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New DCF is on Vaca one Week After Start

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  • #16
    Does anyone have a standard reply to the attendance/space/payment thing that really explains it without coming across rude?


    • #17
      I'd keep interviewing. I'd also let them know that their spot is not guaranteed until I have a signed contract, the security deposit, and the payment for first week of care. I don't really like that they said they'll start next week and now they're changing it.

      She can take all the vacations she wants to, but it's her option to not bring her child.


      • #18
        Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
        So DCF didn't like the response I gave about vacation, and further indicating that they weren't happy about paying for holidays. ::
        Here, read this response, because it sounds to me like she is actually trying to negotiate my policies, seeing as it sounds like she is still planning on coming, but also trying to make it sound like she might not :::
        Seeing as how I am off the following week, we are going to wait until the end of Feb after all. I am going to need to think about the vacation thing. Between my 5 weeks and your two weeks that is $700 *a year in childcare that I am paying and not using. Not to mention most of the Holidays you mentioned typically fall on a Mon, which means there are even more days. On top of that, with my job being retail, I work all those holidays. So we will think about it over next week and I will contact you again next week on Thursday or Friday. I appreciate you being willing to take him and being flexible with the sick thing. Also, if you do know the week in the summer that you are taking off, I may be able to get that same week off as well, depending on if it is available or not.*

        As you ladies are aware the same $ they would be "paying in childcare and not using" - I'm not willing to take as a paycut. you can bet your A$$ she is getting paid for her 5 weeks of vacation!

        I'm definitely wondering if I should be saying thanks but no thanks.

        Ill be sure sure to write up a friendly reply, letting them know that's how daycare works, explain about how they pay for a "space" and good luck finding something different. ...And get in touch when you're ready to start, that is, if the space is available.

        You are exactly right by saying that the same $700 she says she's out, you would be out as well and I would definitely tell her that you are not willing ot lose it either. Is her 5 weeks of vacation paid? Just curious. Wondering why none of that was discussed though before she agreed to come or was it and she didn't pay attention. She's kinda all over the place in the email though. Sounds like she's not using you and then it does.


        • #19
          Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
          Does anyone have a standard reply to the attendance/space/payment thing that really explains it without coming across rude?
          I would simply reply to her and say something like

          Dear DCM,

          I understand that securing child care for your child can be a daunting task, however, my policies are in place because they are what works best for me financially and what allows me to continue offering quality services.

          If my policies about vacation time and tuition payments are not something you can work around, I understand but am not willing to negotiate these things.

          If you are still interested in enrolling, please let me know by xxx date or the space will be filled with the next interested family.

          Thank you



          • #20
            Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
            I'd keep interviewing. I'd also let them know that their spot is not guaranteed until I have a signed contract, the security deposit, and the payment for first week of care. I don't really like that they said they'll start next week and now they're changing it.

            She can take all the vacations she wants to, but it's her option to not bring her child.

            I was also thinking, she works retail and gets 5 weeks vaca? never heard of that!

            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I would simply reply to her and say something like

            Dear DCM,

            I understand that securing child care for your child can be a daunting task, however, my policies are in place because they are what works best for me financially and what allows me to continue offering quality services.

            If my policies about vacation time and tuition payments are not something you can work around, I understand but am not willing to negotiate these things.

            If you are still interested in enrolling, please let me know by xxx date or the space will be filled with the next interested family.

            Thank you

            great response. Polite but firm.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
              So DCF didn't like the response I gave about vacation, and further indicating that they weren't happy about paying for holidays. ::
              Here, read this response, because it sounds to me like she is actually trying to negotiate my policies, seeing as it sounds like she is still planning on coming, but also trying to make it sound like she might not :::
              Seeing as how I am off the following week, we are going to wait until the end of Feb after all. I am going to need to think about the vacation thing. Between my 5 weeks and your two weeks that is $700 *a year in childcare that I am paying and not using. Not to mention most of the Holidays you mentioned typically fall on a Mon, which means there are even more days. On top of that, with my job being retail, I work all those holidays. So we will think about it over next week and I will contact you again next week on Thursday or Friday. I appreciate you being willing to take him and being flexible with the sick thing. Also, if you do know the week in the summer that you are taking off, I may be able to get that same week off as well, depending on if it is available or not.*

              As you ladies are aware the same $ they would be "paying in childcare and not using" - I'm not willing to take as a paycut. you can bet your A$$ she is getting paid for her 5 weeks of vacation!

              I'm definitely wondering if I should be saying thanks but no thanks.

              Ill be sure sure to write up a friendly reply, letting them know that's how daycare works, explain about how they pay for a "space" and good luck finding something different. ...And get in touch when you're ready to start, that is, if the space is available.

              What does being flexible with the sick thing mean?


              • #22
                Originally posted by NeedaVaca View Post
                What does being flexible with the sick thing mean?
                This kid would attend 2 days per week.
                Lets say he is sick one day that he is supposed to come. As long as I have space I will allow a make up day within the same week.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                  This kid would attend 2 days per week.
                  Lets say he is sick one day that he is supposed to come. As long as I have space I will allow a make up day within the same week.
                  Wowzers... so not only does she want you to forfeit the pay while they're on vacation even though they basically get their pick of when they attend. I wonder if she'd try saying he's sick often so that she can change her schedule around.


                  • #24
                    Red flags for sure. I would reply that it appears we are no longer a good fit, and wish her the best in her search. I suspect they are looking elsewhere now to before they give you an answer.


                    • #25
                      Wow! You dodged a bullet there!
                      FWIW, I would not have waived the week either - I am finding that even when I say things like "It's only this ONE time" no one hears that part. And then every. single. time. we go through the same thing.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by craftymissbeth View Post
                        Wowzers... so not only does she want you to forfeit the pay while they're on vacation even though they basically get their pick of when they attend. I wonder if she'd try saying he's sick often so that she can change her schedule around.
                        Yep. sounds like she also wants me to forfeit my Monday holidays too, despite this flexibility! :confused:

                        I don't really care about the schedule changes. Besides I will only allow it if I have room. He would be one of two allowed infants. ..not much wiggle room there.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                          Seeing as how I am off the following week, we are going to wait until the end of Feb after all. I am going to need to think about the vacation thing. Between my 5 weeks and your two weeks that is $700 *a year in childcare that I am paying and not using. Not to mention most of the Holidays you mentioned typically fall on a Mon, which means there are even more days. On top of that, with my job being retail, I work all those holidays. So we will think about it over next week and I will contact you again next week on Thursday or Friday. I appreciate you being willing to take him and being flexible with the sick thing. Also, if you do know the week in the summer that you are taking off, I may be able to get that same week off as well, depending on if it is available or not.*
                          Dear DCM,

                          Thank you for understanding that I cannot make exceptions for my vacation attendance policies. Tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance. I appreciate that you acknowledge that I am already making an exception with days that he is sick.

                          You have much to think about and I highly recommend that you do that so that you can determine whether my daycare is the best fit for your family and your child. I must point out however that it is my goal to have my opening filled as soon as possible. I will continue to advertise and interview to fill my opening and if you should decide that you do in fact want to enroll your child in my daycare please contact me and I can let you know whether I still have the opening.

                          I look forward to hearing from you soon.



                          • #28
                            Perfect. I used pieces from both above letters to send her a friendly email.

                            THANK YOU


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                              Perfect. I used pieces from both above letters to send her a friendly email.

                              THANK YOU
                              Keep us posted


                              • #30
                                No response.
                                Works for me!

