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Endless Paperwork with Early Head Start

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    I do not agree with the push to academically educate children so young.

    I think that the program should focus on the basic necessities and since so many families that participate are low income, the focus should be on teaching families how to become independent and self-sufficient verses just keeping them in the system.

    I can't say that ALL Head Start programs are the same but where I worked, the gossip, condescending attitudes about enrolled families and their personal lives was astounding.

    We were out right "trained" to think that NO parent participating had more than an 8th grade education. We were "rewarded" every time, we convinced a family to enroll or use a government program.

    The program is THE biggest waster of funding with catered lunches, outings and conferences. Grant money that was spent on things that weren't needed and outright against the rules.

    But's a grant right... If we didn't spend it all, we didn't get as much next year.

    I could go on and on but honestly the biggest thing for me was that even Head Start doesn't think their own program is successful but yet the government insists on spending billions on a program that can't even prove it's own worth and effort.
    Wow...did you work at the same Head Start as me???

    I do feel however, that the program provided a safe place for children to be for the better part of the day plus nutritious meals...and free child care for many working parents with no other options. To me that was more important that all of their "indicators" and "outcomes."


    • #17
      Originally posted by Leanna View Post
      Wow...did you work at the same Head Start as me???

      I do feel however, that the program provided a safe place for children to be for the better part of the day plus nutritious meals...and free child care for many working parents with no other options. To me that was more important that all of their "indicators" and "outcomes."
      LOL! Glad to hear it was not just my Head Start...although that is sad that those kinds of things happen in other places too....

      I DO agree that the immediate positives were a good thing


      • #18
        [QUOTE=Blackcat31;399547]I do not agree with the push to academically educate children so young.

        I think that the program should focus on the basic necessities and since so many families that participate are low income, the focus should be on teaching families how to become independent and self-sufficient verses just keeping them in the system.

        I agree with you as far as focusing so much on academics at such a young age. Unfortunately, the program defines success/failures based on how the children are scored in each domain based on their age, however does not take into consideration that many of these children come to us not even speaking English (we don't speak Spanish), or even exposed to a group daycare/preschool with other children. However, by the time they leave I can wholeheartedly say that these children are at or above where they are "supposed" to be.

        As far as teaching families how to become independent -- this program does. That is where I turn into a "social worker". We are supposed to find out what they need: schooling/better employment/food/housing, etc. etc., and work with them to make it all happen. My issue with this is that I feel it is not MY job as the provider to take on this role. I feel the Head Start office staff should be handling this aspect of it, as well as making sure they are working/going to school by collecting paystubs/class schedules, making sure their children have annual physicals/dentals, etc., then we could focus more on the child.

        I can't say that ALL Head Start programs are the same but where I worked, the gossip, condescending attitudes about enrolled families and their personal lives was astounding.
        That type of behavior can be found in any working environment, not specific to Head Start. We all complain here about certain parents and their children and how they get under our skin. I don't see any difference. I certainly don't condone talking poorly about any family based solely on their education or lack thereof, their income or lack thereof. That being said, it DOES get under my skin when parents abuse the program or feel entitled and show no appreciation. But again, this could be for many other programs -- not just Head Start

        We were out right "trained" to think that NO parent participating had more than an 8th grade education. We were "rewarded" every time, we convinced a family to enroll or use a government program. That is unfortunate. We do not get any rewards for anything :: and have seen such a diverse group of parents throughout the years using this program. I could never assume or be "trained" to think that all enrolled parents have only an 8th grade education. And even if they ALL did -- an 8th grade education does not mean 8th grade intelligence.

        The program is THE biggest waster of funding with catered lunches, outings and conferences. Grant money that was spent on things that weren't needed and outright against the rules.

        But's a grant right... If we didn't spend it all, we didn't get as much next year.
        Unfortunately, this happens way too often, but again, not specific to just Head Start programs.

        I could go on and on but honestly the biggest thing for me was that even Head Start doesn't think their own program is successful but yet the government insists on spending billions on a program that can't even prove it's own worth and effort.
        In my humble opinion, the program would be a bigger success if the people doling out all the stupid paperwork, and rating scales, and educational "goals" for 0-5 year olds, and just let the providers and teachers TEACH the way we do with our community families, then they might see that educating Head Start children should be no different then educating any other child. Let them be kids, learn through play, and they will all do fine! We shouldn't be forced to document that jonny picked his nose at 26 months, jamie stacked 5 blocks, but susie, the same age can only stack 3 so SHE IS BEHIND FOR HER AGE OH MY GOD CALL IN THE EXPERTS TO OBSERVE HER AND FIND OUT WHY THE PROGRAM IS A FAILURE!

        So basically, I do believe in the program. I have seen in literally change families' lives. As will every program that is subsidized, you are going to have people who appreciate the help and make sure to use the tools offered to better their situations and you will have those who just want to handout. But stop the madness with the paperwork.

