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About to Go Bald..............

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  • About to Go Bald..............

    Last week I posted about one of my DCK, but no one responded to my post...

    Maybe I did not explain well what I was trying to say. I want to try again and hope that someone will be able to help me this time.

    I have a DCK age 3.5. I am concerned about an issue I am having with him. The issue is that he can NOT follow through with anything because he is sooooooooooo easily distracted.

    For example, every day after lunch, I say, please go pee on the potty. The DCK will get up from the table and then will just stand there, or walk to the bathroom and just stand there, or will walk into the bathroom and wash their hands. Sometimes they will go do something else, but will never do what was asked. I will look at the child with my eyes, making sure that we have full eye contact and I will say again, please go potty, it's time to go pee.

    By the time I say this and the child walks about 10 feet around the corner, they are distracted or forget what they were told to do and then again does nothing.

    It does not matter what time of day, what I ask, this is what happens every single time. The child is full time, not ESL and is actually pretty sharp. The child is pretty hyper, a non-napper on most days and DCM says she can't control him.

    I need to know what I can do so that I can get this child to accomplish one task directions. He should be able to do so at this age correct?

    One last thing, I have resulted to saying potty now and pointing to the bathroom. I will stand there looking at the child and they will walk away towards the bathroom and then do nothing.......

    Please help, my assistants and myself are all pulling our hair out and not sure if you agree or not., but I have never really seen a hot bald woman before.....please help us before we go blad......................

  • #2
    I would laminate clip art pictures. Hand a picture of a stick figure going potty to the child and say "Go potty" if they are 'lost' after that, I would tell them "check your card, dcb" you can add more than one step directions easily using sticky Velcro to the back of laminated paper, too. I have a dcb with ADHD who sounds like this that just aged out into Kindy. Pictures are the ONLY thing that helped him. He was 4.5 before he could follow a 2 step direction.


    • #3
      Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
      I would laminate clip art pictures. Hand a picture of a stick figure going potty to the child and say "Go potty" if they are 'lost' after that, I would tell them "check your card, dcb" you can add more than one step directions easily using sticky Velcro to the back of laminated paper, too. I have a dcb with ADHD who sounds like this that just aged out into Kindy. Pictures are the ONLY thing that helped him. He was 4.5 before he could follow a 2 step direction.
      I do have these cards, none of which show a kid on the potty for obvious reasons. I bought them from lakeshore.

      did you draw yours?

      I love this idea, I do use it with my ESL kids.


      • #4
        Originally posted by daycare View Post
        I do have these cards, none of which show a kid on the potty for obvious reasons. I bought them from lakeshore.

        did you draw yours?

        I love this idea, I do use it with my ESL kids.
        Maybe you can make a photocopy of a picture from a toddler learn-to-potty book for your prompting card


        • #5
          Originally posted by daycare View Post
          I do have these cards, none of which show a kid on the potty for obvious reasons. I bought them from lakeshore.

          did you draw yours?

          I love this idea, I do use it with my ESL kids.
          I purchased several sets of PECS cards (picture enhanced communication system). But you can google image search them. Here is what I found

          Attached Files
          Last edited by Michael; 10-16-2013, 08:26 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
            I purchased several sets of PECS cards (picture enhanced communication system). But you can google image search them. Here is what I found

            love it love it love it.....thank you.

            Yes, I am almost 100% positive that the child has ADD, but of course I can't really do too much about it because mom does not care.


            • #7
              google pecs pictures and you will get a ton of hits! You can print ones he will use on a daily basis and have different activities in picture order that he can follow I have used this for speech problems to help with communication!


              • #8
                No problem! I hope it helps and you get to keep all your hair!


                • #9
                  I have a 6 yr old that is like this. My dd is a bus monitor so she sees more of it. this kid will get off the bus and stand there, till someone comes and gets him and moves him to the right way (you can only go right for the younger kids and left for the older ones, not hard to do) everyday at each bus stop he gets up, he forgets where he has to get off. Everyday I tell him to put his bag near the chair and everday he leaves it by the door. I feel like I repeat my self everyday, but its like he has no short term memory. I'm not sure how he is in the classroom, but seeing his work I don't think he's doing so good.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                    I have a 6 yr old that is like this. My dd is a bus monitor so she sees more of it. this kid will get off the bus and stand there, till someone comes and gets him and moves him to the right way (you can only go right for the younger kids and left for the older ones, not hard to do) everyday at each bus stop he gets up, he forgets where he has to get off. Everyday I tell him to put his bag near the chair and everday he leaves it by the door. I feel like I repeat my self everyday, but its like he has no short term memory. I'm not sure how he is in the classroom, but seeing his work I don't think he's doing so good.
                    ugh.....yes its like short term memory loss...... I do get very frustrated sometimes with him and I have to remove myself from the room to let my asst take over. Or my asst wit get frustrated and have to have me take over....

                    I am going to make these cards......OH I can't wait to see if they work....


                    • #11
                      I remember your first post. I didn't respond because I have NO idea! I hope those cards work. I have never met a child like that before.


                      • #12
                        My son has very severe ADHD

                        We use the PECS system (though I didn't know that was what it was called )

                        Fantastic tool for kids with ADHD!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          We use the PECS system (though I didn't know that was what it was called )

                          Fantastic tool for kids with ADHD!!
                          I just told mom and she asked if she should be concerned. I told her that I was a little concerned about it, but lets start using the cards and see what happens. I told her that if we can't get the cards to work then we will cross that bridge when it comes.

                          ladies thank you soooo much for reaching out to me with your wisdom


                          • #14
                            When I read your post and was half way through my first thought was the child isn't getting enough sleep. Just a feeling I have. Plus if he seems to be ADD it is also a sign that he doesn't get enough sleep.
                            I see little people.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daycare View Post
                              I just told mom and she asked if she should be concerned. I told her that I was a little concerned about it, but lets start using the cards and see what happens. I told her that if we can't get the cards to work then we will cross that bridge when it comes.

                              ladies thank you soooo much for reaching out to me with your wisdom
                              Pecs are awesome

                              My ods has ASD and we used them as the main means of communication with him before his 5th birthday.

                              My sa adhd child uses them in the (regular education) classroom and has zero problems in school other than organization. They are on a folder his teacher hands him and they are instructions on how to spend his next block of time. When he finishes the tasks, he checks in with the teacher.

                              Originally posted by Childminder View Post
                              When I read your post and was half way through my first thought was the child isn't getting enough sleep. Just a feeling I have. Plus if he seems to be ADD it is also a sign that he doesn't get enough sleep.
                              Definitely worth a thought!

