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Everything Is Open Thanksgiving......

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  • #16
    My daughter lives in the last dry town of our state. Its no longer dry but......there are no bars at all. There is a wine bar but its not the hangout place and there is a place called the pub but minors can be in it so to me thats not a true pub/bar.

    The funny thing is its an university town! There is literally one stop light, no grocery stores, very few restaurants, 2 gas stations and that is about it. Very interesting little place, quaint and charming and very cute. Wouldn't mine living there at all!
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!


    • #17
      Wow. It is very interesting to see how different things are from state to state! To be honest, I really can't remember buying alcohol on a Sunday except maybe a few weeks ago when I went to a 49er game and had a couple glasses of wine. I think it's more about it not being allowed that is funny to me. It seems like something that I could see happening 50 years ago or something, but not today.

      On the other hand, so many people die from drunk drivers, maybe its not such a bad thing....I don't know. It's certainly odd to me, but when I put my "open mind" hat on, I think it would be interesting to visit a town like that and see what it's like.

      My husband is from Kansas. We go back there a lot. I just asked him about it and he said that they used to not be able to buy alcohol on Sundays.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
        My daughter lives in the last dry town of our state. Its no longer dry but......there are no bars at all. There is a wine bar but its not the hangout place and there is a place called the pub but minors can be in it so to me thats not a true pub/bar.

        The funny thing is its an university town! There is literally one stop light, no grocery stores, very few restaurants, 2 gas stations and that is about it. Very interesting little place, quaint and charming and very cute. Wouldn't mine living there at all!
        When you say "dry" what do you mean? Like they don't allow alcohol in their town? Like the prohibition? Do they carry alcohol in the grocery stores?


        • #19
          Originally posted by BrooklynM View Post
          When you say "dry" what do you mean? Like they don't allow alcohol in their town? Like the prohibition? Do they carry alcohol in the grocery stores?
          Yes, no alcohol was sold in the town/county. There is no grocery stores but there is one store that is popular in our state that sells a little of everything. They sell a few grocery style items so the may carry beer but not sure.
          Each day is a fresh start
          Never look back on regrets
          Live life to the fullest
          We only get one shot at this!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
            and I'm not talking for Black Friday (almost typed BlackCat-) sales. They are just open!!!

            I would boycott but seriously I would never be able to shop anywhere ever again.

            The dollar tree is open- and Michaels--.

            Seriously who needs to shop at these stores let alone any store on Thanksgiving/Christmas/etc. So sad-

            Talked to some of the employees and the companies are paying time and a half so of course employees are signing up to work. I would rather spend time with my family.
            I agree it is so sad. Starbucks is open from 5 am to 2 am on Thanksgiving/Black Friday. Can't go shopping without your coffee!! There are very few places that are closed on Thanksgiving around here this year. Barnes and Noble and Nordstroms are two of the last hold outs of the bigger stores around here to be closed.


            • #21
              Here is a facebook link to ban Thanksgiving shopping.

              The biggest shoppers are the 18-34 year old age bracket.

              Some stores aren't even paying employees holiday pay!

              Boycott Shopping on Thanksgiving Day. 11,530 likes. Stop RETAILERS from opening on Thanksgiving Day, plucking employees from their Thanksgiving Celebrations. Check the page for the Naughty/Nice List.
              Each day is a fresh start
              Never look back on regrets
              Live life to the fullest
              We only get one shot at this!!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I have never lived anywhere that had a liquor store open on a Sunday.

                Car dealerships are also closed on Sundays.

                So is Hobby Lobby.
                Speaking of Hobby Lobby- We just got our first one a few months ago. While I was in there I was trying to find a signal on my phone to ask my husband's opinion on something when an employee saw me. She told me not to bother because the entire store (except for near the registers) was designed to block cell phone reception. She also told me that if any employee was seen with a phone on them they would be fired.

                I'd be interested to know if this is something that every Hobby Lobby does. I know for a fact that this building (store in a mall) had good reception prior to it becoming a Hobby Lobby so something was definitely changed when they moved in. Seems a bit much for an employer to do this to enforce a no cell phone policy for its employees. :confused:


                • #23
                  I think I read a Facebook post that said Home Depot, Barnes and Noble and SAMs club would be closed on Thanksgiving. I think the store my husband works at is closed too. He works at HEB.

                  I agree that it is sad that so many are open.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mamac View Post
                    Speaking of Hobby Lobby- We just got our first one a few months ago. While I was in there I was trying to find a signal on my phone to ask my husband's opinion on something when an employee saw me. She told me not to bother because the entire store (except for near the registers) was designed to block cell phone reception. She also told me that if any employee was seen with a phone on them they would be fired.

                    I'd be interested to know if this is something that every Hobby Lobby does. I know for a fact that this building (store in a mall) had good reception prior to it becoming a Hobby Lobby so something was definitely changed when they moved in. Seems a bit much for an employer to do this to enforce a no cell phone policy for its employees. :confused:
                    Hmm, that's a new one. I don't know how true or untrue that is as our Hobby Lobby has mobile coupons and a great mobile site that lists everything on sale. I use my phone all throughout the store.

                    I know HL has some really non-traditional rules (not being open in Sundays) because they are a really family orientated store and really push that their employees spend holidays with their families so maybe the cell phone rule is for "their own good" given the preoccupation with phones now days...

                    If I were you, I'd HAVE to know why so I'd probably ask a manager

