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New DCF is on Vaca one Week After Start

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  • New DCF is on Vaca one Week After Start

    So family wants to start next Monday and then will be off for a week. I get paid regardless of attendance, but feel like this is a shabby deal for them since they will also need to put down a two week deposit next Monday as well. So essentially it will seem to them like they have to pay for 4 weeks for one week of care.
    Obviously I don't want them to think they can negotiate the policies. So by my offering the week of not paying I might be hurting myself in the long run.
    I haven't offered anything and they only "asked" if they had to pay for vacations because they don't know. Apparently mom gets 5 weeks of vacation per year. Lucky mom! But I don't willingly take 5 weeks of nonpayment.
    I haven't replied to the email yet. Hoping for some feedback first.

  • #2
    Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
    So family wants to start next Monday and then will be off for a week. I get paid regardless of attendance, but feel like this is a shabby deal for them since they will also need to put down a two week deposit next Monday as well. So essentially it will seem to them like they have to pay for 4 weeks for one week of care.
    Obviously I don't want them to think they can negotiate the policies. So by my offering the week of not paying I might be hurting myself in the long run.
    I haven't offered anything and they only "asked" if they had to pay for vacations because they don't know. Apparently mom gets 5 weeks of vacation per year. Lucky mom! But I don't willingly take 5 weeks of nonpayment.
    I haven't replied to the email yet. Hoping for some feedback first.
    I would nip it early and leave your contract as is where the parents pay. It seems when providers give an inch, parents try to take a mile....


    • #3
      Personally, I wouldn't make them pay for that week where they're just starting with you. I would let them know that this is a one-time only exception you're making for them, though. I've done this for some of my own families and I haven't seen it cause any problems. To me, it just feels like the fair thing to do.


      • #4
        Originally posted by e.j. View Post
        Personally, I wouldn't make them pay for that week where they're just starting with you. I would let them know that this is a one-time only exception you're making for them, though. I've done this for some of my own families and I haven't seen it cause any problems. To me, it just feels like the fair thing to do.


        • #5
          I've waived my OWN paid vacation when it's at the very beginning of a new family's contract, but I wouldn't waive their paid vacation. That's their planning, not yours- if they were at their former DC they would've been planning on paying it (if that's what their old provider had contracted) Just quote the contract and explain how any unpaid vacation would work in the future


          • #6
            Originally posted by Annalee View Post
            I would nip it early and leave your contract as is where the parents pay. It seems when providers give an inch, parents try to take a mile....


            • #7
              Nope. stick by your contract. Having a guaranteed spot after vacation is worth something and either they pay for this now or take the risk that a spot may or may not be available when they returned. That is the only option I would offer them. I would just keep interviewing until someone takes the spot. Do not make their problems your problems. The vacation policy should be outlined in your contract so there is no reason for them to be asking about this anyway.


              • #8
                Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
                Nope. stick by your contract. Having a guaranteed spot after vacation is worth something and either they pay for this now or take the risk that a spot may or may not be available when they returned. That is the only option I would offer them. I would just keep interviewing until someone takes the spot. Do not make their problems your problems. The vacation policy should be outlined in your contract so there is no reason for them to be asking about this anyway.
                They only asked because we hadn't gotten to the point of discussing policies.

                I'm just going to enforce it. It could cause them to question policy down the line. Especially with 5 weeks of vaca every year.

                Thanks for the input everyone.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                  So family wants to start next Monday and then will be off for a week. I get paid regardless of attendance, but feel like this is a shabby deal for them since they will also need to put down a two week deposit next Monday as well. So essentially it will seem to them like they have to pay for 4 weeks for one week of care.
                  Obviously I don't want them to think they can negotiate the policies. So by my offering the week of not paying I might be hurting myself in the long run.
                  I haven't offered anything and they only "asked" if they had to pay for vacations because they don't know. Apparently mom gets 5 weeks of vacation per year. Lucky mom! But I don't willingly take 5 weeks of nonpayment.
                  I haven't replied to the email yet. Hoping for some feedback first.
                  reply with yes. Make it clear now that you charge for the spot not for attendance. I would also ask to be paid the week before, if they go on vacation they are not around to drop payment off. I would not dicker with this one, your setting yourself up for a good client. They will figure it out and if they have trouble coming up with that then they can talk to you and you can go from there. But yes- charge or offer to start them the week after they come back- but I don't think I would do that at all.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DaisyMamma View Post
                    They only asked because we hadn't gotten to the point of discussing policies.

                    I'm just going to enforce it. It could cause them to question policy down the line. Especially with 5 weeks of vaca every year.

                    Thanks for the input everyone.
                    good choice-


                    • #11
                      The ONLY time I have waived a vacation fee I regretted it. New family started the week of thanksgiving, and I allowed them to pay for just the 3 days (since I was off Thurs/Fri). I emailed and explained that I was waiving it due to the circumstances. Sure enough, Christmas break was an issue.

                      Never again.


                      • #12
                        why would a family even start a week before their vacation??? I imagine that will be pretty hard on the child, spending a week in a new daycare environment and then a week with 100% family time, then back to that brand new daycare again. I dread the week after vacations for my kids, couldn't imagine a child that just started 2 weeks earlier.

                        I wouldnt' bend on the policy for them, but I would allow them the opportunity to start after their vacation and just take the usual deposits from them ahead of time.


                        • #13
                          So DCF didn't like the response I gave about vacation, and further indicating that they weren't happy about paying for holidays. ::
                          Here, read this response, because it sounds to me like she is actually trying to negotiate my policies, seeing as it sounds like she is still planning on coming, but also trying to make it sound like she might not :::
                          Seeing as how I am off the following week, we are going to wait until the end of Feb after all. I am going to need to think about the vacation thing. Between my 5 weeks and your two weeks that is $700 *a year in childcare that I am paying and not using. Not to mention most of the Holidays you mentioned typically fall on a Mon, which means there are even more days. On top of that, with my job being retail, I work all those holidays. So we will think about it over next week and I will contact you again next week on Thursday or Friday. I appreciate you being willing to take him and being flexible with the sick thing. Also, if you do know the week in the summer that you are taking off, I may be able to get that same week off as well, depending on if it is available or not.*

                          As you ladies are aware the same $ they would be "paying in childcare and not using" - I'm not willing to take as a paycut. you can bet your A$$ she is getting paid for her 5 weeks of vacation!

                          I'm definitely wondering if I should be saying thanks but no thanks.

                          Ill be sure sure to write up a friendly reply, letting them know that's how daycare works, explain about how they pay for a "space" and good luck finding something different. ...And get in touch when you're ready to start, that is, if the space is available.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
                            why would a family even start a week before their vacation??? I imagine that will be pretty hard on the child, spending a week in a new daycare environment and then a week with 100% family time, then back to that brand new daycare again. I dread the week after vacations for my kids, couldn't imagine a child that just started 2 weeks earlier.

                            I wouldnt' bend on the policy for them, but I would allow them the opportunity to start after their vacation and just take the usual deposits from them ahead of time.
                            Apparently its because she didn't want to have to pay. They aren't actually going anywhere.


                            • #15
                              Wow! Some people... Even though she works retail does her husband? I doubt it! And I understand working retail and not having daycare! I worked Black Friday and had to make other arraignments. She's going to have a hard time finding a provider who isn't paid & closed for major holidays. It's probably best to wait til after vacation to start anyway but not a great feeling there huh?

