
          Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
          are matchbox too small for one year olds?
          I have a mixed age group, my 3 year old boys love match box, sorry, should have clarified


          • #20
            Lucky for you, it will be summer before you get them!

            My boys loved our splash mat (hooked up to the hose and it sprinked water), wadding pool, and sand table.

            In the winter I made the sand table the car/truck table (empty of sand/water, but sometimes pompoms or oats)

            A walk to the park every day.

            I have 2 balance bikes (Firstbike) that my own kids used. My DS could zip around on it at 18 months. They are expensive but he loved it. I would recommend if you want info on which balance bikes to get. Younger kids will enjoy the red crazy coupe from step 2.

            The favorite toy for that age group (I ended up getting 3) was the Melissa and Doug stacking block train. It is a common toy, I found 1 at a consignment store, 1 at a garage sale and I bought the third on amazon because it was so popular.

            I wouldnt do matchboxes until they were at least 2.5, my boys all were oral learners and I was not only afraid of choking, but also the paint chips off those really easily. When they get older, the matchbox cars and Thomas the Train stuff is like toddler crack (my girls play with it too).

            Also, my boys rarely wanted to color but loved play dough. They loved helping measure and make it/ pick out the koolaid coloring, etc. But like anything else, it just got incorporated back into cars/train games. For example, I have one that will covertly run off with the play dough and use it as a type of glue to make his train tracks stick together and cantalever them over the edge of the stairs so his trains can then crash. Same little boy uses play dough to burry and excavate his cars over and over and over again.

            Good luck, it will be fun.


            • #21
              Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
              are matchbox too small for one year olds?
              I wouldn't give anyone under age 3 a Matchbox or Hot Wheel car. I think the choking hazard is just too great.

              I buy these for my toddlers instead. MUCH safer and MORE age appropriate inho.

              They are soft and don't have wheels or small pieces that can be snapped or bitten off...

              They are Tonka Chuck and Friends....there are a lot of different varieties and types so enough to make a pretty nice set.

              You can buy them in sets with the car hauler truck or buy them individually. I've seen them at Kohl's, Target, Walmart and Kmart so they should be easy to find.


              • #22
                Run, slam into things, climb on things, jump on things, take things apart.

                Crash Pad, boppers, River Stones, Hilltops and lot's of manipulatives.
                Attached Files
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  You may want to put any delicate toys away for awhile too. They have a greater knack for busting things, not always intentionally. Their way of exploring things just has a greater tendency towards destruction
                  I have only had dcg's break toys! One broke the train table my dad spent 8 hours putting together with glue and screws and a brand new doll in her first week! I don't think boys are any more destructive than girls. More active, yes.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    Buckets of anything they an dump, transfer, refill. In no paticular order
                    my three two year old boys love to do this. They love trains, blocks, big buttons that they put on laces, TRACTORS are huge right now. They also love to color, paint, cut (attempt too) glue and use tape. They like stacking toys as well.

                    When its nice we are always outside. So then its dig, dig, dig. Balls and walks.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by daycare View Post
                      Buckets of anything they an dump, transfer, refill. In no paticular order
                      Yes, any kind of "putting things in containers". Nesting boxes, nesting buckets, or just plain old boxes, baskets, etc. that they can put things in. I also had one that loved bowls and spoons. And the shopping cart has always been popular.


                      • #26
                        I have 6 boys ages 8 months to 5 years. They love puzzles, trains, DINOSAURS, cars and books. The 1 and 2 year olds love to push grocery carts and doll strollers, fast of course. Playdough, coloring, painting and loud musical instruments are popular. They also love to cook in the play kitchen, play doctor and wear dress up clothes.


                        • #27
                          Oh, my goodness, how could I forget dinos?!


                          Ours are put away right now (which is probably why I forgot them) but omgosh YES DINOSAURS. We have these:
                          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                          • #28
                            I have an all boy group right now its very loud and rowdy all day. They love cars, trucks, legos, Believe it or not my group loves the little play kitchen.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by renodeb View Post
                              Believe it or not my group loves the little play kitchen.
                              My DCB's love mine too! I think it is because it is so "foreign" to them. ::

                              They also LOVE dress up and the baby dolls.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                                My DCB's love mine too! I think it is because it is so "foreign" to them. ::

                                They also LOVE dress up and the baby dolls.
                                I have had dad's during the interview process say "you ain't gonna let my boy play with that cooking stuff,a re you?" which I relay "yep, and I am gonna let him use dress-up clothes while he cooks". ::

