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Since When Did Money Become More Important?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Joyce View Post
    I think I watch the cousins of your kids!! LOL. Dad has off every-other-Friday, but kids have never once stayed with him. Mom gets to take off half or full days whenever she wants (CPA firm, and if she's not busy, she doesn't work), but kids come every day at 7:30. I can tell every time she has gotten home early and taken a nap, because she is in jeans (dresses up for work) and her hair is messed up and/or pillow line on her face. Like you, I swear they have a timer at home set for 5:25, and that's when they leave to come and pick up - because they pull up every single evening at 5:30 sharp. If mom goes in late (she is upfront and tells me!), they will still arrive at 7:30 sharp. Mom will go back home and do whatever. Probably go back to bed! If one of the kids has a 9:30 doctor appointment and she has taken 1/2 day off because of it, she will still bring them at 7:30 sharp and then pick up the one with the appt. at about 9:10, and immediately bring that one back as soon as the appt. is done. Even if it's 10:15 and she doesn't need to be to work till 12:30. The business woman in me realizes she's just getting her money's worth (I charge a monthly fee with no deductions for time off), but the human in me is sad for the kids that their parents would rather dump them off than spend time with them.

    Funny thing is, this mom & dad I just talked about have become friends with the mom & dad of another kid in my daycare because the kids are such good friends - and the other mom & dad will pick up their daughter whenEVER they are off work. Whether it's 30 min early, or if they have half a day off, or a vacation day, etc. Their daughter is ONLY here when they are at work. You'd think the first set of parents would see that and catch a clue!! NOT!
    Like other previous posters, I don't really care because I am being paid so it is their money and their loss for not getting the time with their child(ren) who are wonderful kids! Here is another example of wierd parenting in regards to this family: I called her at 10:30 this morning because I think her son (age 3) may have impetigo. He has a red blistery bumps that are oozing and I am prety sure it is impetigo which is HIGHLY I call mom and tell her my suspicions and she says..."What would you like me to do?" I was like, "Seriously?" I said come get him, bring him to Dr and make sure he is ok and not contagious. She says, "Can it wait til later in the day, I wanted to get to the gym this afternoon" I said "No!" Well needless to say, guess who showed up to get him? Dad!!! He said mom called and said he had to come get dcb and she was unable to work it into her day!!! All I can say is POOR KID!!!


    • #32
      I've had/have parents like this. I don't understand why they would have more children if they can't stand being around the ones they have. I don't mind the occasional "I have errands to do or dr's appointment to go to" but to clean your house, to buy groceries, to put up a christmas tree, yup I have issues (I have 4 kids of my own and if I can do it with 4 of them anyone can do it with one or two children)
      but what makes me so angry is when I need the day off, omfg, the complaining about me taking one day off is so crazy. I didn't take any days off in the summer, nothing in the last 2 months so I decided to take black friday off (yes to shop in the usa) and you couldn't believe how much complaining these parents did. Funny how I never complain to them when they want to put up their christmas tree and send their child to my house.
      another scary issue is that, I feel like I'm raising these kids, they are here everyday for 9 hours a day, they go home for 3hours and go to sleep, thats what is so scary, I see all their firsts, I fix their problems, help with homework, wash their stinky blankets and clothes, and everything I think their mothers and fathers should do, I understand they go to work, but when they have days off, why wouldn't they want to spend the quality time with them.
      now all 4 of my kids go to school (my youngest is in grade 1 ) so every once in a while, I let one of my own kids stay home and we hang out, one on one (even thou the daycare kids are here) but my kids love it, and they get so excited when its their turn, you can't beat that.

