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Anyone Workout During DC Hours?

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  • Anyone Workout During DC Hours?

    While kids are sleeping of course. What do you do if so? I'm just so huge and its like I never have time.

  • #2
    yes i try to get my pushups and abs done while theyre sleeping


    • #3
      I do! Just started again this week. I do while the kids are awake though. They do it with me and help me count my reps. They think it's so fun - and hilarious! :: started the brazen fit challenge after someone else here posted about it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by butterfly View Post
        I do! Just started again this week. I do while the kids are awake though. They do it with me and help me count my reps. They think it's so fun - and hilarious! :: started the brazen fit challenge after someone else here posted about it.
        i do that to. the kids like me to lay on floor and flip them over my head. great arm workout


        • #5
          I also workout with the kids watching. I often have them join in when I do Leslie Sansone or some light kickboxing.

          How many kids do you have and what ages? When I first started daycare I had 2 of my own and 2 dcks. At that time the dck's times were staggered a bit so I went on walks. In the am I wore my son and put my dd and the dcb in a stroller. In the afternoon I would wear dcg and put my ds and dd in a stroller.

          It was awesome and I lost a bunch of weight that way. Obviously, this won't work with older kids or lots of kids. I could have made the stroller fit 3 if I wanted to walk with all the kids.

          Homeschooling Mama to:
          ds 10
          dd 8


          • #6
            if I miss my morning work out I will ride the stationary bike like I am right now. It is in my office that is attached to the daycare, so it has no door on it and I can still watch all of them sleep. I have a home gym in my garage, but I don't go out in the garage while the dcks are sleeping.


            • #7
              I have a large stroller, as well, and take them for a walk. That is a workout and a half pushing them around I also do yoga during nap time.


              • #8
                You can work out while they are awake too. You can try to fit in about 15-30 minutes of doing some type of kiddy yoga or Kid zumba, where you and all the kids move around or dance to music. Depending on the size of your yard you can also do laps around the yard with the kids. It also helps to teach them about having an active lifestyle and get their energy out.


                • #9
                  I try to work out while the kids are sleeping. All kinds of things Wii workouts and dvds. I used to be huge and when I first started getting fit (not that I don't still have a ways to go) would walk the perimeter of my backyard while outside with the kiddos. They loved to join in at times.


                  • #10
                    What's stopping me is the fact that I need a shower afterwards. I could probably do laps around the yard though. Right now I'm just trying to keep moving rather than sitting so much.


                    • #11
                      I use wet naps and then just change my clothing until I go to the gym again later that night. gross, but it gets the job done.

                      oh and then when I am dry I use baby powder and dry down lightly.

                      I use bumble and bumble dry shampoo in my hair. I have hair past my waist that looks like a tumble weed...


                      • #12
                        I have a treadmill in my DC & train for my marathons at naptime.


                        • #13
                          I go on the treadmill in the morning before they come (before I shower). Because its in the basement I won't do it while they are here but while they are napping I will often do some wii programs or workout dvds as exercise, but nothing heavy where I'd be too sweaty.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
                            I go on the treadmill in the morning before they come (before I shower). Because its in the basement I won't do it while they are here but while they are napping I will often do some wii programs or workout dvds as exercise, but nothing heavy where I'd be too sweaty.
                            My cheatermill is right as you come in the door, . I'm also fortunate to have the hubster working here & get to run upstairs to the apartment for a quick shower.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Luna View Post
                              What's stopping me is the fact that I need a shower afterwards. I could probably do laps around the yard though. Right now I'm just trying to keep moving rather than sitting so much.
                              This is my issue. I just try be as physical as possible *with* the kids - chasing them around outside::, dancing with them inside, showing them some Yoga moves, etc. things that get me moving, but don't make me a hot mess.
                              I am finding as I get older that I need to do some more actual workouts though and I'm trying to find the time for that.

