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Infants Sleeping In Car Seat Carriers

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  • #16
    before today I had never heard of this. I had heard of the flat head and delayed development. But I do know before a premie is taken home they do a carseat test. The infant has to prove they can sit in a car seat with out it affecting the breathing.
    It:: will wait


    • #17
      Originally posted by Great Beginnings View Post
      I saw the recent post about NYS daycare changes. I saw one that said infants can not sleep in carriers because of risk of aphixiation. I believe it and it makes since to me but does anyone know of any credible research through the government done on this? I ask because my SIL has a 7 week old and they don't put him down ever so he wont sleep in his crib so she admitted she rocked him in the carrier til he fell asleep then put the carrier in his crib. I told her how dangerous this was supposed to be but she didn't seem to believe me. I'd like to send her an article on proof.
      I have a FB friend who works for the largest county in the area's morgue. I had asked him about this when it came up last year in a post. He says that this is a VERY REAL ISSUE and it needs to immediately stop. He said the ONLY way an infant should be sleeping is alone, in a crib, with NOTHING in that sleep area. No bumper pad, nothing. He said that I would be shocked
      by how many of these preventable tradgedies he had to go investigate yearly. But, the number was a lot higher than I would've thought. This includes swings as well so, please urge your SIL to get that baby used to the safe way to sleep. I mean, if you think about all the times their little heads fall forward in those car seats. I would rather risk no sleep than trying to revive my infant.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Scout View Post
        I have a FB friend who works for the largest county in the area's morgue. I had asked him about this when it came up last year in a post. He says that this is a VERY REAL ISSUE and it needs to immediately stop. He said the ONLY way an infant should be sleeping is alone, in a crib, with NOTHING in that sleep area. No bumper pad, nothing. He said that I would be shocked
        by how many of these preventable tradgedies he had to go investigate yearly. But, the number was a lot higher than I would've thought. This includes swings as well so, please urge your SIL to get that baby used to the safe way to sleep. I mean, if you think about all the times their little heads fall forward in those car seats. I would rather risk no sleep than trying to revive my infant.
        I'm thinking I offended her because I have not heard back from her yet. I told her I wasn't critisizing just wanted her to be aware of some of the things I wasn't when I was a first time mommy. It's very sad. And to be honest I had never heard of the dangers of car seat sleeping until someone posted about the NYS regs. I almost feel as that posting was a blessing from God and hopefully saves my nephews life!

        What's so sad is that as parents most of these things we do wrong isn't because we are selfish, it's because we love our children and can't stand to see them cry in discomfort or pain so we do what we think is being a good mommy If our child likes cuddling with mommy in bed that is our first thought. Or if they like the swing or car seat we want to make them happy. One would think traveling while the baby sleeps would be the best for him/her because they don't know they are confined so long. Who would have thought it was cautioned against? Not me until last week! Co sleeping gets a lot of press these days but other things unfortunately are not being talked about enough.


        • #19
          My dad is a coroner, I can tell you this is very, very real. If you are on a long car trip, if someone is in the backseat with him, then he should be fine. Also, babies that cannot hold their heads up, that have chubby necks, or large heads are at greater risk because their heads want to fall forward, thus, a greater chance of asphyxiation.

          I abide my state guidelines, but I also check with my dad on everything because he has had hundreds of baby cases. Things you don't even want to hear.

          Head injuries and asphyxiation are really our greatest concerns for infants.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Great Beginnings View Post
            I'm thinking I offended her because I have not heard back from her yet. I told her I wasn't critisizing just wanted her to be aware of some of the things I wasn't when I was a first time mommy. It's very sad. And to be honest I had never heard of the dangers of car seat sleeping until someone posted about the NYS regs. I almost feel as that posting was a blessing from God and hopefully saves my nephews life!

            What's so sad is that as parents most of these things we do wrong isn't because we are selfish, it's because we love our children and can't stand to see them cry in discomfort or pain so we do what we think is being a good mommy If our child likes cuddling with mommy in bed that is our first thought. Or if they like the swing or car seat we want to make them happy. One would think traveling while the baby sleeps would be the best for him/her because they don't know they are confined so long. Who would have thought it was cautioned against? Not me until last week! Co sleeping gets a lot of press these days but other things unfortunately are not being talked about enough.
            Aww. I hope you didn't offend her. It is possible but, maybe she just feels bad she didn't know. Heck, I didn't know until last year and I have a 5 yo. When my oldest was a baby there were a few times I put him in his swing at 3 am in the living room and went back to bed because he would sleep so well in it! I had to get up at 5 and figured 2 hours in the swing couldn't hurt. I didn't know. Thank God nothing bad came of it! Maybe she is just doing research. Give her some time to reply. Also, I think a lot of drs are not even aware as i have some family members that were told to put the baby in the crib in the carseat to sleep due to reflux. :hug:


            • #21
              Originally posted by Scout View Post
              Also, I think a lot of drs are not even aware as i have some family members that were told to put the baby in the crib in the carseat to sleep due to reflux. :hug:
              OMG! That is exactly what she told me when I told her about the risk! I thought she was full of it The baby is only 7 weeks old but apparently has reflux and that's what she said the Dr suggestion. One of the articles I read actually suggested sleeping in the carrier could make the reflux worse.

              So crazy and sad at the same time that Dr's could be ignorant to the dangers and seriously putting first time mom's and their babies at risk. Well not just first time moms. My son is 11 am I am pregnant now. So much as changed in that 11 years that I might as well be a new mom.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Great Beginnings View Post
                OMG! That is exactly what she told me when I told her about the risk! I thought she was full of it The baby is only 7 weeks old but apparently has reflux and that's what she said the Dr suggestion. One of the articles I read actually suggested sleeping in the carrier could make the reflux worse.

                So crazy and sad at the same time that Dr's could be ignorant to the dangers and seriously putting first time mom's and their babies at risk. Well not just first time moms. My son is 11 am I am pregnant now. So much as changed in that 11 years that I might as well be a new mom.
                Propping baby up for reflux is so common. A few years ago I had a baby with severe reflux and the only way he would sleep was in the car seat. I had a doctors note and a waiver from the parents. Knowing what I now do, I would never have allowed it.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Great Beginnings View Post
                  I saw the recent post about NYS daycare changes. I saw one that said infants can not sleep in carriers because of risk of aphixiation. I believe it and it makes since to me but does anyone know of any credible research through the government done on this? I ask because my SIL has a 7 week old and they don't put him down ever so he wont sleep in his crib so she admitted she rocked him in the carrier til he fell asleep then put the carrier in his crib. I told her how dangerous this was supposed to be but she didn't seem to believe me. I'd like to send her an article on proof.
                  I`m in the childcare business for almost 30 years, I will never take a child inside my home from a mother`s arms while the baby is sleeping, the baby must be awake. I make sure the parent will remove the child from the carrier and wakes s/he up. We have to protect our business, you never know what the parent/s have done while the baby were in their care, it`s a precaution that can save a lot of headache for us providers. Remember, if anything happens to the baby after they drop s/he off will be your responsibility, so remove the baby out of the car seat or the carrier and do your job as a professional childcare provider.. You are not their babysitter and they should never tell you what to do inside of your house. I did printed out some articles about jacket and carseat to a parent who had been struggling to buckle up her infant, it helped and she got it right way. It does not hurt to try! Good luck!

