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What Do Toddler Boys Like To Do?

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  • What Do Toddler Boys Like To Do?

    Please take the time to exhaust the subject for me! Post pics or links of particular toys and activities if you can! This summer I will have three one year old boys in care, that has NEVER happened before. I have had girls, girls, girls for most of my 6 years plus some boy babies here and there and only two toddler boys a couple of years ago, for a short time.

    I will also have three young school age girls this summer and one preschool girl so what I have out at this point is geared toward older girls ages 3-6.

  • #2
    Cars and trucks! Of all types! Big ones they can run and push while hunched over, match box cars, little people cars. For outside, ride on's they can push or ride on, balls of all sizes and of course cars and trucks!


    • #3
      My 1 year old boy just likes to suck on things. It doesn't really matter what is out. He won't roll a car, he'll crawl by with it hanging out of his mouth by one wheel. Really.

      I guess I'm saying they basically like anything as long as at least part of it will fit in their mouth. ::



      • #4
        I was going to say big cars and trucks that don't fit in mouth. Soft balls they can throw. Thomas or any wooden train sets, but make sure you have enough engines and cars so everyone gets one of each or the exact same number or they will drive you crazy! Little tike or similar slide, cars, climber for outside time.


        • #5
          Buckets of anything they an dump, transfer, refill. In no paticular order


          • #6
            Originally posted by CraftyMom View Post
            Cars and trucks! Of all types! Big ones they can run and push while hunched over, match box cars, little people cars. For outside, ride on's they can push or ride on, balls of all sizes and of course cars and trucks!
            are matchbox too small for one year olds?


            • #7
              Originally posted by racemom View Post
              I was going to say big cars and trucks that don't fit in mouth. Soft balls they can throw. Thomas or any wooden train sets, but make sure you have enough engines and cars so everyone gets one of each or the exact same number or they will drive you crazy! Little tike or similar slide, cars, climber for outside time.
              I am definitely considering rearranging the room to accommodate a train set


              • #8
                balls (textured ones, or ones that light up)
                chunkier cars
                kitchen set
                stacking cups/rings
                sensory bottles
                animal toys
                board books - do tend to go more for transportation & animal ones
                magnet board with large magnets
                felt board with simple larger felt pieces
                tool bench (gets loud
                little people sets
                musical instruments
                dress up - mostly hats work here

                LOTS OF OUTDOOR TIME!


                • #9
                  My 1 year old son is all about cars, too, but also shovels (sand, snow ), construction vehicles, and cooking. Mega blocks are good. Pouring water! Kid size eye droppers. Tunnels--the collapse able kind, anything to crawl through


                  • #10
                    My 1 year olds basically like to choose a bucket of toys, dump them out, lick or suck on them, and then have to be guided to pick up and return them to the bucket. Since this age seems to be the "lickers and suckers" of my group, they only have the choice of a few buckets per day. No more than what I reasonably have time to sanitize. Popular items are big trucks/cars. little people farm, plastic balls, xylophone, and dress up hats.


                    • #11
                      BIG trucks
                      shovels and buckets

                      and they will be loud. and boisterous. and will never.stop.making.motor noises. Seriously. They will NOT shut up. Your house will sound like a flipping truck stop. Possibly with accompanying belching and farting

                      BUT--they are wonderful, lovable, cuddly. They are sweet and loving when they aren't wrestling, hitting, pushing, or smearing bodily fluids around. They only smell good for about 17 seconds after a bath. but boys are a lot of fun.
                      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                        BIG trucks
                        shovels and buckets

                        and they will be loud. and boisterous. and will never.stop.making.motor noises. Seriously. They will NOT shut up. Your house will sound like a flipping truck stop. Possibly with accompanying belching and farting

                        BUT--they are wonderful, lovable, cuddly. They are sweet and loving when they aren't wrestling, hitting, pushing, or smearing bodily fluids around. They only smell good for about 17 seconds after a bath. but boys are a lot of fun.

                        :: how true!!! I have mostly boys and can really relate to this post!

                        My group also likes to throw things. Instead of banning that (because it was near constant) I set a limit on what/where/when they could throw things. We have bath loofahs (4 for $1 at the dollar store) and very soft balls with a mini basketball hoop and ring toss games.


                        • #13
                          I have 2 sons and an 18 mo dcb. They all since that age would play with bowling pins and balls. My dcb makes a bee line for the tool bench when we go downstairs. Riding cars, sidewalk chalk, lawn mowers, Wheel barrels, dirt::!!! My son also loves action figures and plays with them all the tme!!

                          For a little older boys I suggest these football and baseball guys made by Kaskey kids. Got my older son these for Christmas from Amazon but my 2 1/2 yo loves them! I do not think they are too small for him and they come with felt fields!! It is the most played with toy here now. Just take out the goal posts because they will poke an eye out!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                            BIG trucks
                            shovels and buckets

                            and they will be loud. and boisterous. and will never.stop.making.motor noises. Seriously. They will NOT shut up. Your house will sound like a flipping truck stop. Possibly with accompanying belching and farting

                            BUT--they are wonderful, lovable, cuddly. They are sweet and loving when they aren't wrestling, hitting, pushing, or smearing bodily fluids around. They only smell good for about 17 seconds after a bath. but boys are a lot of fun.

                            Just to clarify my earlier post, the cars for the one year old are age appropriate not match box types. It cracked me up when he crawled by (mostly crawls but is just starting to walk) with it hanging from his mouth by one wheel.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
                              :: how true!!! I have mostly boys and can really relate to this post!

                              My group also likes to throw things. Instead of banning that (because it was near constant) I set a limit on what/where/when they could throw things. We have bath loofahs (4 for $1 at the dollar store) and very soft balls with a mini basketball hoop and ring toss games.
                              I have two sets of what I call soft blocks. They are fabric. When they throw a toy I redirect them and tell them they can go get a soft block if they feel like throwing. I also have some of those fabric discs from the dollar store that I think are using in the swimming pool. They are like frisbees but soft.

