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DCM Paid Me $2400 All In $20 Bills!

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  • #16
    what a pain to count out, I probably would have had to start over 10 times, LOL!

    Also curious how much daycare she is paying you for… I think we are in the higher rate range and that would still be about 3 months worth of daycare for me!


    • #17
      Put me down for "4 weeks of care for 3 kids"
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #18
        My first thought was of the time at my previous job when a very plump, balding, middle-aged man paid for his $30 order completely with $1 bills. He whipped out a very large roll of $1 bills and very slowly and intentionally started counting out each one. As he did this he looked me up and down and said "I have a lot of these because I'm a stripper." I took it as a joke and rolled my eyes and politely laughed. Then he said "Yep. I worked hard last night for these." It was taking a long time and I was getting impatient so I said "That's nice." Then he gave me the money and said "You should come see me some time..." I took the money and said "No thanks, sir, I think that would be less fun than looking at dead puppies." Yeah...I'm not too friendly at 4am...

        At least you got paid!


        • #19
          Dcm is in pharmacy school so at the beginning of each semester they pay me for the semester in full. So the $2400 is for 2 kids (3 full days per week and one half day per week) from Jan 27 - first week of May.

          They get their financial aid money on a debit card so I think they just withdrew it at an ATM. I DO feel bad that they are using loan money to pay me but dcm will be making the big bucks when she graduates.

